The most feared thing in catering is food poisoning accidents, especially in Aixifan chain restaurants, where the dishes on the first floor are made in a big pot, and there is a problem with a pot of dishes. It was an accident with a group of customers.

So Charles has been asking Ari and Heely to tighten the string of food safety, to minimize the risk factor in raw material selection, purchase, cleaning and cooking.

For example, the mushrooms used in the store are all edible mushrooms specially cultivated in the Southern Sea farm. They are the varieties that the elves have eaten for thousands of years, and the mushrooms on the market don’t even look at them. At a glance.

Not to mention that people from the construction site project department like Charles believe that "100 yuan of safety investment can avoid 1 million compensation expenses." He not only requires that there be someone in the two stores to be responsible for food and working environment. The sanitation also requires that samples must be kept for two days for each purchase.

If something happens under such strict precautions, it is not a normal accident, but a major event.

In the car rushing to the chain restaurant, Xili was nervous and trembling a little.

Charles held her cold and trembling hand and said softly: "Don't worry too much, as long as we follow the process, the problem is not big."

Xili did not relax, but instead Even more nervous, she extended the hand and hugged Charles' arm tightly.

Ali, who was driving, said in a low voice: "It used to be... a long time ago, when we were slaves, she encountered food poisoning. There was a poisonous newt in the vegetables cut from the ground. They were put into a pot and boiled. In the end, she was the only one of the dozen or so members who survived, and everyone else died. The pit that buried them was dug by our team. A few of them were still angry at the time, and I just had time Secretly put her back into the grass and hide it."

Charles could only take Xili into his arms, pat her back gently, while applying the divine technique of Ning Shen, while lowering Comforted her.

Because of the morning peak, they came to the chain restaurant a little later than expected. The three and three floors at the main entrance were full of people, and they could only enter through the back door of the kitchen. .

On the ground of the gate lies a man dressed as an adventurer. He is holding his stomach and arching himself on the ground constantly twitching, cold sweat on his pale face, looking very painful.

Beside him, several people dressed as adventurers just and indignantly made the restaurant lose money. In the restaurant, an aunt who was responsible for washing vegetables was scolding them, and did not let the wind go down.

Regardless of how the other party called, the lady washing vegetables insisted that they had eaten unclean food outside and then got sick here.

"Don't look around!" The auntie washing vegetables yelled at the green-haired man who screamed most happily on the opposite side, "Our food and vegetables are cooked in a big pot, and something will happen. More than one person has an accident!"

"If others don’t have an accident, you’ll have an accident. It must be your own body!"

"If you don’t believe it, please cut his stomach open. There must be something else!"

The uncle who weighs more than two hundred catties took the Bone Blade and sat on the chair next to him, squinting like an expert, not say a word, with a piece of cotton cloth there. Wipe the blade carefully.

I have to say that it’s very important for the auntie washing vegetables to bite others and it’s okay only the people on the ground have problems. Those onlookers are mostly port workers and sailors, who have basically eaten here. Everyone thinks that they are okay, so there will be no problems in the restaurant.

And the uncle vegetable chopping is also a bit effective, so that the other party dare not do it easily, only to use his mouth.

Charles sighed in his heart. I don't know where Xili got these two live treasures, and it is impossible not to give them processing money.

He glanced at his surroundings, and the onlookers were basically in a stable mood. They have not yet been brought into rhythm. Felix was standing at the duck neck stall next to him. The folding stool was already in his hand, and he would do it immediately if needed. An acquaintance also appeared in the crowd, the young reporter Israel of "Daily Jiwen", and he met his eyes slightly nodded.

Confirming that all around is okay, he asked Ai Li to wait behind with Xi Li, and walked over by himself.

Charles said to the aunt and the uncle: "The two of you go to the back and rest, and I will take care of it."

The green-haired man saw a man dressed and temperament like a Boss coming out. , He said immediately: "You are the Boss, your food is eating to death... What are you going to do?!" Before he said, he saw a silver light appeared in Charles's hand. Shining big knife, directly moved towards the people on the ground.

One click of "Shua", the person who was still twitching just rolled on the ground, avoiding the big knife that cut a crack in the ground slab.

Seeing that the sword was raised again, the man on the ground hurriedly jumped up and hid to the side.

Charles moved his wrist and played a trick, said with a faint smile: "It seems that my treatment is still effective. The patient can stand up without smoking anymore."

In the laughter of the onlookers, the green-haired man realized that the situation was not good, he hurriedly shouted: "You are going to kill a witness to silence them!"

Charles ignored him, and It was to the person who was smoking on the ground and asked: "Which dish did you eat just now?"

The man immediately pointed to the table in the restaurant and said, "It's the one over there."

Charles listened to it and cut it a few times. The legs of the table fixed to the ground with cement were chopped down on the ground, and then several employees attached the table to the table as he wanted. Several meals were moved outside together.

He said: "You show everyone the share you just ate."

The man walked over and extended the hand pointed at one of the dishes.

In the bowl is rice cooked with sausages. Although there is no sausage, the fragrant taste of the rice is very attractive, and it is well received by the vast number of poor diners. The dishes on the plate are tofu patties, fried octopus, braised chicken legs and fried cucumber slices. In the other bowl is today’s regular soup, boiled with soybeans and bones.


A pile of gold coins nearly kneeling appeared at Charles's feet, making the crowds onlookers straight.

He said to the green-haired man: "You ate all the leftovers he had just eaten. If you are also poisoned, the gold coins at my feet will belong to you."

The green-haired man immediately not knowing what to do. As soon as he came out, he did not press and talk to himself, but directly did it.

Charles didn't bother to talk nonsense with them, and directly used the simplest method to solve the problem.

Since you said that you were poisoned by eating in the store, you can change the food that you haven't finished and eat it again to know if it is really because of the poisoning in the store.

If you change the occasion, the green-haired man doesn't mind eating leftovers from others in exchange for money that he won't make in a few lifetimes.

But now that the opponent is holding a sharp knife in his hand, I am afraid that the money will be spent forever.

After a stalemate for two minutes, Charles looked towards a few of them and asked: "Who would like to try?"

The few people shook their heads and took a half step back .

The green-haired man saw that something was wrong and immediately said: "You are going to poison to death us!"

Charles raised his knife and pointed at the person who was "poisoned" just now, and said with a smile : "How can he not look like he is dying."

The green-haired man was taken aback, thinking that this thing could not go on, snorted waved his back hand: "Let's go."


A roar swept across several hundred meters, and even the people working on the dock in the distance were shocked by the frightening sound.

"Do you think I am Charles Megadon who is who?" You someone shouted coldly, "Come as you want, leave as you want, don't you put me in your eyes?"

The onlookers were in an uproar. A while ago, everyone had listened to the various stories of Count Megadon, but now they have finally seen a daoist.

The green-haired man turned around, his hands and feet trembling.

Charles sneered and said, "Why, didn't you ask who opened this shop before you came to make trouble?"

Although Charles's popularity has dropped a bit in recent years, such as Stories such as "Eight Hundred Great Breakthroughs and One Hundred Thousands", "Charles Warm Down the Bear", "Charles Cut the Bear and Play the Village Girl", etc. are still used as background music by the wandering bards of the South from time to time.

In the north, especially in the kingdom of Bischberg, wandering bards include "Charles Killing the Water Pirate in a Rage", "Charles Canyon Rejecting the Beast Tide", "Charles Three Persuading Mountain Thieves to Raise Goats" and so on. story.

After the beastmen came to the space gate defense line, the stories of "Charles Snowy Salt Lake City", "Charles Snowy Night in the Sky" and "Charles Drunk Girl Soldier" spread.

As Pan Golden Lotus often said, "The name of a person is the shadow of a tree."

His name is now considered a deterrent in human society. .

The green-haired man summoned his little courage, and said restlessly: "You...what do you want? You want to...kill us?"

Charles put The big knife in the hand was raised horizontally and hit the palm of the other hand with the back of the knife. After coldly snorted, he said: "You come to me today to make trouble. I just let you go like this."

"Well, if you guys If you can stop me, I will let you go."

The green-haired man hurriedly asked: "Really?"

Charles did not speak, but instead responded to them with actions .

I saw him step forward, twisted his waist, turned and extended his arms to sweep in one go, a hurricane that did not know the speed of many meters per second whizzed out from the place where the sword passed.

The magic crisis composed of high-purity Wind Element is beyond everyone's imagination. Those troublemakers could not stop them, and they were blown away by the hurricane to the distant dock area in an instant.

Charles put away the big knife and the pile of gold coins on the ground, moved towards the crowd of onlookers saluted like actors on the curtain call, and then said: "Everyone, our restaurant is small in profits and quick in sales, in order to let everyone Eat well, eat affordable, eat at ease."

"If there is a problem with eating in our store, I promise with my family reputation that we will make reasonable compensation."

"Let’s say it’s good, it’s not worth it if you eat it!"

"However, if someone has a bad mind, the few people just now are role models."

"Here, I thank you all for your trust in our store just now, and I didn't fool around with those gangsters."

"I announce that, starting today, all consumption in the restaurant is 20% off! "

A group of onlookers cheered immediately. The farce just now was left behind. It is not easy for everyone to make money. Nothing is more important than saving money.

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