
Flica makes various elements appear around.


Transmission Gate appears in the air.

Skadi began to gather energy and brew big moves.


A large number of high-pressure Water Element sprayed into the sky.


A few meters thick ice wall appears behind the Transmission Gate.


The second ice wall appears.


Three meters thick Reinforced stone walls appeared.


second 7m thick reinforced stone wall appeared.


Fire Bird destroys Transmission Gate.


Fire Bird destroys the first ice wall.


Fire Bird destroys the second ice wall.


Fire Bird destroyed the first reinforced stone wall.

Freiya released the cylindrical Demon God force along its motion track .


Fire Bird destroys the second reinforced stone wall.


Fire Bird fell into the cylinder of breaking Demon God force.


Freiya launches two magic-breaking blade attacks towards the opponent's wings.


Fire Bird becomes "Dianren㇀鸟".


Freiya activates the non-magic realm.


I found that the "human bird" who could not absorb the Fire Element to repair the body slowed down and wanted to run.

Logue found each other Elemental crystal position.


Flica, Dana, and Ida Qili launch the divine technique "multiple bondage".


Skadi launched the divine technique "Sigh of Goddess of Ice and Snow".


Fire Bird becomes "Fei Dian".


Charles grabbed the elemental crystal before sending it to "Fei Dian".


Charles returns to the ground.

Fire Bird dissipated.


Everyone sighed in relief.


Freiya is called Logue Help yourself to beat the back.


Everyone started taunting Logue for eating indiscriminately.


Skadi asked Logue to rub his shoulders.


Skadi asked Charles for a drink.


Logue Rub your shoulders and beat your back for everyone.


At the end of the battle, Charles and a group of Divine Items shot at the same time, and the Fire Bird was wiped out in the breath.

The spoils of war this time is not simple. The element crystal exploded by Fire Bird is as big as a corbel, and none of the spoils exploded in the canyon can match it.

When Charles and the Disciple and Artifact Spirit girls were picking up materials, Logue, carrying a huge basket, said with a puzzled look: "It's strange, when I came over there weren’t so many elemental creatures gathered here. Here."

Flica just put a few elemental crystals into the basket behind Logue, and said after hearing: "It must be you and your husband who were not ashamed or ashamed along the way. Even the elemental creatures I can’t stand to run away."

Logue heard that he wanted to hit people, and finally Dana said the reason: "I think, it’s their breeding season. Before, my master and I didn’t come here to look for them. I've been to Logue, and the situation was similar."

At this time, Charles came over, and he put a large handful of elemental crystals in the basket behind Logue and asked Dana: "Dana, let's go call In the elemental world, would you like to eat too?"

"Skadi, too."

Skadi shook the head, who just came over to put the materials and said, "I just drink. Now."

Dana said: "I'm picky eaters."

"Why do you learn Freiya?" Charles said, "Is there a way to add energy and picky eaters?"


Freiya happened to come here too. She kicked Charles in the calf and said, "Why are you going to get me involved? She was strapped to a lightning rod to charge too much, and now she is charging inside and out. It's full."

Charles felt like she was speaking badly.

At this time, Ada asked: "Boss, are you interested in raising some elemental creatures?"

Charles curl one's lip, asked: "Bring it up to help Logue boil water "

"No." Ada said, "If, as Dana said, the elemental creatures here are in the reproductive period, then you can find someone who has just formed but is not sane. Inside."

"This kind of symbiosis between the elemental creatures and the host can be seen as the continuation of the host’s will and strength. Not only is the battle strength good, but it is also very cool."

This When everyone had picked up the materials and came over, they threw the elemental crystals to Logue to carry them.

Hearing what Ida said, Vichy thought for a while and said a name, and then said: "I remember he can summon wyvern anytime, anywhere."

The Artifact Spirit girls looked towards Logue at the same time, and Logue said: "He was my master more than a thousand years ago, and his elemental pets seemed to be found in the lava hell below Goutou Mountain when he was six years old. At that time, we I don't know it yet, so I don't know."

Charles frowned asked: "The shape of the elemental creature is adjustable?"

This is very important.

He doesn’t like the elemental creatures at first. After all, Old Ancestor wants to make equipment for himself. It’s not bad for this strength. The most important thing is the elemental creature that I just saw crooked. Too much.

Wait and release a weird creature with five legs on the left, eight legs on the right, and a row of squid whiskers under the mouth. Even if it is as strong as the Fire Bird just now, but the reputation of someone is also destroyed.

Even the Fire Bird doesn't look very good, and the bird shape in stick figure style is still falling in price.

The man raised a wyvern with a spear mouth and two feet, which means that it is not like the crooked melons here, but the shape is fine enough to make people recognize what it is.

"Of course." Ada said, "It is the continuation of the host's will. The natural host wants it to grow as long as it grows."

Charles asked again Said: "Is it okay to let it grow like this?"

Ada gave him a panting with rage.

Charles said to the disciplines: "Have you heard, if you are interested, grab one and raise one. At least it is good to take care of the nursing home."

disciple Our eyes are shining. They have already made a lot of money this time. Now they have pets. Where can I find such a good thing?

So the entire group happily moved towards the central area.

Along the way, Charles wondered what he wanted to look like when he caught the pet?

The core of this question is that when he raises his hand, he throws a flame Oriental giant dragon or a flame Phoenix, which is more handsome.

Think about the Flame Mountain chicken that I used to create with the shaping magic before. It is a proper dark history.

In the end, he decided to get a Fire Phoenix. Its aspect ratio is better than that of the Oriental giant dragon. It has a visual impact without posing, and it will not be regarded as a snake.

"Wow! Come here, everyone!!"

Ada's exclamation in the distance pulled him back from serious thinking.

At this time, the Fire Element around them was so dense that the visibility was only a dozen meters, making people feel like they were walking in the mud, and the purity was extremely high, even the spirit strength of Vichy couldn't push them away.

But it's not a big deal for Charles, and it's a lot worse than the Fire Element in the entrance control of the Lord's House.

He propped up a spirit strength shield, allowing the disciplines to stay in a safe place five or six meters beside him.

The Artifact Spirit girls do not matter, they seem to be planning something except Logue.

Now Ida seems to have made a big discovery, Charles followed the voice with the disciplines, and on the way I heard someone telling Freiya to hold Logue, and Freiya asked for support.

Charles and they came to a huge rock, and saw that the black rock was cut out of a plane, and there was a pattern inlaid with red magic crystals on the plane.

Allie, Heili, and Tarantula looked at the pattern with puzzlement, not knowing what it meant.

While the well-read Vichy was stunned, she knew the meaning of the dao chart case, and then looked towards Logue who wanted to destroy but was held back by everyone.

Charles laughed out loud there. This pattern is nothing else, it is the same umbrella that I often saw in Japanese animation works in his previous life.

The left side of the umbrella handle is a Japanese name, and the right side is the name of Logue.

Obviously, this was left by Logue and her husband more than three hundred years ago.

Charles scratched Freiya's head, and then said: "Don't bully her anymore, let's find new elemental creatures first."

Less than half Minutes, the entire group shuaa~ scattered, leaving Logue there alone.

More than three hundred years have passed. The magic crystals that ran out of magic power were filled with energy on the stone wall, and there was only one person who embedded them.

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