The last day of the divine calendar in 1928 is the beginning of the New Year’s holiday. Both Demon King and hero will rest from today and spend the past few days when the new year is approaching.

The snow stopped before dawn this day, and there was no cloud when the sun came out.

The scenery room on the north side of the third floor of the White House is equipped with large glass windows on three sides. Sitting on a comfortable sofa, making a pot of tea, and opening a book, you can spend most of the day drwsily.

If you are tired of reading, you can see the beautiful North Garden and the maple forest from a distance standing behind the window.

Today's landscape room is very lively, the air conditioner makes it very warm, and the soft sound of music from the phonograph makes people feel very comfortable.

Auntie Cilantro has entered retirement mode. Today, she is sitting in front of the easel behind the window of the scenery room, and is concentrating on painting the white mountains in the distance.

Her painting skills are good, the white mountains ran to the canvas through the brush.

On the sofa next to Vichy, lying half-lying, holding a book of Northlands folk tales in her hand, she was fascinated by it.

In the corner of the room is a chessboard of devil beast, and Rigoletto is killing Cesare inextricably.

Although Rigoletto consciously leaned back at work, he did not distinguish between high and low on the chessboard. He manipulated the devil beast and constantly suppressed the space of Cesare, who manipulated the humans.

As a court noble, you need to master one or two specialties such as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and Rigoletto is an expert in devil beast chess.

Today, Tarantula tied Red's long hair into a ponytail and hung in front of him, sitting next to him and watching their two evenly matched chess players fight between square inches.

Next to the entrance of the scenery room is the piano room, which contains an expensive piano. There are other musical instruments in the cabinet against the wall, and there are many scores on the bookshelf on the other side.

Ellie sits at the piano and is familiar with the keys, while Mantua sits aside to tune the violin. The two of them have found a score for the piano and violin ensemble, and are preparing to try a ensemble. .

On the opposite side of the piano room is the activity room. Next to the pool table, Felix is ​​holding the cue and watching Xili prepare to hit the second ball into the bag.

On the other side, Gu Ming Di Shui is holding a table tennis racket and waiting. Opposite her, Biqi is tossing a ball made of slime glue high and preparing to serve.

Chaxi, dressed in a maid costume, watched nervously the distinguished guests at the table tennis table. Just now, when the two of them were playing, their eyes couldn't keep up with the speed of the ball.

There is a small kitchen on this floor. Aunt Pomegranate is preparing snacks and hot drinks for everyone.

Outside, the Artifact Spirit girls are playing snowball fights on the South Lawn. They are divided into two parties, one is "Spear of Cold Ice" Artifact Spirit Skadi, and the other is Freiya, Flica, Ida, Sybil, Dana and Logue.

Skadi at home is not afraid of their crowds, and they can easily pick six.

As for Charles...

Charles woke up before dawn, and went to the Oval Office after breakfast.

There is a huge wool carpet on the office floor, and the golden carpet has a silhouette pattern of this continent woven in the center.

On the south side of the office, there is a beautiful wooden desk, which was used by Thunder Emperor Ivan, the first emperor of the demon race. It was only after the owner of Freiya broke the Demon Sovereign palace that this desk and other furniture were destroyed. Put it in the storage ring and pack it away. Later it was bought by Charles, the first king of the Spirit King, and finally Charles bought it back when he was in Durian City.

Now the furniture in the Oval Office was moved out of the Demon Sovereign Palace that year. The elves collected a lot and he bought them all.

At this time, Demon Sovereign's desk was full of documents, and Charles had to finish processing these documents before noon.

The most important thing in today's work is the handling of cases in the territory village. These cases must be signed by him before the final judgment is completed.

Although the folk customs in the village are simple, there are still various civil disputes and criminal cases.

The first file that Charles picked up was a civil case. The plaintiff and the defendant he saw when he was a child, but a loving couple is now about to divorce.

As for the reason, Justice Yu has a black line, and the man is "unable"...

According to the tradition on the continent, if one of the spouses cannot proceed normally for various reasons The other party can file for divorce on this ground.

Charles sighed, the man was a member of the family caravan, and the woman was the maid of his mother. When they got married that year, the mother brought herself and her elder sister to celebrate. Didn’t expect...

He took out the paper and wrote something "shua~ shua~ shua~" on it, and then said to Alfe, who was caught by him for help, "You take this to that bastard and say Maybe we don’t need to divorce this marriage."

The expression on Alfe's face was a bit weird. He said, "Master, he hasn't taken less medicine in the past few years, but it's not good."

Charles gave Alfe the recipe for the stewed venison and said, "This recipe is very useful. Give him a try. I can't talk about it."

Then he went on to deal with the case, some Cases such as inheritance disputes and petty theft were quickly settled. But the last one was a case where the death penalty was sentenced. He read the file carefully three times.

The case is very simple. A man in the village went home to beat his wife when he was drunk, and then beat his wife to death.

The prisoner insisted that he and the deceased were very affectionate in the past. That day, he only used an axe to frighten the deceased. It was the deceased who hit the axe himself.

The corpse examination clearly stated that there were three fatal injuries on the deceased's body. If one can hit an axe with such a serious injury, that strength can beat the prisoner into meat cakes.

At the same time, several neighbor witnesses said that they heard the screams of the deceased. When they rushed over, they found that the prisoner was holding a blood-stained axe. The prisoner wanted to attack them after they discovered them.

But there are some testimonies that are beneficial to the prisoner, that is, the pub boss and a few guests proved that the prisoner only drank a glass of wine that day, and he was impossible to get drunk according to his previous drinking capacity.

Although these testimonies have been certified by the oath of God, the judges agreed that they cannot be used as evidence of the innocence of the prisoner.

Charles finally signed the letter above, agreeing to the judge's verdict and sentenced the prisoner to hang.

According to the tradition here, such murderers generally behead their heads, and the most sinister ones will hang upside down and sawn in half, but don’t be so bloody when you celebrate the new year.

The judgment file was soon delivered to the village by Alfe himself, and the gallows had been erected when Charles began to process the tax documents of the territory.

It didn't take long for Rigoletto to be called.

Charles held the tax form of Bosnia and Herzegovina and asked him with a calm face: "What is the situation of this first night power?"

The first night power is theoretically the same as the situation in Charles's previous life. , The lord can take the bride to the castle to have sex the night before the wedding. However, the lord of the overwhelming majority pays taxes on their behalf, and in fact collects "marriage tax" based on this.

Chu Yequan has long been abolished in the domain of the Yun family. After all, Count Megadon has looked good and has good character. Many girls would rather not pay this money...

The taxation project in Bosnia and Herzegovina has long been synchronized with Maple Forest. There is no reason for this problem.

Rigoletto understood the problem and sighed in relief. He said: "Master knows that I bought a manor next to the territory this summer. There is still the right of first night in that manor, tomorrow Only began to abolish, so there is this income."

Charles nodded, the purchase of the manor is within the scope of Rigoletto’s work. I also mentioned it in the work report yesterday, but didn’t Expect will come out like this.

Generally speaking, the taxation of the territory will not be adjusted until the second year. The original tax will be used for the land just bought in the first year. Since there will be no such thing next year, it will be fine.

I heard that some lords now use formal marriage taxes to replace the right of first night, and use tax payment certificates as the legal basis for husband and wife status. Charles is thinking about whether it should be implemented in his own territory. It is more convenient when dealing with many disputes.

As busy as noon, Charles finally finished processing all the documents.

It's just that he can stretch out only because he is lazy, and Reimu comes in with a bottle of wine.

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