The gossip news in the school spreads extremely fast, especially when it occurs in the boys’ dormitory. It also involves the school’s famous "vegetable", the beautiful new teacher of the Academy, temporary school flowers and the whole school. The fattest girl and other extremely eye-catching elements.

Charles has seen the terrifying side of the learners. After Heidi understood the role of the core of the magic brain, it was like opening a door to the New World. She was extremely serious about learning from Diana. Knowledge, and then a series of questions about the generation and processing of communication signals continuously emerged.

After pomegranate leaves came back from the cafeteria for dinner, the two of them were eating and discussing. Charles finally found a chance to remind them that it was dark.

Who knows Heidi said: "I heard that the bastard is going to come to me, then I will say that I am your lover and let him get out, so it is normal for me to live here."


Charles has a black line. She must have learned from Vichy and the others that she is decent and does not mess with the relationship between men and women.

And Diana said: "It's strange that I won't be hacked to death by Altria when I go back."

Charles can only say: "I will be caught and beaten by the student council. "

Heidi squinted at him and said, "This is a teaching task."

Charles had no choice but to sleep on the floor.

He could accept the original result, but at noon of the second day, someone came again.

The round Leo Senior Sister went home after a new year and became bulging. She has a very good relationship with Heidi. Last year, she helped Heidi escape from home. Now I heard Heidi After living in Charles' dormitory, I rushed over to see what was going on.

Leo is the Chief-In-Charge who controls the system in the rowing research team. The remote control system just needs her to cooperate, so he was caught by Heidi teacher and joined the discussion.

The problem is big this time. Leo is a Princess from a certain country in the south, and classmate Medivh’s person is the Crown Prince of a certain country in the south. If these two people spend the night in the dormitory, it would be a diplomatic incident.

So Charles immediately ran away and invited Enrico and Alvin to the space gate to brush the monster for a day in order to create an alibi.

The space gate has an area dedicated to adventurers, and you can stay there for a certain amount of time after paying the money.

Charles came here for the first time, but Enrico and Alvin came here several times during the holidays.

It was very lively outside the registration point, and Charles watched it a little bit of tears.

"Bring newcomers, our team has rich experience!!"

"Rock shield warrior squad, professional master and archer for twenty years!"

"Mage The team seeks defense warrior ㅤ requires a weight of more than 100㎏"

"Aishi rice chain restaurant takes out, soup is free!"

"Radiant Theology Court squad, not for making money Just to let you feel the grace of the God of Light"

"Weapon and armor repair ㅤ God of Forging bless you"

"Dawn Hotel ㅤ Warm Home"


Charles can't complain about the various brands, and can only lament that the nerves of the people in this world are different from those in their hometown.

Enrico asked Charles: "Should we team up with someone?"

Charles looked at those who raised cards for teamwork. The strength is good for adventurers. Yes, but to him he still doesn't know who brought whom.

He asked: "Which position do you say we lack?"

Enrico remembered that this product was omnipotent, so he could only shrug his shoulders.

At this moment, Alvin was on the sidelines to reveal the old story: "Grace and Nettini have not yet come back, he wants to take the opportunity to pick up girls."

Charles patted Enrico’s Shoulder, he said: "One pair of wings can fly, and three wings will smash you to death."

He first went to the Aixifan’s stall to buy a few takeaways. When the nine-year-old little girl gave the money, he threw a gold coin to her, so there was no need to look for it.

At the registration point, they paid the money. They led the soul defensive board and followed the adventurer's union staff to the front of the line of defense. There was one after another knee-high fence on the ground, five meters apart. The front of the fence is their defense zone, unless the situation is urgent, don't steal the neighbor's blame.

Charles got stuck in his throat and couldn't spit it out.

The three of them quickly divided their jobs. Enrico was responsible for the dead spirits who rushed over. After borrowing the money, Alvin, who bought two pistols similar to the Desert Eagle, took charge a little further. Some strange, Charles used magic to solve the distant ones.

Behind them, there is another working student who is responsible for counting their results.

After fighting for so long, Spirit World also found something wrong here, because there were too few spoils of war back.

In the face of this situation, the necromancers' approach is to send a large number of low-end necromancers to consume the human defense line.

It's just that they can't see the situation here, otherwise they will definitely change their strategy.

Alvin is checking the reloading of the pistol before the new necromancers come out.

Charles is very curious about this B13-style pistol that Ji Shijun has just tossed out. From the serial number, it can be seen that this man did not play CS less.

Although the Desert Eagle was hunted in their hometown, the formidable power is huge, but the recoil is so great that the user will hurt his wrist or even dislocate his shoulder if he is not careful, but the recoil is in This powerhouse is much stronger than the ordinary world, but it is not a problem. It sold out as soon as it was put on the market in the New Year.

Charles resentfully remembered the pistol that was issued by the Elf army. That guy was re-enacted by Fillip. The reason why he re-enacted this wall is because he had only used this pistol in his previous life. .

Now Ji Shijun has plans to sell guns on a large scale. In the New Year, he also launched a beautifully decorated small-caliber self-protection pistol for ladies, which is also very popular.

It’s just that someone feels that there is collusion between the Shang Ji Shijun and Alston I in this matter, because Alston I sells the bullets.

While waiting for the refresh, Enrico suddenly asked Charles: "Just now when you were buying takeaway, when you looked at that little girl, your eyes didn't move. What are you doing?"

Charles wanted to smash this guy with a black chicken leg. He replied: "That little girl looks a bit familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere."

Enrico said with a smile:" If she were younger, I would think she was your illegitimate daughter."

Charles gave him a blank look, and then said to Alvin: "Wait for us to fish, this guy will be exhausted. ."

They joked for a while, and a densely packed monster appeared on the space door.

At this time, something went wrong. Hundreds of undead humanoids with wings on their hands and bird claws suddenly flew into the sky.

There are few dead spirits that can fly, but every time they come out they cause some trouble.

Last year, necromancers flew to the Kven people and made a big news. The air force was also strengthened here. At this time, the Griffin Knight of the Bischberg Kingdom and the hurricane of the Rerik Kingdom flew to the Dragon Knight quickly. Lift off.

The nimble Griffon Knight rushed straight into the group of dead spirits in the air, and the hurricane flew Dragon Knight to form an encirclement on the periphery to prevent the dead spirits from escaping.

The group of undead spirits saw someone blocking the sky, so they lowered their height and moved towards other places to break through.

Seeing from the air, the army lineup of all around is neat, and the adventurer's side is loose, so the undead gathered into a formation and moved towards the breakthrough at low altitude regardless of the attack from above.

Charles "cough cough" cleared his throat twice, and then said loudly to his companions: "I'm going to magnify the trick. Don't be scared."

Rico and Alvin rushed behind him and gave up ahead.

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