Charles was surprised when he saw Reimu coming in. He changed back to the form of a god, holding a bottle of wine in his hand and a facial expression grave.

"What's wrong?" Charles asked.

"It's a major event!" Reimu put the bottle on the Demon Sovereign table, "The soul of the man who was hanged just now was a bit weird, so I asked him, and this was before he killed someone. The kind of wine you drink."

Charles picked up the bottle and looked at it. The bottle is very ordinary. The label is painted with a few dancing people, and it says "Dream", and the liquor inside is emerald green. It smells a little strange.

"What's the problem with this wine?" he asked.

Reimu replied: "Drinking can cause euphoria, but also addiction and hallucination!"

"Calcium Oxide!" Charles' eyes widened when he heard it. What is the difference between drugs and drugs?"

Reimu replied seriously: "There is no difference."

Charles quickly calmed himself down, his face was scary.

Reimu continued: "This matter is now being taken over by us. You need to cooperate with the work of the temples."

"Okay!" Charles agreed immediately, "Need Please tell me any help!"

"Don't beat the grass to scare the snake yet." Reimu said, "The temples need time to dig out the roots so they don’t run away. You can do it if it’s convenient. Help me find some news."

Charles immediately agreed. The fact that the deity himself took charge of this matter showed the seriousness of the matter.

His high profits are enough to make many people take risks, so that he dare not trust too many people in this matter, but these gods are absolutely trustworthy.

It's like a wolf entering the sheep pen, and the shepherd who reacted most violently.

Charles asked, "Can I buy all this wine?"

That's fine."

Charles nodded, and then ran to the village in person. On the one hand, he humbled and asked Nuan to understand the sentiments of the people, and on the other hand he bought back all the bottles of this wine in the tavern.

The size of the village in his territory is not small, catching up with a smaller town.

Fortunately, the bars here are on both sides of the main road, and he can walk all the way through all the bars.

He walked to the door of the last bar and saw four emerald green cucumbers painted on the signboard.

Because this is the first place where Northlands started off-season vegetable planting, it has strong technical force and the fruits and vegetables produced are not only high in yield, but also of excellent quality.

So every winter, many wealthy people simply move here to spend the winter in order to have a bite of fresh fruits and vegetables every day.

The villagers and guests don’t have much entertainment in the winter. They start drinking and bragging in the tavern after lunch.

As soon as Charles walked into the tavern, his ears almost buzzed with a burst of laughter.

Just listen to an old man sitting in the middle of the pub drinking a mouthful of wine, wiping his beard and shouting loudly: "Don’t believe me, I asked the caravan from Elizabeth Princess It’s the cook, our master is really able to pick up beautiful girls in three days!"

"Yesterday, the master invited us to dinner, good fellow, none of those girls are not beautiful... …"

Charles looked at the Old Guy with a black line, wondering if he was going to burn his beard.

Bar Boss, Dudesi, look at Charles, hurried over to entertain him, and said graciously: "The distinguished guest is here, is it uncomfortable to live in other places? I will keep the room I said yesterday for you. "

At this time, the old man came in and continued to shout: "You don't know, our master is different from ordinary people, when he was four years old..."

"Pighead three!" Charles rushed over and grabbed the old man's beard, gnashing teeth and said: "If you dare to arrange the master, believing or not, I will pull out your beard!"

Pig Tou Si was anxious when he saw Charles rushing up to grab his old father's beard, thinking that this person would be against his father, so he picked up the wine bottle on the table next to him and rushed over.

My son didn't recognize Charles, but I just ate with him last night, why didn't he recognize him?

"Ah...Master?!" Pigtou cried three times, "What a coincidence."

"What a coincidence, you are a pig!" Charles roared, "I knew you. I want to arrange Laozi, so I'm here!"

After roaring, he let go of the Old Guy's beard, turned his head and looked towards Dutou Si who was holding the wine bottle in a daze.

Pig Tou Siyi looked dumbfounded, didn't expect this man is the master, if this bottle is smashed down, his life will be ruined, maybe the gallows just torn down will be put up again.

However, he has been a pub boss for so many years, and he has seen a lot of tricky guests from north to south, and his ability to adapt to changes is pretty good!

"Everyone!" Zhutou Si turned around and said to the guests all around, "Let us raise our glasses to toast to our dear lord!"

Immediately after he finished speaking Pulling off the stopper of the wine bottle in his hand, he drank a bottle of wine in one breath.

At this time, a girl younger than Charles ran over at the bar, and she held a glass of ale and handed it to him.

Charles took the wine glass and patted the head of Dutou Wu and said: "I haven't seen you for so many years, I am quite high."

He raised the wine glass and toasted with the guests, and then said "Tomorrow is the New Year, I will put a water table on the street, everyone is coming!"

There was a burst of cheers in the tavern. The last time a water table was placed in the village was Charles' eighth birthday.

After drinking this glass, he sat down at the bar, beckons with the hand let the pig head around.

The smiles on Zhutou's four faces were a bit false. He patted his daughter's head and asked her to bring the master drink over.

Zhutou went to the wine cellar to get the wine, Charles took out the bottle of "dream" and asked Zhutou four: "Do you have this kind of wine here?"

Si hurriedly said: "Oh, sir, you really know the goods, this alcohol is expensive!"

"It is different from other wines. Drinking a small glass of this wine can make people fly as comfortable as it is sold. It's great!"

Charles waved his hand and said, "I bought all of them."

"Okay!" Dutou was very happy." I'll let Xiaowu send it to you later. I don't make any money from the master, so I will charge you the cost price."

Charles rolled the eyes at him, threw a few gold coins to him, and said : "Master is like someone who is too poor to be greedy for your little bargain?"

"Where did this wine come from? Next time I buy it myself, and I won't grab your business."

Pig Tou Si hurriedly reached out and swept the gold coin on the bar counter in front of him, and then said: "If you ask someone else, I don't know, I understand!"

"A sale came in the fall. The caravan of wine, the new face, lived with me at that time."

"At that time, I had a bad talk with them, and then I had to get the contact information. They said that I wanted to buy the goods and contact them in the Emerald Dream. In the future, I'm the agent in the village."

Charles groaned on the surface, and vomited in his heart. Isn't this a credit to the door?

He said: "You can get in touch there. I like this wine. Ask them to send a batch to City of Knowledge to give it to me."

"Good! Dutou immediately agreed, "I'll talk to them tonight!"

Charles went back to the Oval Office after talking nonsense with him, and Reimu is still here.

"Damn!" Reimu exclaimed after listening to Charles' report, "It turns out that I can beat someone down the network cable one day. We take this credit alone!"

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