In the autumn season, the first batch of graduates from the Alice Comprehensive Academy were on the playground, lined up with handsome boys in suits and beautiful girls in sailor suits.

The young students were full of joyful smiles. When they received their diplomas from the Principal, these boys and girls ran away to usher in their bright future.

On the podium, Principal Yun finished his eight-legged graduation congratulatory message behind the loudspeaker, then coughed twice and said, "At the end, I have something to tell you."

The students in suits and sailor suits in the audience immediately focused, waiting for the Principal's high-level discussion.

"Actually..." Principal prolonged his voice, "Our Academy is a boys' school."


Charles was scared by his dream When he woke up, he looked out the window, and it was dawn.

"Boss is awake."

Freiya, who was picking up the dirty clothes on the ground, turned her head, and complained, "Hurry up and get out. It smells like sweat, and the pillowcases are all smelly. Take advantage of the sun to wash up today."

Charles looked at the dormitory room and found that one person was missing, and asked, "The pomegranate leaves are not here today. ?"

Freiya said grimly: "You forgot, she is on holiday today."

Charles "Oh", scratching his head and said: "The recent things are too Too many, I can't remember a lot. I have worked hard for you today, and when I'm done, I will treat you to something delicious."

After he said, he lifted the blanket on his body and got out of bed, and then he was embarrassed.

Freiya threw the dirty clothes on the ground, holding his own body, Demon Cleaving Divine Sword, pointing at Xiaoyu, coldly said: "What are you going to invite me to eat?"

Charles hurriedly covered the blanket back. Freiya used Demon Cleaving Divine Sword to patted his head and said, "Hurry up and take a shower. I smell like sweat. After washing, I wash my clothes."

Charles rushed in. In the bathroom, he was puzzled when he was soaking in the water: "What's the matter? I don't get naked when I sleep in the dormitory?" I went to the circus on the side of the road to watch the show, and then I saw Enrico near the gate of the Academy. They went to the bar to drink, and they went to drink two glasses together as Megadon. Enrico was so stunned. After drinking, they returned to the bar. After Megadon's dormitory, he fell asleep.

Freiya outside the door disgusted and said: "Maybe you got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and simply took it off. Do you still think about letting a small animal give birth to it in the middle of the night?"

Charles has nothing to say.

Waiting for Freiya to wash someone’s dirty clothes, sheets and pillowcases and take them to the balcony to dry them, and when they came back, they saw Charles sitting at the desk and flipping through a book, so he lay on his back. He put his arms around his neck and asked: "What are you looking at?"

Charles replied: "The roster of the servants, I can choose twenty-five people to help me work."

After he finished speaking, he took an embossed bookmark from the bookmark box on the desk and placed it on the page of Alberrich. This is the maker of the sword of slime and the default engineer Academy Chief-In-Charge.

Someone can imagine that when he finds the servants he needs, he will open the Gong Academy, and He Dou Dagger will fight him.

A sea breeze suddenly blew the curtains across the faces of the two of them. Freiya used to tie the curtains to the window frame with a string on the side. After returning, he got into Charles’s arms. Li sat on his lap, studying the roster of God's servants together.

Because Charles has the power to break the Demon God in his body, there is a very subtle intimacy between him and Freiya. The two often subconsciously make some intimate actions, but there is no lust inside.

Freiya took the embossed bookmark in the bookmark box in his hand, after Charles nodded, clipped it into the roster of the servants. These all are the candidates who passed the first round screening.

The dormitory is very quiet, except for the sound of the sea breeze blowing the curtains, only the sound of page turning.

This tranquility did not last long, Freiya said softly: "Yesterday the gods chose the chosen person."

Charles just gave a "um" and didn't care. .

Freiya said again: "You weren't selected."

Charles said softly, "That's it," and then went on looking through the roster.

He was not surprised by this kind of thing. After he rubbed the War God that night, I am afraid that most of the gods dare not approach him.

But I am already a force that cannot be underestimated, so these god servants are likely to be used to comfort myself.

Freiya continued: "As far as I know, the god of soul and dreams chose Ji Shijun, and Auston I was chosen by Harvest and God of Forging. My god chose a named Garrett. People..."

Charles had an impression of this name, and after thinking about it for two seconds, he remembered that this man who was connected to the lives of the two wives was cut off by himself. Xiaobei’s broken Divine Spark and Sisters Freiya and Flica.

"There is one more thing." Freiya said in his arms with a voice that is more buzzing than a mosquito at worst, "My god came to me last night, and he asked me if I want to quit, you There are too many Divine Items around...If I want to...He can do it and cancel the contract between us."

Charles put down his hands turning the pages of the book and gently embraced Freiya's She pressed her chin on top of her head, and said calmly: "I won't let you go."

Freiya didn't play those tentative tricks. She held Charles' arm in front of her waist. Leaning back on Xi’s chest, he said seriously: "I said there are very few good masters like you, so I refused." The girl said: "Thank you."

He understood how precious Freiya's trust in him was.

Each Divine Item has a corresponding deity. Freiya's organizational relationship is hung under the name of the god of love, which is said to symbolize the power of love to overcome all magic.

The "suggestion" of the god of love to her is the same as the "suggestions" of other leaders to employees, and it is no different from the "requirements".

Freiya was able to say "No" to his Supreme God, and put the general unit in and was not far from going to work on the second day because the left foot entered the door and was expelled.

Charles asked her: "Just this way, will it have any bad influence on you?"

Freiya floated up, she turned around and knelt down on Charles On his lap, the two face each other.

She stared into Charles' eyes and said solemnly: "Words of God, if you sign a further bond contract with us, let us stay by your side."

Charles After laughing, he said: "Thank you for your trust and affirmation of me."

From the "gods" and "us", it can be seen that the other Artifact Spirit girls chose to stay with him like Freiya. Around.

Charles asked: "How do I sign the further bondage contract?"

Freiya didn't speak, she stretched out her hands to hold Charles' face, and couldn't help pouting.

I saw Freiya flew back to the bathroom and took a clean wet towel, rubbed it on Charles' forehead until it was clean.

She threw the towel on the table, then lifted her face again, looked up and kissed her freshly cleaned forehead.

At the very moment of the kiss, Charles felt a burst of Demon God power coming from the contact point, and fuse together with the same power that had been in his body for a while.

At the same time, Charles felt a little change in the contract with Freiya in his soul.

Freiya blushed and slipped away with his own body, Demon Cleaving Divine Sword, after the kiss. Charles opened his attribute board after a long absence, and found that the affiliation that was originally just a line had become gleaming Fetters heraldry.

It’s just that he saw the next row of "Myriad Law Scepter" Flica, "Treasured Canon of Wisdom" Ida, "Thunderclap Blade" Dana, "Spear of Cold Ice" Skadi, "Divine Sword of Raging Flames" When the names of Logue, "Future Crystal" Sybil and "Creation Hammer" Hredmar were named, the brain was a little bit painful.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Skadi to come. In addition to bringing her own body, she also carried a barrel of wine.

Skadi didn't say a word, just opened the stopper of the wine barrel and took a sip for himself, then handed the wine barrel to Charles.

Charles didn't say anything but the barrel was raised, took a sip, and passed it back.

The two of them just drank one bite at a time, and it didn't take long for Charles to pounce.

Skadi threw Charles on the bed and set it up, squeezed his face with his fingers to make sure he was not fake drunk, then wiped it with a wet towel and leaned down and kissed him.

After all, other Artifact Spirit girls are not as close to Charles as Freiya, and they are still a bit shy to take the initiative to kiss.

So they sent Skadi to get Charles drunk first, and then they will not be so ashamed to be drunk.

Charles woke up from alcohol when the sunset rose up into the sky, he lay on the bed for a while, and then turned on the attribute board again.

In his attribute board, except for Heridema, who has been acquainted for less than a year, the other Artifact Spirit girls are all shiny fetters.

Charles took the dry towel hung at the end of the bed and hung it in the bathroom, not caring that Heridma had not signed a bond contract with him.

Because her boss is Fillip, the Old Master who stole the authority of the deity It shouldn't be let her leave him like other deities.

Charles took another shower, feeling panicked when he came out.

In retrospect, I had nothing to eat today except for the buns that Freiya brought in the morning.

He changed his clothes and decided to go out for a big meal. Unexpectedly, when he opened the door and found that someone was about to knock on the door, his fist was already raised and almost smashed.

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