"City of Knowledge's Celebration Banquet"

Daily Jiwen City of Knowledge February 30 (Reporter Israel) ㅤ The night is low and the stars are falling At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, there was brightly lit and drum music in the banquet hall of the parliament building.

On the long dining table, the fine wine is filled with Mithril glasses, and the meat of the spear tooth whale exudes a seductive fragrance in the silver light glittering Mithril plate. The whole banquet hall is coveted. This It is a banquet held by the warriors who have made great contributions in the battle between the space gate and the undead.

This celebration banquet, Count Megadon has been planning for a long time.

Nearly eight months ago, the space leading to the Spirit World of the dead suddenly opened. In order to encircle their homes, countless warriors rushed to the battlefield without hesitation. Under their bloody battle, the dead spirits failed to break through the line of defense. .

Count Megadon and the City of Knowledge Council together decided to hold a celebration banquet, inviting people of merit to have a meal together.

The maids are carrying the fragrant to-and-fro dishes. The table is already open. The spear tooth whale caught by Count Megadon himself is the protagonist today.

"Everyone is having fun today, you must eat and drink!" Count Megadon raised his glass to greet everyone.

Erwin felt deeply about this hard-won celebration banquet. After the space door opened, he and his comrades immediately received the order, and after gathering overnight, they rushed from the Kingdom of Rerik to the City of Knowledge alternately by land and water, and went directly to the battle without a break.

"In the past few years, I was injured in the leg in the battle. I recuperated for more than a year, and then joined the teaching team." Erwin said. The teaching group is the most well-received and equipped unit in the Kingdom of Rerik, which makes some people quite criticized, thinking that they have wasted so much money.

As they were troubled by various rumors, ㅤ Auston I sent an order to dispatch all the teaching team: The Kingdom of Rerik sent troops to the space gate, and the whole teaching team dispatched.

From the first day of arriving on the front line, as the squad leader, Erwin has made how to win victory as his first major event. "Get up every day before dawn to check the weapons and ammunition of the whole class, for fear of problems on the battlefield. After returning in the evening, I will hold a summary meeting with my comrades to discuss the gains of the day and review my own mistakes." Erwin sighed with emotion.

During the days of battle, Erwin set a record of killing 26 necromantic Knights in one day. In addition to military awards, he also received a letter of commendation from Your Majesty, King Auston I. He was so happy that he invited his comrades to the tavern for a few drinks that night.

Erwin has more confidence in making contributions. He said to Faulkner, a member of the slime guards next to him, "Now we have a wise king and united comrades in arms. As long as our soldiers are smart and brave, we will not worry about no achievements."

Under the bright light, There were happy smiles on the faces of the warriors. Today, Fokker Naagh from the slime basin was happy outside and drank a few more glasses at the celebration banquet.

"I used to live in a hayloft. It was ventilated on five sides. It was repaired every year. There was a place near the door to raise cattle, people in the middle, and corn in the innermost part. The light in the house was not good, the same day and night "Black." Faulkner said, "We were living in the flood year, but after the slime basin, we relied on our own hands to live in the new wood house. I have made a lot of contributions in the past six months, and I can allocate it to my family by the end of the year. A spacious and bright concrete building."

Temple of War Pope Arnold Your Majesty is as happy as the warriors. "When the space door was first opened, we were mentally, personally and materially unprepared. Many people had no hope for the future. War God shelter, after more than half a year of fighting, we have established a solid line of defense and found it. With effective tactics, the warriors have gained confidence in victory, and there is no problem in eliminating the enemy in the end." Arnold said.


At the beginning of this unity banquet, victory banquet, and endeavor banquet, an episode appeared in the banquet hall .

An adventurer mage Little Sister stood up and said to Charles: "Dear Count Megadon, I have a little objection to the selection of guests today."

The banquet hall was suddenly quiet. After that, everyone's attention shifted from the Mithril tableware to the wizard Little Sister.

Charles looked at her with interest. He didn’t think that this little girl who praised her Fire Phoenix’s cuteness the day before yesterday was ruthless. Last winter, she killed a necromantic powerhouse with the trick of both sides suffer. By the way, rescued a group of second generation adventurers who pretended to be struck by lightning.

"Who did you say I missed?" Charles said kindly.

He doesn’t ask anyone who does not deserve to be named. This offends people. Many of the people present are proud and arrogant guys. If you miss one, it means everyone is qualified in his eyes. .

Moreover, the list of participants in the banquet is based on the statistics of the headquarters. It shouldn't be a problem.

The mage Little Sister said seriously: "I think Charles, the birdman who made great contributions on the frontline the day before yesterday, is qualified to sit here."

Many people nodded agree that the feat of blocking flying necromancers, intercepting necromancer heavy cavalry, and dispersing follow-up troops is enough to have a seat in the banquet hall.

Several people who knew the inside story were suffocating, waiting for Charles to respond.

Charles in the main seat laughed heartily there. He laughed a few times and said, "Medi and I have known each other for many years. They are old friends who have known me for many years. I took it in the cellar."

Noble’s wine cellar is a very private place, and being able to directly enter the other’s cellar shows that the relationship between the two parties is excellent.

Charles continued: "Medivn’s consumption was a bit heavy that day, and he wanted to take a rest, so he told me that he would not come tonight."

"He also said these two Be prepared during the day off. Some projects will start after school starts tomorrow."

This answer is acceptable to everyone. After all, this is a Count Megadon treat. It’s not surprising that there is communication between people and friends, Master Little Sister had no objections.

At this time, Arnold asked Charles: "What project is Medivh going to prepare?"

After he finished speaking, he strengthened his calming divine technique, for fear that this guy will wait. Throwing out a lot of news such as a lot of Mithril, and then his heart will be disappointing again.

Charles replied in a loud voice: "Medievan has a lot of interesting research in his hands. He asked me to invest, saying that I can get a hundred coins if I put in one gold coin, so I I gave him a lot of money, and when the time comes, the income was evenly divided."

People who heard this laughed, especially some nobles, who invested a gold coin to return a hundred such things. They have heard more or less from businessmen who come to look for investment. Generally, out of ten people who say this, ten out of ten are liars.

However, given the relationship between Count Megadon and Medivh, everyone assumes that he is joking, but the higher returns should not be able to escape.

Some people have moved a little bit to think carefully, or go to Medivh and take a ride to make some money?

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