The slums on the island occupies a large area, and many people live here. These are the bottom pier porters and people working in other places.

The dilapidated, trash, and smelly grounds are the first impression of outsiders on this place, and you can even see hordes of slimes eating trash in the alley.

In this place, an unremarkable bar is splendorous and majestic. The decoration is not much worse than the high-end hotels in the Commerce District. There are also girls playing the piano here.

The bar hall was emptied tonight. Four soft and comfortable sofas lined up in a circle. Charles Megadon was sitting on one of the sofas. There were four identical and "ragged" beautiful girls. Rubbing his shoulders behind him, one kneeled in front of him and pinched his feet, and the other two squeezed him from left to right.

On the sofa next to the right hand sits a middle aged big man with only one ear. His face is flattering, and he says to Charles: "Master, these quadruplets are the best in my hand. Good goods, I didn’t sell that Ji Shijun paid a big price, now they give it to you."

Charles did not reveal that he used Old Ji to raise the price, and politely replied: "Thank you You are here."

"no no no!" The one-eared man hurriedly waved his hand, "We want to thank you, Lord, you are happy!"

Charles has no face With expression on his left hand, the one-eyed middle age person with a blindfold on his face poured wine into the goblet on the middle coffee table.

The goblet is very unique. There is a small glass shark in the middle. After half of the blue wine is poured, the shark floats up to reveal a dorsal fin, and then starts to swim in circles, as if in the sea.

One-eyed said to Charles: "A little bit rateless, I will give it to the master as a plaything."

Charles asked the pinching girl to bring the wine glass over, and after a while Said: "This is not a small thing, it is the spoils of war brought out from the demon race Imperial Palace more than 300 years ago. If there is poison in the wine, the shark inside will float up."

After he finished speaking, he flicked his other hand and took out a small bottle, and dripped a drop of green oily liquid into it.

Sure enough, the glass shark that was still spinning suddenly struggling violently, set off a wave of wine, and then floated motionless on the surface of the wine.

Charles really wants to complain that if a shark is dead, it will sink into the sea instead of turning its belly. Too much demanding.

One-eyed exclaimed: "So that's the case, I didn't expect it."

Charles raised his glass to him, and then added poison to the glass in surprise. I got bored with a mouthful of wine.

"Snake venom wine is good for the body." He said after drinking.

The one sitting opposite was Oliver, who had negotiated with Medivh the night before with Leylo’s tainted evidence. He said, “I don’t have two bosses as great generosity, so I’ll give it something interesting. Master."

He snapped his fingers, and immediately someone came in carrying two people who were tightly bound and their mouths still covered.

Charles was intrigued when he saw the two men, and greeted them with a smile: "Yo, we meet again."

Oliver said: "These two men I was catching mice around this afternoon, and my people thought they were suspicious, so they caught them and had a fight."

"They are Pigafetta’s subordinates. They suffered a loss under the master this morning, so they thought Catch a bunch of mice and throw them in the kitchen of your restaurant."

Charles frowned, this is the second time he has heard the name "Pigafita".

He asked: "Who is that Pigafetta?"

Oliver replied: "I only heard that he is the leader of a large Adventurer Team in the southeast. "

Charles curl one's lip, Adventurer Team only, don’t take seriously.

He said: "Thank you for the news, these two people will be stripped and thrown out."

"Next, let's talk about business."

When it comes to business, the three gangsters all get serious.

Oliver asked him to bring a tray with the money bag Medivh gave him the night before, indicating his intention to cooperate with the other party.

Charles nodded, said seriously: "Medivun told you about our plans before, now I want to know your thoughts."

At this time, one ear and one eye looked Towards Oliver, one ear also said to Charles: "Of the three of us, Oliver has the best mind. We listen to this kind of thing."

Oliver said solemnly: "Thank you, the masters for favoring us. These gutter mice."

" Few people in our business have a good end, don’t you see that the three of us can sit here peacefully now, if we used to meet each other to see blood Yes."

"Everyone wants to live in peace, but we Old Guys can’t go ashore. One day we will either be killed in the street or die inexplicably."


" p>

"This world, the master's child is the master, and the rogue child can only be a rogue for generations."

"Our child can only be hidden on the island or run to the shore. Find life where people know. Sometimes we don’t dare to look at the child when we work. We can only walk away, for fear that the employer will drive the child away."

"Now the master gives Given our chance to let our offspring go ashore, we will certainly not let down your kindness."

"We discussed yesterday that the Old Brothers are the right age and there are more than 20 children with clean hands and feet."

"These children will be handed over to the master. If they don’t learn well, the master can put them in a wooden box with stones and sink them into the sea."

Charles nodded said: "Shen Haili is It’s impossible."

He lifted his chin and pointed to the money bag on the coffee table in front of him, and said, “You take the money and find a teacher for them to teach. As long as it’s yours, at the end of this year The first round of the whole school’s literacy and mathematics scores in the whole school entrance exam can reach half of the total score, and then he can go to my Alice Merchant Academy to study."

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a pain in his feet. The girl who pinched his foot heavier.

Seeing that the master looked towards herself, the sister immediately knelt down on the side.

An ear over there hurriedly said to Charles nervously: "They are now the master's people, you can do whatever you want."

Charles smiled. , Said to the girl kneeling on the ground and the other three girls next to her: "The same is true for you. If you can achieve such a score in the exam at the end of the year, I will treat it as never happened."

Charles said After that, one ear was obviously relaxed, maybe these four girls are still his daughters.

Charles just smiled at him slightly, making him a little embarrassed.

At the same time, the other two bosses exchanged their gazes, and both found that the other party was shocked besides being shocked.

People who mix on this island naturally know what it means to read. They have met too many previously unknown civilians in several decades. The child amazed the world with a single brilliant feat in the Academy, and has since risen. An example of getting a salary increase by marrying a little noble widow or an illegitimate daughter into the upper class.

They originally thought that Charles wanted those children to be used only as tools, and this is not bad, at least they can get rid of this blood-filled dark vortex.

No one dared to think that Charles actually gave them a chance to read.

It is certain that the old gangsters in the gang will go crazy as soon as the news is released later.

Charles asked again: "Inquire, which of you thief is the most powerful?"

Then one ear and one eye looked towards Oliver.

Oliver replied sorryly: "This, it seems to be me."

"I have a proposal." Charles said, "I want to appraise you as a guest professor and teach some anti-theft Knowledge, how do you like it?"

The conversation is over. Oliver suffered a heart attack due to excessive excitement. After everyone was rushing to rescue, he was sent to the hospital by his men.

Charles left. He was alone when he came, and he was accompanied by five girls when he left.

Just when he got up and left, he praised the girl who played the piano in the bar as good, and then the girl was also stuffed to him.

Fortunately, he came in a van today, so many people can fit it.

The car ran to the Southern Sea farm in a hurry and stopped in front of the small building where the Artifact Spirit girls lived.

Charles got out of the car and blew a whistle. Logue quickly jumped out of the window, still holding a deck of cards in his hand.

"Hey--" Logue exaggeratedly yelled after seeing the people in the car, "Where did you bring back so many girls?"

Charles pointed to the car. , Said: "Some of them are new employees of your steaming package bureau. You can arrange their jobs and let them study with the children of the farm by the way."

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