Fire Element creatures look stupid, and their IQ is a little higher than ordinary slime. That's because life here is too easy, and it doesn't mean they are bullies.

As elemental creatures condensed by magical elements, their favorite environment is naturally the place where similar elements gather.

They make a living by absorbing similar magic elements. Living here is naturally like a mouse that has fallen into a rice tank. Plus, there are no natural enemies, and everyday life is endless.

Who knows that Charles, he was arrogant and merciless, and actually led people to open a few Transmission Gates leading to the Water Element world near the core of the Fire Element world.

The flood composed of Water Element appeared here, like a stall of stinky tofu in a western restaurant, which immediately aroused public outrage.

Countless Fire Element creatures come from all directions. Some of them look like humans, some are like snakes, some have more legs than crabs, and they have different numbers on both sides, so they are extremely rich. Imagination.

In the face of foreign elements, the aboriginals here are following each other, exhausting all their energy, even their own bodies trying to eliminate the invaders.

On the tops of several hills, the faces of the people who maintained the Transmission Gate were flushed with excitement.

The Fire Element creatures annihilated in the Water Element turned into EXP. After the first upgrade, they opened their attribute board and saw EXP soaring rapidly.

Charles sat alone on the top of a mountain, took out a cigar, grabbed a Fire Element, lit it, and took a deep breath.

The battle in the gorge made him a little moved. The Fire Element creatures from both ends of the gorge rushed into the water wave without hesitation, and forcibly blocked the flowing Water Element in the middle of the gorge.

A burst of hot energy that made people feel deep in one's heart swept through, Charles startled, hurriedly signaled the disciplines to stop, and then hid it in the bunker.

A silly slime can become a god, so it’s not surprising that one or two peerless powerhouses appear among the same silly elementary creatures.

The Transmission Gate disappeared, and the weak Water Element was quickly dealt with by the Fire Element creatures, and they gradually gathered in the canyon.

At this moment, a large area of ​​Transmission Gate suddenly appeared, instantly covering a long canyon, and the torrential flood instantly swept the gathered elemental creatures.

In an instant, Charles felt someone staring at him.

A flame rushed from the central area with a sonic boom, destroying a series of Transmission Gates in the sky in the blink of an eye.

A giant flame bird with a wingspan of more than 100 meters hovered in the air, then swooped down at Charles on the top of the mountain.

Charles hurriedly mobilized the remaining Water Element around him to condense in front of him, and at the same time transformed it into an ice element, creating an ice wall up to two meters thick.


The huge sound is deafening, and the ice wall in the sky is not much stronger than the oily tofu under the impact of the giant flame bird.

The ice wall is gone, and the top of the mountain collapsed.

Charles had strayed a long time ago, teleported himself to another hill near the exit of the canyon in the central area, and then released a Transmission Gate.

On the one hand, this Transmission Gate must be in order to fill up the Water Element required for spellcasting. On the other hand, it must draw this terrifying Fire Bird away from where the disciplines are.

Sure enough, Fire Bird's loathing of Water Element triumphed over everything, and it rushed towards Charles regardless of whether it moved towards Charles.

When it flew close, Charles repeated the old trick, and then it slammed its head against a thicker ice wall.

The result was the same. The ice wall was shattered and the mountain top was directly flattened.

Master Yun doesn't care about taking the disciplines to gain insights. There is at least such a terrifying existence in the central area. Going there is no different from delivering food.

His current idea is to lead this big guy to the central area, and then use teleportation to get out of its lock and run back, and finally take the disciplines to pick up a few better elemental crystals and retreat Bar.

So he just used Transmission Gate as a bait all the way, leading the Fire Bird to run farther and farther, leaving the canyon in this way.

In the basin outside the canyon, Charles took out the Divine Sword of Raging Flames from the storage ring, and then called Logue out.

The Artifact Spirit girls don't like this dying hot place, they would rather go back to the body and stay in the storage ring, and then help when needed.

And Logue didn't want to be teased by Charles about his and her husband's things along the way, so he returned to his body.

Logue looked around after she appeared, and said, "Oh, here we are, we are coming to the center..."

She didn’t finish her words, just Lifts the head in a daze, looked towards the sky.

Charles felt that she and the Fire Bird were looking at each other.

And the Fire Bird flapped its wings and floated in the air after spotting Logue, seeming to be remembering something.

Logue sighed: "It hasn't been seen for hundreds of years. It's bigger."

Charles asked curiously: "You know?"

He I thought to myself, if this Fire Bird is a familiar bird of Logue, then everyone can talk about it.

Before Logue could answer, Fire Bird suddenly screamed, causing the surrounding Fire Element to mutate.


Charles did not become wo sauce, but when Fire Bird pounced again, he found that the only basic elements around had become With Fire Element, it can't be transformed into a space element to activate teleportation. You can only say "Lying Calcium Oxide" before you finish saying "Leopard's speed pattern" and running away.

Fire Bird hit the ground and blew up a huge shock wave. Charles was hit by the shock wave and flying rocks into a ground-falling hydrangea.

When he got up quickly, he found that Logue was not much better.

Logue is Fire Bird's target. She is now lying on the ground holding her body.

Charles rushed over without a word, picked up the Divine Sword of Raging Flames Logue on his back and continued to run, as long as he ran out of this flame field, he could use teleportation.

He asked as he ran: "Logue, is it against you? How come you can even use the domain when I see you!"

Logue was breathing in embarrassment "This...that...when my husband and I came here, I absorbed its younger brother, or younger sister..."

"Why didn't you say it earlier!" Charles There is a black line. I didn't hear her talk about it when I asked Logue about the situation before.

Logue "hehe" awkwardly twice, and said: "It was still small, with a wingspan of more than fifty meters..."

Charles roared: "Wait Let’s go back, you are the first user of the fully automatic spanking machine!"

At this time, Fire Bird’s second round attack is about to arrive. This time it is no longer a dive, but a post. Flying at the speed of sound on the ground, intending to cut the target with wings.

Charles saw a relatively low-lying place in front of him, and immediately rushed over, pressing Logue under his home while breaking Demon God's power to cover the upper part.

Although Fire Bird's wings did not cut him, the air pressure caused by supersonic flight was extremely high, and he felt an elephant dancing ballet on his body.

In addition to the pressure of the airflow, the loud sound also made his head hum, and he lost his ability to move for a while.

But his counterattack was not a no-effect. Fire Bird’s wings hit the power of Demon God, and a huge hole was cut out, and he had to recover in the air first.

When he finally recovered, he asked Logue: "You can't beat it?"

Logue said bitterly: "I attack it and add blood to it. What's going on."

Charles is speechless, now he can't use magic, the opponent's speed is too fast, and the attack power is extremely strong, it is difficult to deal with.

There is no way to hide like this. Now the Fire Bird is climbing to the sky, and it is estimated that it will make a big move later.

At this time, Logue said: "Boss, as long as you destroy the elemental crystals in its body, you can destroy it."

Charles replied: "I think so, fight it. !"

Although he can't use magic, he has a lot of Divine Items, and he doesn't talk about ethics. All Divine Items are released for group fights.

"Ah!" Skadi exclaimed as soon as he came out, "It's so hot! I'm going to get familiar!"

Flica, without saying anything, waved Myriad in his hand. Law Scepter instantly put Skadi on a thick suit.

Charles ignored their mess, and started to command the next battle: "Freiya, first use Demon God to weaken the Fire Element on the bird."

" Skadi, you will be the main force next. It’s up to you to blast its body to reveal the elemental crystal."

"Flica, you can add buffs to everyone, it’s better to slow down its speed."


"Sybil, you are here to direct the timing of the hands-on."

"Logue, you can see the position of the elemental crystal clearly."

"Ada, Dana, you two Be adaptable."

The command is over, and the Fire Bird in the high air also began to dive towards this side.

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