
Charles was awakened by An Wei, and when he opened his eyes, he found that the sky outside was still dark.

"Hurry up!" An Si squeezed Charles' nose, "The sun is about to come out!"

Charles scratched his head, then got up and put on his clothes and She came to the beach on the east side of the island together.

During the period, Charles asked An Si: "Did you sleep well last night?"

An Si who was playing with the waves said, "I slept well last night."


"That's good." Charles sighed in relief. It seems that she was shielded last night, not knowing that something happened outside that could ruin her three views.

Sunrise on the sea...That's it for Charles, I have tasted enough.

An Si thinks that the morning sun rises from the sea is very interesting, but she is more reminiscing about the days when she played with her mother, elder sister and aunt at the beach.

"Charles..." An Si was sitting on the beach next to Charles, "Do you have a song about the sun in your hometown?"

Charles touched her head, but she Lying in Xiu's arms homeopathically again.

Someone leaned on her back and asked: "Do you want to listen?"

An Si nodded, this girl likes to sing, she often sings Constantly, I also like to listen to others singing.

Charles thought for a moment, and said, "There are a lot of them. If you want to hear me, just sing it to you."

Then he cleared his throat and sang:

"The sun rises from the east, and the flowers here bloom first"

"Oriental people are in the east, the first to bathe in the love of the sun"

"The sun loves, loves the sun "

"Keep it in your arms, hold it in your arms"

"The sun ~ always rise in the heart"

"The mountains and rivers of the East are always here in spring, the East Mountains and rivers are always here"

Charles sang it again, and An Si sang it gently, and sang better than the original sung in someone's memory.

"Hey..." An Si pokes Charles on the chest with her finger after singing, "Will you kiss me?"

So Charles's face was black, he The girl's face was red in her arms.

An Si whispered: "I have been alive for so long and have not been kissed by a male child yet, so I want to see how it feels."

Charles sighed in his heart. , And then leaned down and kissed the girl on the forehead.

Then An Si glowed.

Then An Si floated up.

Finally, the light of silver condenses on her body into a pair of silver light gleaming whole body plate armor. She holds a round shield in her left hand, and a long sword in her right hand, which is covered by a gorgeous helmet. Three pairs of dazzling silver wings appeared behind the visor of his face.

Charles looked dumbfounded.

An Si was equally stunned, she exclaimed: "Ah, this is the War God armor, how could it be on me?!"

At this moment, the third floor of the Southern Sea Farm Cafe , War God watched this scene with satisfaction from the light curtain, muttering: "You brat are innocent and dedicated. In the future, when you kiss their armor, it will automatically activate, hum, hum..."

At this time, even God of Death couldn't stand it with Charles. He shook his head and complained: "Are you so stunned with a mortal?"

The two people on the island quickly moved from Came back to his senses in shock.

An Si removed her armor, stood on the beach thinking for a moment, and then said to Charles, "You try to kiss me again."

Charles went over and kissed her. On top of his head, the armor appeared again.

After some testing, the two determined that as long as Charles kisses An Si, the armor will appear no matter where.


An Si who took a seaplane back home at noon immediately greeted mother and elder sisters to the living room, and then asked Charles to kiss the back of his hand gently, The armor appeared immediately.

Blanche was stunned, she said in disbelief: "We didn't expect my god to give us such a treasure."

Charles is also unbelievable about this, he Hearing what An Si said, this War God armor is the top equipment of the god servants, only worn when fighting with other planet's Evil God.

An Si said to her mother, "Mother, let Charles try it with a kiss."

Blanche blushed, she extended the hand as if it were a kiss Hand salute.

Charles was also a bit sorry, he took Blanche's hand and kissed the back of his hand, and then Blanche began to shine.

Blanche puts on a golden War God armor, but her weapon is a double-edged axe.

Seeing that both the mother and younger sister activated the equipment, Ohm came over and smiled and stretched out his right hand towards Charles.

Om's armor is deep red, and his weapon is a magic wand.

In the end, it was Fute, she pouted, and stretched out her left hand to Charles in a reluctant manner.

Her armor is blue, and her weapon is a Warhammer.

They removed the armor and began to discuss.

Om hugged An Si from behind and asked her in an exaggerated and confused tone: "Xiao An Si, how did you find the War God armor?"

This question is very important Blanche looked at Charles graciously, while Furte glared at him fiercely.

An Si's face flushed suddenly, trying to get out of Ohm's embrace, but was firmly grasped.

Charles was prepared for this. He spread out both hands and said: "We encountered a shark while diving to see corals. An Yu kicked my mouth when we ran away."

"That's it?" Ohm said, "You two didn't come home together last night."

She reached out to An Hui's abdomen and touched it a few times. He smiled and asked: "Don't you guys do something else?"

Charles had a black line and said helplessly: "Please, An Si is still a child."

Om He made a face of awakening and said: "Oh oh oh...when she is not a child..."

Charles interrupted her and said: "At that time you might have Child."

Blanche and Futter who were drinking tea and watching the show were choked badly.

"Huh? You have children so soon?"

A servant with red hair suddenly appeared in the living room. She looked at the four old colleagues, especially Blanche and Futter said in a puzzled way: "I remember having a child vomiting, didn't I get choked?"

Blanche put down the tea cup calmly, and then reached out and said: "Beat her !"

The mother and daughter rushed up and pressed the god servant to the ground, then gave her a violent butt.

Charles didn't know their internal conflicts, so he decided to watch the play quietly.

His position must be with Blanche and the others. When the god servant cried to him after being beaten, he asked: "Does it hurt?"

The red-haired god servant is nodded.

Charles asked her: "Why don't I rub it for you?"

The red-haired god servant continued to be nodded, and then Charles released a bunch of entangled water plants.

"Hey!" She was shocked by the entangled water plants that looked like tentacles. "This list of god servants is for you. My god says you can choose twenty-five people. ."

She threw a thick book to Charles and slipped away.

The living room returned to quiet, Charles asked: "Who was that just now?"

Blanche said angrily: "Don't worry about her, a three-sentence can Popular guy. What's the matter with this list?"

Charles opened the book, and at the same time spoke about the accident between last night and War God.

Blanche asked him: "So, we are going to have new partners?"

Charles nodded, while looking at the information of those god servants, said: "Everyone wants Get ready to welcome new colleagues."

"Um...Queen, tomorrow we will rename our Academy to'Alice Integrated Academy', with two Level 2 Academy under the jurisdiction of Business Academy and Industrial Academy, which will be new in the future. Colleagues are under your control."

"Ohm, we will add students majoring in construction and mechanical use at the admissions side."

"Fute, you will prepare the format contract of Professor Academy tomorrow Twenty-five copies."

"An Si, take a look at their accommodation and logistics. If you don’t have enough money, just tell me. I’ll give you a purchase list later, and the equipment above should be equipped as soon as possible. Qi."

When the work arrangement was finished, Blanche said worriedly: "We suddenly expanded the scale. The staff is not a problem, but the Academy has not enough space."

Charles sneered. Said: "Don't forget, there is an Academy on the island that is about to abandon the school."

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