
When Charles woke up, he felt his head exploded.

He recalled that yesterday’s lecture was considered a success, and then Ayjafjallajökull’s lecture on volcano research also attracted many audiences.

In the afternoon, Diana took Ayjafjallajökull on an island vacation, by the way, studying the flow of Fire Element in the lamb.

Then in the evening I invited Charles Medivh to drink with a few kings who wanted to rebuild the castle. Charles followed the instructions on the booklet left by Diana to talk to them, and finally talked about the defense system. An Ole gold coin per square meter, in addition to different levels of guard puppets.

In the end, there was a group of people fighting for wine.

"Master, have you gotten up?"

Charles realized that this was not his dormitory or Diana's house after hearing the voice of the disciple, but the house of Ai Li and Xi Li Rent a room in a house.

After he got up, he rubbed his head and walked out of the room. He saw Ellie pinching her nose and saying, "Master still smells of alcohol, please go take a shower."

Charles nodded, and then took a cold shower in the bathroom.

Wait when he comes out to the restaurant to see that Ai Li and Xi Li are preparing breakfast.

He asked: "You sent me back last night?"

Ellie covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Master turned around when she walked last night. I said that I was not drunk, so we brought you back."

Charles scratched his head and asked, "I didn't do anything strange when I was drunk?"

Ai Li and Hei Li looked at each other, then smirked and said in unison: "Who knows?"

Charles curl one's lip, regardless of the two occasionally teasing their own discipline together.

The breakfast was served, and Charles looked straight.

"What's the situation?" He asked, "Do you have this for breakfast?"

Healy sat beside Charles, and gave it a golden silk banana ball with a fork. The Master said, "Open your mouth and try our new dishes. We all try our new dishes with breakfast."

Charles took the fork in her hand before putting this in oil. Fried bananas, new snacks wrapped in fried potato shreds to eat.

The potato shreds with the thickness of the matchstick on the outside of this golden silk banana ball are very crisp. It is wrapped on the banana block with a layer of fried batter. Soft and sweet.

"It tastes good." Charles nodded praised.

Then Xili used chopsticks to hold another one to him: "Try this egg cake again."

Charles took a bite. This one was wrapped in batter with two pieces of eggplant. The fried eggcake is crispy on the outside and sweet and waxy on the inside. The stuffing inside is not the old meat, but bananas.

"Why are bananas?" Charles was a little depressed. "Are you monkeys?"

Ari said, "It's the banana season now, so we Just study some desserts that use bananas as ingredients, and try this."

The dish she picked up was also made of bananas. This time the sandwich banana was peeled out of the whole banana and then flattened in the middle. Put the red bean paste on it and cover it with another banana that is also flattened. Wrap it with egg white and fry it, then cut into pieces and sprinkle with sugar.

"Yes, soft and sweet." Charles nodded said.

While eating the banana panna cotta, he asked the two disciplines: "Is anyone else doing things in the store lately?"

Ari and Xili looked at each other, and then Xili said: "Master, someone came to trouble us a while ago."

Charles frowned, asked: "Is it who?"

Xili replied: "It's a People from Pigafetta, he said he wants to buy our store."

Charles frowned, the name is a bit familiar. I don’t even think about it for two seconds. People who don’t remember will definitely not need it. A nobody who cares about.

He asked: "What happened later?"

Heili replied: "Later he was scolded by me."

Charles squinted for a moment. , Said: "Wait for you to go to the elven army resident to find General Munch, saying that our shop provides logistics services to the elven army at cost."

"In order to ensure the quality, it is recommended that he send the elves of the logistics department to come Supervise."

"If he asks more, tell him about it."

Although it is not suitable for the elven army to support his own industry, his former Great Captain was frustrated. His Royal Highness Charlie deserves credit for being the leader of the new army, otherwise it would be difficult for the 168th Battallion to stand out from the competition of the Elf army and become the first integrated army.

Charles said to them: "If anyone causes trouble, just go back. The Elf Army and Holy Angel Nun of Radiant Shrine are our backers. If you have any problems, we should ask them to come forward."

He said that he opened a Transmission Gate the size of an open slap above the table, and then took out a pair of Storage Bracelets that he got in Chapter 1165 in "Monkey Fishing for the Moon" Storage Bracelet, and said: "This is for You are here, one for each. When others ask, Medivh will sell it to me, and I will give it to you."

The two girls were shocked after receiving the bracelet. They never thought that the Master would meet. Give yourself precious storage equipment.

Charles instructed: "You put some life-saving things in it, we will inevitably have people thinking when our business grows."

The two disciplines were nodded again and again.

Then Ellie asked: "Master, do you remember the woman with big breasts you arranged with me?"

Charles thought about it for a moment, and then remembered last year Carver, the unlucky animal trainer girl, who also keeps three hamsters.

He asked: "Why, she always breaks the bowl?"

"Nothing." Ai Li said, "I asked her to help fry nuts a few months ago. , She’s doing very well."

"She plans to cooperate with us to sell fried nuts. These days, the nuts are selling very well."

"I plan to further invest and expand production. , Pack it up and do wholesale business."

Charles thought for a while and said: "You can take this matter yourself, let her pay back my 500gold coin as soon as possible."

Love Li said with a smirk: "That woman has been asking about Master's preferences and so on, and it seems interesting to you."

Charles did not take this, and reached out and rubbed the head of the disciple bun.

After he finished kneading, he said seriously: "The employees should pay more attention to the family affairs. If anyone's family encounters a restaurant that can't solve the problem, please help as much as possible."

Two The disciple knew his "help if you can help" idea, and replied in unison: "Understood."

Next, Charles asked about the restaurant and restaurant chain's next plans, what they want to do with a point card Yes, you think someone can give it a try.

Unforeseen circumstances, an employee of the Aixifan chain restaurant hurried over to interrupt the breakfast for the three.

The employee said to Xili anxiously: "Manager, someone has poisoned food in the store!"

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