The newly-purchased Academy has been cleaned up. The original Principal sold the students who came to gold-plated to other gold-plated academies. Teachers with inadequate levels were able to get together after paying for this year’s wages. Most of those who are left are administrative staff and school workers who are doing chores to maintain the campus.

Now I am an arm-flinging shopkeeper as the Principal. The Academy is managed by Blanche and her daughters. Blanche is Vice Principal who also manages the work of Principal. Charles gave her double For the salary, her daughter Lifte was in charge of administration, Om was in charge of student work, and An Si was in charge of logistics, which was decided by the lottery.

Blanche said to Charles: "The Principal cleaned up his original place and gave it to us. An Si was choosing furniture the past few days. During this time he took me to visit Some Chamber of Commerce I have worked with before."

Charles is very satisfied with the Principal who sold the Academy, and the aftermath work was arranged very well. If it weren't for him to take the money and return to his hometown to enjoy the fortune, someone I want to hire him to do some work.

Now he is not worried about students. The leaders of his territory, Ji Shijun, Wei Peisheng of Auston I, and the second generation of gangsters are enough to fill the scene in the first year.

Furthermore, the probation period of the students who he hired to help Mira in the epidemic area has basically ended last year, and then these students will work in the Oriental Machinery Manufacturing Production Consortium and Joyoung Chamber of Commerce, which have already been put into production in Bosnia and Herzegovina. , He also deliberately selected a few students from it.

In addition, his steward Cesare will serve as the director of the Career Guidance Center in the Academy. Those students with excellent grades will get an invitation letter from the Chamber of Commerce under the Megadon Family, and other students will see A letter of recommendation for his achievements and expertise.

Recommendation letters are very popular these days. Many students have worked so hard to get a recommendation letter from a professor or even a Principal as a stepping stone to a better life when they graduate.

You think that a recommendation letter written in your own name is a bit attractive.

Students don’t have to worry, what he is not sure about now is whether the famous businessmen in the business circle are willing to come to the Academy to teach and educate people.

"That..." Blanche looked a little hesitant, "I'm planning to discuss this with you in the next few days."

Charles felt tight and asked hurriedly:" Is no one coming? Is the salary too low?"

Many of the people he intends to invite are successful business executives, except for those who have just been picked up from prison. They are not short of money, they may not be happy to live a comfortable life but play around with a bunch of brat.

Who knows Blanche smiled slyly, she said: "Don't be nervous, there are too many people here, they are fighting, and some people are willing to sponsor the Academy to teach instead of salary."

Charles relieved, he was afraid that when the time comes academy there were a bunch of students but no teacher, that would be a joke.

Blanche patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, those people are smart enough to know what a specialized Academy represents."

Charles thought about it. It's clear at a glance that connections are the most important for those who do big business, and an Academy is the best place to form cliques, and even groups such as the "Whampoa" can be developed.

At this time, someone touched his hair subconsciously. Will the business world develop an "Alice series" in the future? When I go to a store to buy things, the boss will see him Immediately come to say "Principal is good!"

And those big businessmen also need fresh blood to supplement their Chamber of Commerce, when the time comes Megadon Family eat meat, they can eat soup and minced meat. Satiated.

Not to mention that it is more sense of accomplishment to be a big businessman than to be a big businessman.

Look at the Megadon Family. Back then, Fillip wrote several books such as "Fillip's Harvest Encyclopedia" and "Fillip teaches you to fight iron", which have been passed down to this day, plus the invention and promotion of rice farming. The face earned by technologies such as new rotation farming will benefit future generations a lot.

But this kind of thinking of these people is not a problem for Charles. He focuses on improving the business management level of the entire society, and when the time comes, I am afraid that the graduates who want to start their own businesses will have A lot.

Blanche recounted the applicant’s situation. Charles found that some people who heard the wind to try their luck had one or two unique skills, but they were not as familiar with the business model, operation and Management has a deep understanding.

Charles thought for a moment and said: "I have an idea, that is, the Academy’s education is divided into two categories."

"The first category cultivates high-level business talents. They learn and Master the knowledge of management and operation strategies and policies, economic laws, marketing, organization management, management communication, human resource management, production and operation management, financial management, etc."

"The other category is short-term courses. , Mainly learning staff training, personnel management, basic data analysis and problem analysis, team building, store management practices and efficient inventory, etc., this type of students can be competent for the work of store management and be a good little Boss."

Blanche quickly understood what he meant, and said: "You mean like a military school, the former is officer education, the latter is noncommissioned officer education."

Charles nodded and said: "It is understandable, but the latter's admission requirements can be lowered, and even those who are originally small Boss can be admitted without taking the exam."

Blanche stopped thinking about it, she originally I'm not an idiot. In the nearly two thousand years of experience and knowledgeable, I will soon have a clue.

She said: "This method is feasible. I plan the course and let them compete for the corresponding teaching position. If someone suggests a new course, I will let them write a plan."

"By the way, there are a few people I don't know how to arrange. They are painters, and they said that they have accepted your mother and your favor before, and now come to repay them. I have seen the paintings they brought, and the level is pretty good. "

Charles thought for a while and said, "I think art will do a lot in product packaging and advertising. Ask them if they are interested in developing in this area."

" etc. The professors choose the courses to be taught, and let them compile the textbooks by the end of January next year."

"I should also teach one or two courses, and then I will be busy. "

"When the carnival is over, I will take you to meet the Principals."

The two of them just walked and talked, returning to the rented house of Blanche’s family. At that time, the development direction and recent work of Alice Merchant Academy were set.

At the door, Blanche asked Charles with a smirk: "Would you like to stay here tonight?"

Charles raised his brows and said, "If I spend the night here , I’m afraid you don’t need to sleep tonight."

Blanche provocatively said: "Then you come, who is afraid of whom."

She went into the house after she finished talking. , Closed the door.

Charles sneered, followed in the door, and locked it.

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