"I want to ride a motorcycle!"

An Si's request made Charles a big head.

He said depressedly: "You are wearing a skirt, what kind of motorcycle are you riding on."

An Si pouted and said, "I just want to sit." At the same time, she grabbed. Charles' arm kept shaking.

"It's all right." Charles patted her hand, "Wait for me, you back away a little."

After he finished speaking, he used the teleportation technique "biu" He left, and when he returned ten minutes later, an olive-green tricycle similar in appearance to the Yangtze River 750 appeared in the courtyard.

"Sit there." He pointed to the seat that looked rough in the car but was soft and comfortable.

An Si jumped into the car body and sat down. After watching left and right for a while, she pointed to the front of the car body and said: "Here can put a burst gun."

Opening the yard Charles at the gate had to sigh with the keenness of this former War God servant.

The first appearance of the side three wheels on the road attracted a lot of people's attention. When they came to the carnival exhibition parking lot, they attracted the attention of motorcycle hobbyists.

It's just that someone suddenly squeezed into the crowd and rushed in front of Charles, grabbed him by the neckline, fiercely and yelled fiercely, "How did you brat get my car?!"

Charles looked at the blue sky, trying to get through with a silly smile.

At this time, Professor Erbach squeezed over to round out the field: "Well, isn't it just a car with a body added."

Nicholas scholar put Charles out After coming down, he said angrily: "This car was made by myself, and it was prepared for my wife and I to go on an outing!" Professor Erbach laughed at An Si next to him and said: "Aiya, it's just right for Charles to use it to carry a beautiful girl out to play. You can ask him to pay more to buy it. Anyway, he doesn't need money."

"Yes, yes!" Charles hurriedly nodded, "I bought this car with my annuity this year."

"Count you cruel!" Demon King gnashing teeth, wishing to send this car to the desert to carry the rails in the summer.

Yuan Crown Prince’s annuity has been cut into a symbolic one. Even if he was given an annuity when the conference was held this year, it would not be mentioned much.

Professor Erbach regarded this as a family interaction between Charles and his chief scholar, so he diverted the question and said to Charles: "Charles, don't you introduce this beautiful lady?"

An Si Weiwei raised the skirt and gave Professor Erbach as a Junior. She introduced herself: "Good day, Professor Erbach, my name is An Si Maxwell."


Professor Erbach said slightly to her: "Hello."

"Huh?!" Wolf Old Master, who came a little later, screamed when he heard the name. Speak aloud.

He asked incredulously: "You...you are the Your Majesty?"

The destruction of Maxwell’s kingdom is too long. Not many people know about it. It's not that Diana had asked him about the history before, he hadn't reacted so quickly.

And An Si and the others have been walking in the world for many years. There are many people who named children after their names.

In addition to her dressing up as a cute girl today, the people who were attracted by Bian Sanlun also didn’t expect such a long story, not to mention her to the god servant of War God. Think about it.

An Si lightly nodded, stretched out his hand to hold Charles' arm and said: "The king of the subjugated country dare not talk about the past. Now I am just a small employee under Charles in the Alice Merchant Academy."

The introduction is over. In order to escape the angry Demon King, Charles talked to everyone and left. Demon King and the Principals should listen to the lectures and lectures to grasp the front-line academic dynamics, and the two of them are going to the exhibition hall. Play, I won't meet today.

Although Charles visited as Medivh on the day of the opening ceremony, he didn’t finish the shopping. Later, he was delayed due to various things, so he planned to go shopping the past few days. Row.

Fortunately, Megadon is famous, but he does not appear as often as Medivh. In addition, he wears a pair of gold flat glasses, which is not recognized by acquaintances.

On the way to the meeting place, Charles kept holding An Si's hand. He was frightened by the two hits when he first met the girl.

When they came to the exhibition hall, many people in front of them made them wonder how to complain.

An Si squeezed Charles's hand and asked in a low voice: "Why do those adventurers uncle have cat ears on their heads?"

Charles' face was cramping, in front of him A bunch of forty-fifty-year-old burly man just happened to have, they all wear a pair of cute cat ear hoop on their heads.

Diana took Ayjafjallajökull for an island vacation and shelter from the wind, but her invention is still on sale at the Wisteria Academy booth.

Charles, as the first trialist of the cat ear headband, introduced to An Si: "That is a small sound amplifier, which can transmit the small sounds around to your ears, and it can also filter nearby Normal sound."

This cat ear headband is actually a modified version of the hearing aid used by Ayjafjallajökull. Those parts are integrated into the cat ears.

Those adventurers who need to see and listen to all directions immediately discovered the value of this equipment. If they can hear the sound of the devil beast in the distance earlier in the wild, it is no less than their own life. , So the equipment that has passed ten, ten pass hundred of this equipment became popular.

An Si immediately understood the purpose and importance of this equipment. She said: "It looks very interesting...well..."

Charles naturally has two or three. Both he and Diana wanted Altria to try this cat ear headband, but because Duan Mao felt dangerous, its carrier always avoided them during this time.

A silver white cat ear appeared on An Si's head. Charles also adjusted the position of the end of the headband so that the earplugs fit into her ears.

"The effect is good." An Si realized that she could hear voices from far away, but the voice of the booth next to her was not amplified.

Charles squeezed his chin and said, "It looks cute."

An Si listened for a while, shaking his head and said: "Use it in such a noisy place. The effect is not very good, there are too many sound sources."

She wanted to take off the headband while she said, Charles pinched the cat ear on the left and said: "The switch is on the left, just pinch it. "

So Charles took An Si Miao and continued to stroll between the booths.

Different from the exhibits at the Engineering Academy last time, the area they visited this time was mostly small magical objects.

"This cup is interesting!"

An Si took a glass mug and looked carefully.

The outer wall of the cup is a pattern of a tree. Next to it, a student demonstrates its characteristics with the same cup. The green leaves on the cup will turn yellow after pouring warm water into the cup, and the water will heat up. The leaves will become red, and a tree with blue leaves will appear if ice water is added.

An Si seemed to like this cup very much. She pulled Charles by the sleeve and said, "Shall we buy some back, okay?"

Who knows Charles is presenting that The student of ”asked aloud: “I’m Charles Megadon, whose patent is for this cup? I bought out one hundred Olei.” An Si blinked, she didn’t see this situation. pass.

At this time, a elder sister who was drinking water in the booth was choked between life and death. She ran over before she could catch her breath.

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