"Master, you are finally here! I waited so hard for you!!"

The eldest sister who ran over looked at Charles as she saw the savior. He An Si was taken aback.

She made a miserable appearance, almost crying, and said: "I won't say anything extra, you are an expert, knowing that material science is just throwing gold coin into the water to listen to it. , I even invested my own dowry money for these temperature-changing paints, and it took several years to succeed!"

"You see that Madam likes my cup so much, so you can make a whole Two hundred Olei! Otherwise, I can only marry you without a dowry!"

An Si looked at this girl as interesting and laughed over her mouth.

Charles rolled the eyes towards her, and said helplessly: "She is not my wife."

"It is not impossible to give you two hundred Ore, three to five hundred is also possible, As long as you can develop the product I need."

The big sister's expression became serious, and she asked slowly: "What kind of product do you need?"

Charles replied: "I will buy you one hundred Olei to buy out the current patent of this thermochromic material, and then I will give you one hundred Olei's research funding. After the carnival, you can go to Shield Bridge Academy to find Vichy from the production-academy-research base and let her Help you coordinate the resources. The goal is to display the temperature of the steelmaking furnace. It became my two hundred Ore buyout."

The other party agreed to it immediately after considering two minutes, and the two signed an agreement on the spot. Give money.

In order to celebrate the signing of the contract, this kind of color-changing cup can be taken at will, and it does not matter if it is empty.

An Si took four mugs with different patterns. She and her mother and elder sisters were one by one.

The two continued to stroll around. This time, the surrounding schools had eye-sightedness. When they saw Megadon walking around with the cute girl, they didn't chase and block like Medivh that day, but yelled in the vicinity.

An Si looked at a hairpin the size of a pinky finger in a booth, then put it down in a disappointed sigh, and left with Charles.

"It really didn't expect." She said to Charles, "The magic shield with the same effect before was as big as a slap, but now it can be made so small."

Charles He took her hand subconsciously and said as he walked: "The magic array can shrink to the size of a fingernail if you work hard for a year or two." To what extent?"

Charles thought for a while and said: "Based on the current theory, it is estimated that the millimeter level can be achieved. If there is a breakthrough in magic power interference theory, material research and processing technology, I estimate It can be made smaller. I just don’t know if I can live until that time."

After he finished speaking, he felt An Si’s hand suddenly tightened, and then he was pulled forward. The booth full of middle-aged women and the smell of fried eggs was walking.

An Si was obviously avoiding the question of lifespan. She saw an aunt at the booth came out with a frying pan, so she stepped forward and asked what was special.

"This pot is so easy to use!" The aunt was very fond of the beautiful Eldest Young Lady who spoke to herself politely. It's sticky, it's a bit expensive. It costs two dinars."

After she finished speaking, she passed the frying pan with remaining warmth to An Si. Obviously, she tried it and bought it after no problem.

An Si took the frying pan, touched it, flicked it twice, and handed it to Charles.

Charles took a closer look and found that there was a layer of transparent paint about one millimeter thick on the inside of the pot. This paint is a bit like Teflon, and it feels very smooth. hard.

He took out a gold coin to the aunt, and said politely: "This lady, I like this pot, can you sell it to me?"

"Aiya, what kind of lady is this old woman." The aunt's smile was as bright as the sun in the sky, and then she accepted gold coins five times the price of frying pan, and turned back to line up.

Charles took the frying pan in one hand, and took An Si with the other hand to a nearby cold drink stand. After ordering two glasses of juice, he sat there and began to study the coating.

He is scanning spirit strength again, picking up with his nails, even scratching with a knife, and pours some juice on it, and finally cut out two pieces from the bottom of the pot and rubbed them together to estimate the coefficient of friction.

An Si quietly watched him concentrate on tossing for half an hour, and when he put down his things and picked up the already warm juice to drink, he asked curiously: "You care about it?"

Charles nodded said: "The coating material in this pot is based on the magic core of devil beast. I don't know what is added or it is processed by a unique process. It is very smooth and hydrophobic. , There is still a certain degree of hardness, and it can be used not only in the pot."

After he finished speaking, he found An Si was looking at herself with a smile, and asked, "Why look at me like this? "

An Si said: "Looking at you, this must be a big profitable business."

Charles smiled and said, "Well, let me give you two thousand An Ole gold coin, you help me buy out the patent for this paint, and the extra money is your own."

Don’t look at An Si who has lived for almost two thousand years. She hasn’t had it yet. The experience of negotiating bargain with people, after taking the check board from Charles, I went to negotiate with people excitedly and nervously.

Charles waited there for half an hour, chatted with a few familiar people who came to rub his face, and stunned a pickpocket with an empty juice glass, and An Si came back happily.

"Here!" She handed a pile of parchment to Charles, with an expression of "I'm very difficult to deal with, please praise me".

"Only two hundred gold coins?" Charles was shocked when he saw the numbers on the patent assignment agreement. "You don't have martial power to threaten others?"

According to his estimation , The market size of this material is extremely large, the patent buyout started with one thousand Ole, and it is not surprising that it is called three thousand Ole.

An Si's mouth pursed. In the past, it was a small fist punching Xi's head.

"Am I so bad?" She said angrily, "The transmigrator is stupid when he sees me being such a cute person. I tried to quote two hundred Ore and he immediately nodded, and even produced The process has been written out."

Charles reviewed the production process later, mainly putting the devil beast without magic power and the potion in the pressure cooker for a few hours, and then concocting it again. Fan has become.

It doesn't seem to be too difficult. If any Artifact Spirit girl loses the game tonight, let her experiment.

An Si, who made a lot of money, was so happy that he started humming the previous ballads, which Charles actually heard the navy girl sing.

Charles asked her, "How does it feel to make money?"

"Quick get up!" She grabbed Charles to his feet, "Go and see what else can make money I'll help to talk about things about her!"

Charles touched her head speechlessly, feeling that he has turned on the girl's money-making switch?

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