The slight sea breeze flows slowly, rippling gently in the moonlight. A burst of Insect Cry was accompanied by the smell of earth, intertwined with the sound of distant waves into beautiful music. The firefly lights up the starlight on the ground, like the Star River falling on the ground in a dream.

The firefly of this world is quite fierce. They continue to prey on larvae such as snails, Nasal Mucus Insect and other Insects as adults. They accumulate energy for mating and lay eggs while absorbing toxins from food for protection. Own eggs.

From time to time there are fist-big crystal slimes jumping around on the ground. Firefly is also in their recipes. After eating these luminous insects, the originally transparent slime can actually emit a weak light.

When someone walked by, the guests who had been brought from land to the island to destroy the harmful insects were all startled and fled, causing ripples in the Star River.

There is no typhoon recently. There will be a rain to replenish fresh water on the island before sunrise tomorrow, and the slime tape on the greenhouse will be rolled up.

It is reasonable to say that ordinary vegetable greenhouses do not need to do this, but it is said that this is the experience of the farm, and Charles ignored it.

There is only one 猹 in the vegetable field tonight. He is walking with his hands on his back, leaving behind the troubles of the past two days, thinking about nothing, just walking quietly, as if blending in In this night.

He suddenly remembered that on the remote snowfield, around the sun well and moon well that he blasted out, there was also a large vegetable shed like this, and the girl named Enxia.

Charles has some sympathy for the little girl. Her big brother and elder sister have evolved into political creatures, and they still seem to have conflicts of interest. It is not good for her to be caught in the middle.

Walking, thinking, he sighed, thinking that as planned, when Ayyjafjallah’s health gets better next year, he will take himself to the northern volcanic area to investigate, when the time comes, take a look on the snowy field by the way Bar.

Continue to pacing slowly, the starlight around me gradually faded.

Beside the vegetable field is Modred’s watermelon field.

Previously, the battle between Reimu and Tilby’s House destroyed many watermelon vines. Later, Altria found an elf priest from the Temple of Life who had known him more than three hundred years ago to love Xifan. Restaurant A meal in return asked him to connect and cure those watermelon vines.

The weather here is a bit cooler, and the watermelon will take a while to mature.

Charles decided to go over and see if there is a suitable watermelon to be a mother for Modred this year.

It's just that he didn't expect that he will meet Altria and Blanche who are about to leave at this moment.

"Oh, you two are taking a walk." He smiled and said hello.

These two have known each other for hundreds of years, and it is normal to go out to chat together at night.

"Just right, you can take your flowers away."

"Just right, you can take your watermelon away."

Altoli Ya and Blanche pointed at Charles at the same time and said the same thing.

Charles sighed in his heart that the two of them are really good girlfriends, and they even said these whispers.

Blanche said in a very angrily manner: "It's in vain that I made a bridge for you two, but there has been no movement for almost ten years, which really disappoints me!"

Charles was startled in his heart. It has been ten years in a blink of an eye. Time flies so fast.

Ten years ago today, he was living happily at home with his parents, missing his elder sister who had just left home, looking forward to his birthday and the arrival of Elizabeth, he still remembers his mysterious father Tell myself that there will be good things for myself on my birthday.

No matter how he didn't expect today, ten years later, father mother passed away, elder sister became Saintess just like Holy Angel Nun, and his identity became even more outrageous.

The two opposing people didn’t know that he was sighing in his heart. Altria said calmly to Blanche: “You are the unique and unmatched flower in his favorite world, how can he look at it? Get on a washboard like me."

Charles didn’t know how to complain about her. She used to be a washboard, but now with the help of Diana, she has developed again, and her height has grown from 1.5 meters. When it reached a meter six, the "orogeny" was also very violent. There was no Blanche's "Jogori" but the "Mount Elbrus" level, and there was no sign of stopping.

Someone joked that she ushered in a long-lost puberty, and was too miserable.

Blanche also teased over there: "It's like he has a second watermelon."

Charles said with a black line: "You guys have such a tacit understanding. Let’s make up a pair."


The staff of the farm set up a room next to the vegetable field In the small wood house where the tools were placed, Blanche found tools to dig Charles out of the ground.

She dug and said: "Altria has become different after she met you. She used to be like a piece of wood, but now she is more like a person."

Charles struggled to crawl out of the compacted soil, and sighed: "I thought I was going to be bombed to death here. Didn't expect her to move this but to ram the soil besides digging ditches."

Someone thought to himself, could it be that Altria had seen her own Lily Lily in the past?

He continued: "It is not my credit that she is doing this today. It is her daughter. Mordred gave her a home. The warmth of home changed her."

Blanche helped him get rid of the dirt on his body, and said with a smile: "But her family is incomplete, and there is still a lack of someone."

Charles raised his brows and asked: "You are implying Ohm, Fu Te, An Si and they still lack a father now?"

"Oh...I don't dare to hope." Blanche sighed exaggeratedly, "I'm still afraid that you hate me because I was married." The widow of my husband who has died. However, if you ask, my daughters and I can’t refuse.”

Charles sighed in his heart. I’m afraid their souls are passive, even if they let them go. They will go to the examination for registered geotechnical engineers without hesitation.

While walking outside the farm, he and Blanche said: "Heroes are shattered, unfavorable, poor warfare, evil is in love. Indiscriminate love and loss of strength, the way of destruction is also indifferent. The serious body trouble is not in the battle. Sijue first came out of the novice village, exposed to the frost, cut the devil beast, with a sizeable work. He did not hesitate to take the merits, and the extravagant desires. Take five daughters today and get them tomorrow. Ten women, the blooming tents are warm in the spring night, and the nights are arduous and high in a short day. It starts to look at the four realms, and the new danger is looming. However, the human power is limited, the passion and desires are insatiable, the worship is full, and the end is exhausted. . Therefore, the victory without fighting is already judged. Therefore, it is said: the evil lies in the abuse."

After speaking, the two walked quietly. They left the Southern Sea farm and walked along the seaside road. moved towards Alice Merchant Academy's direction.

The waves hua hua patted the beach. Now the tide is low. Many people are picking up seashells and other seafood on the beach with lights.

Many guests who come to participate in the carnival live in the inland. They have the opportunity to watch the sea once in a lifetime. Many people try this kind of fresh activity under the leadership of local children.

Although a string of seashell jewelry is not worth a lot of money, it is a rare gift for those inland who have not seen the sea in a few lifetimes.

Blanche looked at the people on the beach and said, "I'm starting to envy Diana."

Charles hearing this was taken aback.

Blanche continued: "Back then, there was a personal territory by the sea. When we met for the first time, he hehe gave me a string of shell necklaces. I was a little happy at the time."


"Then he told me that these shells are the best-looking ones chosen by her lovers, and I don't know how to answer his words."

"He is like The negative text of what you said just now, since the age of thirteen, the lovers around him have not been lower than double digits."

"Later, he was instigated to catch a few elves and come back as slaves. You know all about it."

Charles shook his head after hearing this, and said after a moment: "If I were him, I wouldn't want other lovers if I could marry a beauty like you."

Who knows Blanche said: "He doesn't like me, the previous Altria fits his taste."

Charles opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. .

He can only change the topic: "How is the Academy's house, are you still used to living?"

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