It’s early in July, and it’s already bright at six o'clock.

Charles glanced at Blanche and her daughters beside him, stretched out contentedly, and sighed, "After a busy night, it's finally over!"

He finally confirmed his previous guess that as long as it was his own request, the four of them would basically not object to it.

Blanche stood up and said, "I'm going to prepare breakfast."

Om combed the long black hair on her hair with her hand to refresh herself, and stood up and said : "I'll help."

Futt gave Charles a fiercely look and left without saying a word.

The last thing left was An Si, this little girl with silver hair came to the back of the chair, stretched out her hand to strangle Charles’ neck with seemingly weak arms, and said angrily: “Next time you believe or not I will bite you to death !"

Charles remain unmoved and arranged the course setting plan that everyone arranged all night together last night, signed on the cover and placed it in the center of the desk, and finally patted An Si "Okay, if I’m fine today, I’ll take you out to play." An Si increased her strength and asked, "Do you treat me like a child?"

Charles stood up, An Si hung behind him like a pendant.

He put the four chairs in front of the desk against the wall and walked out of the study. He patted An Si and said, "Hurry up and change clothes. Now there are a lot of delicious and fun things in the carnival exhibition hall. I'll buy everything for you."

An Si soon came to the restaurant from the room with changed clothes, and Charles, who was waiting for breakfast, got up and took her hand to her. Walked to his bedroom.

The silver-haired girl asked him nervously: "You, what do you want to do?"

Charles pulled her into the bedroom without saying anything, let her sit on the bed, come on When she went to the closet, she asked her with a black line at the same time: "Dear An Si, do you plan to go out in a sack like this today?" Dissatisfied?"

Charles seriously nodded, and then opened the closet door, which was covered with all kinds of clothes and skirts.

Of course, he didn't dare to open the lower drawer, it would be dead.

Although people look good in sack bags, An Si's appearance is petite and pure and cute, but in any case, the skirt on her body that looks like long pockets and cuts a neckline and cuffs is put on and then tied with a belt. The soil is so terrible that even families with a little surplus will not buy this kind of dress for girls two thousand years ago, at least their dresses are dyed.

Charles asked while choosing clothes, "Didn't I give you a lot of money to buy clothes? I heard Diana said that she chose a lot of beautiful dresses for you. Why do you wear these? "

Among Blanche’s three daughters, An Si is kind to Charles. The broken Divine Spark, the biggest plug-in on someone’s body, was given by her, so on the second day they arrived. Ask Diana to take more care of her when shopping for clothes, how to buy clothes and skirts.

Charles is assured of Diana's clothing taste. Sure enough, there are quite a few cute skirts in the closet.

After choosing, he first took out a light green cake skirt, then a pink dress, and then a gradient blue pleated skirt embroidered with a circle of flowers with short sleeves. Collar white shirt.

An Si looked at the three sets of dresses she made on the bed, and curiously said: "You seem to be very good at picking clothes for girls."

Charles would naturally not say After playing "Miracle Love" for two years, he replied: "I have some basic art, and the clothes matching is like painting, and I make the beautiful girl more attractive."

He turned away from Choose jewelry from the jewelry box on the dressing table, and choose slender jewelry from the image of An Si and the style of the clothes.

An Si sang the nursery rhyme. With the clear and pleasant voice, his fingers moved back and forth on the three dresses. After the ballad ended, he stopped on the pleated skirt and white shirt.

Before Charles could react, she took off the sack skirt she was wearing and put on a new dress.

Charles said depressedly: "I'm still here."

An Si sat in front of the dressing table, picked up the comb and handed it to him.

Charles helped her comb her head, then took a bunch of hair from each ear and braided it into a small braid, then wrapped it around the back and tied the long silver hair like a waterfall in Lushan, and then installed it on the braid. Golden vine flower hair accessories.

The hairstyle is set, and then the other jewelry, the earrings are translucent butterfly wings, the right wrist is a crystal mesh bracelet, and the left wrist is a pearl bracelet.

Charles finally took a pair of white high heels from the shoe rack, and said at the same time: "Choose a light-colored silk stocking yourself."

An Si pointed to the bottom of the wardrobe The drawer said, "You should choose for me."

Charles was speechless, opened the drawer and took out a pair of white and pink spider stockings to her.

An Si turned around and stretched out her leg and said, "Help me put it on."

Charles had a black line and said, "That's not good, I'm not What an upright gentleman, what should I do if I can't stop my hands."

An Si pouted and said: "I have served you so many times to put on clothes, so how about you repay me?"


Charles asked in surprise: "You also went into that dream in person?"

An Si continued to pout and said, "Yes, you punished me for not having dinner for the first time. At that time, I was curious to take a look."

Thinking of the things in his dreams back then, Charles suddenly felt a stomachache.

"That..." He asked hesitantly, "It seems that you came in while I was taking a shower..."

"hmph hum hum..." An Hui became proud , "If you didn't let me wash your hair and let me go, but took the opportunity to take a bath with me and then dry me, I would not give you the broken Divine Spark."

Charles relieved, sighed: "It's really a good person to get rewarded."

"Yes, if you mess with us at that time, mother will send you away with a broken stone "After An Si finished speaking, she continued to stretch his legs and let him put on silk stockings.

Charles said angrily: "Please, I was a brat at the time and didn't understand anything, now I still..."

"Hey..." An Si interrupted He said, "If you tell me these things, don’t we know what your origins are? It’s because you are an adult in your heart that we are satisfied with your performance at that time."

Charles Depressed: "Then you let me wear silk stockings for you."

An Si rolled his eyes and said: "I care about what you care about."

Charles corner of the mouth twitched, what else can I say, I can only put on her stockings cautiously and try my best not to let myself.

The spider silk socks have no elasticity, and in the end they have to be tied up with a string on the lace of the socks.

When the shoes were put on, Charles pulled her to the full-length mirror. Well, after some dressing, she was much more cute than wearing the sack just now.

When they came to the restaurant, An Si punched Charles and said, "You didn't take a shower last night. Go wash and have breakfast before you can smoke us."

Charles was speechless. After being dug out from the ground yesterday, he used the Water Element to wash himself over as a bath.

It was just that An Si asked repeatedly, and he had to borrow the bathroom here.

In the restaurant, An Si found that both mother and elder sister were looking at themselves dressed up.

She said nonchalantly: "I am going on a date with Charles today and will not come back for dinner tonight."

Blanche said with a faint smile: "Go go, play Be happy."

When everyone finished their breakfast in a slightly strange atmosphere, after An Su left with a silk parasol and Charles, Fu Te asked Blanche: "Mom, you are not afraid The future father was snatched away by the younger sister?"

Blanche sighed and said to the second daughter: "I have always felt guilty for you. I didn't give you a happy girlhood before."


"You still had male children pursuing, but An Si left before she was fifteen years old. The girl's experience was blank. Now I can make up for her regrets and I am very happy."

"Charles is very sensible, I am relieved, he can make you happy."

Om on the side frowned and said: "It's over, our family is over. My daughter wants Charles to be father, mother. It’s too messy to want Charles to be the son-in-law."

"But, Mom, Fute, your plans are destined to be useless."

"I just started when he came to the island. I have been observing him. I tried him out when I was shopping with him a while ago. He only had Diana's position in his heart. I think I should tell him about the matter so as not to end up unhappy."

"And, I guess he should have seen last night that we can't violate his orders."

"Wait, he will definitely take us to the cafe in a few days The third floor."

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