Enrico and Alvin stood behind Charles, a little nervous and curious, waiting for him to zoom in.

Not only the two partners, but the adventurers next to them also looked over, and everyone was very curious.

I saw Charles' right hand raised above his head, and a beautiful Fire Phoenix appeared on the palm of his hand after a while.

"Wow! So cute!"

You can see that Little Sister, the mage in the next team, really likes the palm-sized Fire Phoenix. Her eyes are almost glowing. NS.

And the warrior Old Brother next to her "pu 呲" laughed out and said, "From a cute point of view, it is indeed a big move."

Charles turned his head and laughed He said to him: "Thank you, I have studied it for a long time."

tone barely fell, with a wave of the claw, the Fire Phoenix with the palm of the hand flew out.

I saw that Fire Phoenix was divided into two and two into four in the air, and at the same time, its body size was getting bigger and bigger. After a few breaths, four Fire Phoenix with a wingspan of 50 meters crashed head-on into the air. An angry group of undead spirits.

The big explosion that everyone expected did not appear. These Fire Phoenix suddenly opened their mouths and flicked their necks. The dense flame peas swept the undead like four whips.

The dead spirits flying in the front were completely unprepared, and the surrounding dark elements could not offset the extremely pure Fire Element. They instantly became fireballs, and they were burned to ashes before they landed.

There is a leader among these flying undead. Charles had spotted him early, and the four fire pea whips met on him.

These dead spirits immediately dispersed, trying to surround the Fire Phoenix.

I saw the Fire Phoenix suddenly accelerate to raise the height, and then dived down again with the fire pea net to get rid of a lot of dead souls.

Amid the exclamation and cheers of everyone, the enemies in the air were stirred up by the rampant Fire Phoenix. Those who fled were also wiped out by the Griffin Knight and the hurricane wyvern cavalry.

All the enemies in the air were wiped out, and the Fire Phoenix reunited into one, changed back to the size of a palm, and finally flew back to Charles's palm.

Enrico asked Charles with bright eyes: "What kind of magic is this?"

Charles replied: "This is not magic, it is an elemental creature. I went with Count Megadon a while ago. It was caught by the subspace."

Not only the two little friends, but the adventurers beside them also exclaimed in admiration.

The battle is still going on. The undead on the ground are attacking the surrounding defense line, seeming to find a breakthrough for the defense line.

Soon after these humanoid necromancers with various tails in armor and various tails rushed to the front of the adventurer's line of defense.

Charles took a closer look, and the ear holes of these human-shaped necromancers with tails are at the top of their heads. They should be beastman.

For a time on the battlefield, magic and arrows flew together, and bone meal flew ashes.

Just now, Little Sister, the lovely mage of Charles’s Fire Phoenix, moved towards their squad and threw a cluster wind blade in front of them.

"Pretty girl," Charles asked her, "You are out of bounds, right?"

The wizard little elder sister said triumphantly in a sweet voice: "You are the number one Come on again, it won’t be considered as crossing the boundary if the magic is in front of us."

Charles replied politely: "Thank you, I understand!"

Isn’t it just to grab the blame? Who is afraid of whom?

The corn cannon appeared behind him, the corn cob exuding golden light was raised high, and then flew into the sky.

Many people's eyes were attracted by the huge golden light corn on the cob. They watched the corn cross the sky and then fell among the dead in front.

The large dark element shields that the undead cast simultaneously through magic power failed to block the five-meter-diameter corn cob. It "Pa" like glass turned into fragments.

The corn cob fell into the mist of dark element, and within half a second, a glare of golden light flashed.

Charles modified the corn on the cob to deal with the undead. Inside it is a high-purity light element dyed golden.

The light element whose purity is similar to the center of the light element world instantly swept the Necromancer and archer behind. The energy generated by the mutual annihilation of the two elements exploded the Necromancer within a hundred meters into bone meal.

In each of the Academy joint defense zones next to the adventurer zone are senior students. Many people who saw corn cannons on the beach last year sucked in a breath of cold air.

"Ma Dan," a student wiped the cold sweat from his head, "Last year I wanted to ride the'vegetable' corn to try to fly."

The classmate said: "Fortunately, you didn't find him, otherwise it would be difficult for us to spell you back completely." Over Charles, Enrico and Alvin didn't feel much about his performance. Surprised, but Little Sister, the mage of the next team, opened his mouth round in surprise.

The melee soldiers are approaching, and walking in the forefront is the necromancer holding a lance and a shield, and Alvin starts to work.

His current shooting skills are barely qualified, and he can only achieve a headshot within 20 meters.

Enrico negotiated with the surrounding teams of adventurers, and waited for everyone to initiate a counter-charge together. Such cooperation is not uncommon among adventurers.

Alvin, who had just killed a few shield soldiers, agreed with his plan after hearing his plan, and Charles had to cooperate with several other teams.

The corn cannon disappeared, replaced by ice watermelons.

Following an order from an elderly adventurer, Alvin and the mages next to him, Little Sister and the others, took action at the same time. Their target was the shield soldier in front.

While the three rows of shield soldiers fell one after another, the ice watermelon and other wizards’ field-controlling magic fell behind them, and the necromantic warrior in the rear was either stuck in the ground or frozen with bones and joints. Not flexible anymore.

As the magic of mage began to extend backward, the warriors of these adventurer parties launched a countercharge.

The warrior Old Brother of the next team smashed the skull of a dead soul with a sword and saw a red light flashing by. He turned his head and found that the wand in the hands of the mage brother next door was long. A fire knife came out, leading the two companions into the necromantic army.

Charles and Enrico have battlefield experience. They know that to deal with these magic power synchronized military formations must disrupt the enemy's position, so as to reduce the pressure on their side.

When Enrico was discussing with the other squad just now, he proposed a plan to let his side go deep into the enemy's army and disrupt the enemy.

Those adventurers saw that Charles was so awesome, so his party member was not a weak one. They wanted to come and they could do it, so they agreed to his plan.

It’s just that the actions of these three people are beyond the expectations of others. Everyone thinks that the mage little brother and the little brother with the gun will support the Swordsman little brother in the back. Unexpectedly, it was Faye who rushed with two warriors. past.

I saw Charles take the lead. Enrico and Alvin, who put on their gloves, were picking up leaks from the side. They rushed through the enemy line and slammed into the decapitated officer, making it a Heaven and Earth turning. upside down.

Enrico still has the power to complain: "The strength of these long tails is not good, they are much worse than the murlocs."

Charles did not pick up this one, but said solemnly: "Something happened, can you two go back alone?"

Enrico said: "No problem, we can go back."

A few hundred came out from the space gate just now. Lesser dragon cavalry, the beastman necromancers riding the giant lesser dragon necromancer similar to the Three-Horned Dragon, are moved towards the junction of the adventurer defense zone and the Academy student defense zone and quickly adjust their formation.

The individual strength of these heavy cavalry is extremely strong. The thick armor and weapons in the Knight and mount are all high-end goods.

It can be seen that the Necromancer’s tactic is to use cannon fodder to find the flaws and then let these elite heavy cavalry break through. It is estimated that there will be a large number of troops occupying, consolidating and expanding the gap.

The command also realized that the problem was serious, and the rocket launcher of the direct fire support force immediately covered the space gate.

However, the transformation and starting speed of these necromantic heavy cavalry is beyond everyone's imagination. They only ran a few steps and reached a speed of 60 kilometers per hour, like a black storm rushing towards the target. The rocket has only a little tail off.

When Charles smashed through the necromantic infantry formation, he already felt the ground shaking. The adventurers and Academy students in front of the necromancer were stuck by the necromantic infantry, and they were in a dilemma.

With the charging speed of the dead heavy cavalry, it takes only twenty seconds to step on the cannon fodder infantry to rush into the defense line of adventurers and students.

Fortunately, the Academy’s defense zone is on the other side. The teachers who are sitting in the town are quite strong, and a huge magic array has appeared in the air.

Adventurers are a bit miserable. The several adventurer parties that pay to guard the joint are medium-to-higher strength. It is easy to deal with the necromantic infantry, but there is nothing to deal with the necromancer and food delivery. The difference, and the expert of the Adventurer’s Guild takes half a minute to arrive.

Charles immediately wielded the black chicken leg to cast a spell quickly, and a deep red fire wall stopped in front of the dead heavy cavalry.

The black storm without the slightest hesitation slammed into it, and when they came out from the other side, the surrounding dark elements were a little less.

Two meters behind the wall of fire is a wall of light elements, but the explosion caused by the annihilation of the light dark element that Charles had predicted did not appear. The elements are isolated.

Then these undead slammed heads into the vertical surface of the "Ꚁ" shaped reinforced stone wall behind the light element wall.

Charles has been researching methods to deal with heavy cavalry for many years. This time, the shape of the reinforced stone wall technique is different from the traditional stone wall technique. It has foundation piles deep in front and back. Into the ground.

The charge of the dead heavy cavalry was a stop, and the large magic on the Academy just caught up, and a large flaming meteor suddenly smashed on their heads.

Charles didn’t stop here either. At this time, he didn’t hide and tuck him anymore. The twelve wind Phoenix with a wingspan of 20 meters created by Wind Element was each holding two destroying mushrooms. The extremely fast speed pounced on the heavy cavalry of the necromancers who were regrouping, and blew them up personally on the lesser dragon.

After such a delay, the expert from the Adventurer’s Union and the expert from the nearby defense zone also arrived.

Charles once again used the Reinforced Stone Wall technique to encircle the necromantic cavalry, and then slayed and entered with the experts.

It didn't take long for the space gate to kill a group of necro wolf cavalry, followed by a large group of necromancer heavy infantry, they are moving towards the position of the necromancer cavalry to kill.

The Phoenix element that just returned to Charles' body appears again.

The first attack this time was the two light Phoenix with a wingspan of 80 meters. The strong light element instantly suppressed the undead who used dark element.

Next appeared twelve extremely fast-flying wind Phoenix, they threw one after another destruction mushrooms on the heads of necromantic mage and archer.

Then Fire Phoenix appeared again. The twelve Fire Phoenix feet that appeared this time changed to the shape of Gatling. With the addition of the inside of the mouth, a total of 36 fire pea whips descended from the sky. , Plowed a fire gully in the necromantic army.

This batch of necromantic reinforcements suddenly fell apart and was wiped out by the main force before long.

The end of the hundreds of undead heavy cavalry who can’t run is not much better. When the two light Phoenix fly above the sky, the dark element magic of the undead has been greatly weakened. The attack power and defensive power were greatly reduced, and it didn't take long to be wiped out by the experts.

This period of time has passed, but you who just returned to the position to take a breath did not know that he was nicknamed "Birdman" today.

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