A new day, a new beginning.

Charles left the hotel when it was dark and came to the Adventurer's Guild.

He is dressed as an adventurer today. From the details, he still wears long trousers in hot weather. The trousers, cuffs and neckline are all tightly tied to prevent the insect from getting in. Inside the clothing.

In addition, he also hung a long sword around his waist. Not to mention the sword body built by Demon King himself, the wooden scabbard alone is very problematic.

In the far north, in the snow forest where the Kven people live, the hardest ice wood in this world grows, and iron swords of poor quality can't help it.

The scabbard of this Charles sword can be used as an iron rod, and generally devil beasts can’t bite it.

He looks like a fledgling outfit today. He didn't even buy a leather armor helmet. He only wore a vest that can be stuffed with wooden boards and a thick felt hat to make up the number of adventurers.

If you are an experienced adventurer, you can use the half-finger gloves on his hands, the iron-toed leather shoes on his feet, thick spider stockings, double-tie trouser cuffs and the hanging position Long sword sees that this is a veteran.

When Charles entered the union, it was time for the adventurers to eat breakfast and prepare to go out to work. The team members ate breakfast, and the party leader chose today's task at the task wall.

There are many devil beasts on the mountains outside here, so there are many workshops in the town that make leather and dried meat, and there is also a small Chamber of Commerce that buys devil beast bones, magic cores and herbs.

Charles is also planning to take on a few missions. His current adventurer level is only a few points away from Level 18, so let's take this opportunity to upgrade.

It's just that, as soon as he walked into the union, he found something was wrong here.

There was an empty table in the corner of the dining area. Charles walked over and sat down and asked the waiter to order a pumpkin porridge and cheap sausages.

The girls in bikinis around the table next to the table saw how shabby Charles was, and couldn't help moving their chairs away from him.

But when he took off his felt hat and put it on the table, showing a handsome appearance, the girls began to wonder if there was one missing person in the team.

Charles ignored them. At this time, pumpkin porridge cooked with water and a little corn and cheap sausages were served. The porridge was okay, but the cheap sausages were made from devil beast innards. The taste reminded him of the century-old assorted liver cans, a special product of Spirit Race.

Fortunately, there are some spicy plant seasonings in the intestines, and the taste is not too bad.

He watched the adventurers around him while he was eating. Most of them are very young, most of whom are in their early twenties.

The weapons and equipment of these people are quite new, and there are many cumbersome decorations, and their outfits are very popular with blood-sucking insects.

It can be seen from the eating posture that many people have received good family education. The most obvious one is that they are gentle when eating, neither fast nor slow, like Charles’ left hand. Holding a bowl of gu lu gu lu, right hand, there are very few people who use a fork to fork the whole sausage and eat directly.

There are also some veterans, but judging from the speeches of several people, they are not the leaders in the team. The Captain who made the decision was the youngster.

Charles is wondering, is this feeling from the Novice Village?

He called the waiter again to help buy an adventurer map from the counter.

Sure enough, the distribution range of devil beasts marked on the map confirmed his guess. Although there are many devil beasts nearby, there is nothing tricky for him, just those bandits in the depths of the mountains. It's a bit challenging.

At this time, an archer girl in a bikini came over, and she asked Charles, "Are you interested in fighting against stone monkeys with us?"

Charles took a look. On the map, the location of the stone monkey is a bit far away.

This kind of monkey is similar to the rock ape he used to crusade. The hair on the outside of the body will form a stone with defensive power.

He looked at the archer girl who was still in good shape, then glanced at the elven short bow hanging on the waist of the water snake, and finally shook his head and said, "Sorry, I'm not interested in bringing new people recently."

"We are not a newcomer!" Said the Shui Sheyao girl bulging with her waist, "I already have a moon, how many stars do you have?"

Her words translated That is, her adventurer level is Level 4, and she has just left the ranks of rookies.

Charles answered truthfully: "I only have a star."

He is right. The level 17 adventurer is a sun and a star.

The girl only asked the stars, so someone naturally answered honestly.

" 嘁..." The Shui Sheyao girl instantly turned into a mocking face, "I thought you were a sun."

Charles laughed, replied: "I let you down , I am not a sun."

The girl asked again: "Why don't you go with us?"

Charles shook the head, said: "Waiting for you to truly escape from the adventurer Come and team up with me when you are a rookie."

The girl, coldly snorted, returned to her table.

Charles slowly finished his breakfast, and saw the four girls happily discussing the crusade against the stone monkeys in the first battle, and couldn't help but shook his head and walked over.

He put a bottle of ointment on the table and said: "Take this, when the time comes, it will be needed."

It's just his kindness in exchange It was four pairs of cold eyes.

Charles didn't care, he just gave them a sunny smile.

"Thank you." Finally, sister Swordsman with long legs accepted the bottle of ointment because he looked handsome and not like a bad guy.

Charles waved to them, said "you're welcome", and then walked to the adventurer counter.

He helped these four little girls this time out of the kindness of "help as long as possible".

They can be fooled into running around the street in a bikini, and no one has reminded them. They are also pitiful.

At the counter, after showing his identity certificate, Charles asked the girl at the front desk who had the name "Romina" on her chest, and learned that the two prisoners had already begun labor reform. Their task today is Protect the woodcutter who is going to chop wood, and set off before dawn.

A town has to burn a lot of firewood every day, and not all wood can be used as firewood. Some wood is not resistant to burning, and some are resistant to fire by themselves. Some wood smells or even poisonous when burned. Maybe the rice will be smoked to death if it is not cooked.

At that time, Fillip taught people to plant special firewood forests, and choose those that are suitable for local growth, have strong germination, can be regenerated on a flat stubble, grow rapidly, produce large amounts of firewood, are flammable and burn resistant, and have strong firepower. Tree species are used as fuelwood.

It's just that there are more trees and devil beasts, and woodcutters are easily attacked by devil beasts.

Maybe the glasses brother understands the virtues of the adventurers in his territory, so he asked the Academy for help and sent some reliable people to ensure the normal operation of the town.

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