Charles originally wanted to talk to Romina about the local situation, but it seemed that there were more people reporting tasks, so he bid farewell to the girl and went upstairs to meet with the Adventurer’s Union. Long meet up.

The president here is a retired menopausal adventurer. There is not much to say. After completing the formalities, Charles left with a few polite words.

When he left the union, the sky was already bright and the shops on the street opened.

Charles asked all the way and found the best carpenter in town, planning to hire him to repair the stairs, doors and windows and the wooden shed on the roof of the small building he rented, and then make a new one. Furniture such as a sturdy bed, a desk and chair, a rocking chair and a matching coffee table.

The building was a bit damp because it was near the river, and the canopy on the roof was leaking, and it was unoccupied for a long time. Many of the furniture in it had mushrooms.

The carpenter Uncle tactfully said that he still had the first job to do, but he was kicked away by his wife before he finished talking.

Lady Boss rubbed her hands with a flattering smile. She asked, "Master just moved here?"

Charles replied: "Yes, just last night When I arrived, I rented the house."

Lady Boss said: "The house is excellent. The original furniture in it was built by our own house, but in recent years, it must have been moldy. "

"If the master can trust me, give me the repair and cleaning."

"Tomorrow at, tonight, I promise to clean the master's house. It’s clean, all the furniture has been replaced with new ones, and the sheets, bedding, pots and pans are neat and tidy for you!"

Charles raised his brows and asked: "You can handle these by yourself. Is the matter finished?"

Lady Boss patted her towering chest and said: "I can't finish it alone. I grew up here. I know who the neighbors sell and who can do everything. That's the one..."

Charles understood what she meant. It is really convenient for a local tyrant like her to find someone to do housekeeping, and it can also earn some money to subsidize the family.

"Then it's settled." Charles took out a few small gold coins of the country from his pocket and put them in her palm, and then seriously asked: "I will ask for a few, first. Be sturdy. Secondly, the desk should be bigger, and then put the whole bookshelf, the third rocking chair and the coffee table on the roof. I will put things on the first floor, the living room and dining room on the second floor, the study room on the third floor, and the bedroom on the fourth floor. Sometimes I have to blow the air on the roof to read the book, display it's up to you, see what I mean."

Lady Boss smiled so much that her mouth was almost to her ears, her hand was tight. Holding the gold coin, he slapped his chest with the other hand.

"Master, don't worry!" she said, "I promise to do things beautifully!"

Then she repeated Charles' request verbatim. .

Charles is naturally relieved that the space beacons are anchored on those small gold coins.

If Lady Boss runs somebody doesn't mind punishing her with winding waterweeds.

It's just that he miscalculated the purchasing power of gold coin in such a small rural place based on City of Knowledge's rental cost. As a result, the simple carpenter Lady Boss overfulfilled the task.

Charles gave Lady Boss the key to the room, then asked the location of the forge and left.

As soon as Master Yun left, the carpenter asked his wife: "What are you doing?"

As a result, Lady Boss kicked him again and cursed: "You really touch every day. The wood even turned his head into wood. It’s rare that an old man in town will not make money! You didn’t look under his gloves, wearing a power ring!"

The carpenter laughed and said: "What's wrong with wood? Okay, don’t you praise me for being harder than iron wood."

Lady Boss blushed and flew over again, and said angrily: "Don’t talk about it, the miser who sells medicine made it. After lunch, the furniture will let you move all the disciplines. Fortunately, the bed is made of iron and wood and the desk is not small."

The carpenter said hesitantly, "But he has already paid a deposit."

Lady Boss was coldly snorted and said: "Don't worry about the miser, he asked that there is a noble master who has taken a fancy to those furniture, we can't help it, blame him for not being a master."

"Don't hide and tuck, hurry up and make the rocking chair!"

After she finished speaking, she yelled twice behind moved towards and called her daughter out.

As soon as the girl who just came back from shopping for food came over, Lady Boss told her a lot of Lady Boss in the town’s grocery stores, tailor shops, blacksmith shops, Medicine Ingredients Shop, etc., and The names of many housewives finally said: "You call them all, just say I found a business and everyone makes money together." In that building, the doors, windows, stairs, and canopy were repaired so that they could do this kind of low-tech work.

Then she took the change at home and went out.

Lady Boss left, and the carpenter began to choose wood to make rocking chairs.

He recalled the height, leg length, arm span, waist and other data of Charles he had just seen, and then he had a bottom line.

In the workshop, there are half single sofas, and the armrests and backrest frames can be used instead.

It’s just that the comfortable rocking chair is best woven with soft and elastic rattan where people are sitting, but now there is not enough time and we can only change it.

The carpenter picked up an overgrown hatchet and walked to a huge wooden stake. He waved a blade light with his hand. After two or three breaths, it was at the center of the stake. It was cut into smooth wooden strips two fingers wide, half a finger thick, and half a meter long.

As long as these wooden strips of the same size are nailed side by side to a few strong leathers, they can be used to make a comfortable seat.

Then he changed a knife and started to modify those semifinished product parts.

At the same time, the carpenter Lady Boss came to the food store and bought two large bags of rice, and then went to the devil beast bacon workshop to buy a few large strings of pure meat smoked sausage.

Lady Boss naturally knows that it is better to give money to the sisters who do hard work than to directly give rice to the smoked sausage.

When she returned to the workshop, all the people her daughter had called arrived.

Charles didn't know that he had triggered a Lady Boss alliance rally. He just bought a shovel and a hoe in the smithy.

There is a low wall around the small building, which encloses a yard and separates it from the same building next door.

The yard of Charles's small building was overgrown with weeds. He decided not to waste this place. Instead, he wanted to use it to grow green onions, coriander, baby carrots, lettuce and spinach and other fast-maturing vegetables.

Cleaning up weeds is not difficult for him. A super large-scale special high temperature hot wind magic goes down, from the soil to the roof, from mosquitoes to bacteria, all life becomes in a few breaths Twelve mature.

At the same moment, the carpenter who was carving the tenon on the rocking chair support shook his hand and couldn't help looking towards the direction of the small building.

When he turned around, he found that the tenon was a little smaller than the original design. There is no way, I can only wait to change the size of the corresponding Maoyan.

Several people in the town, like the carpenter, stopped what they were doing, turned their heads and looked towards the same direction.

Charles naturally didn't know these things. He was controlling a one-meter-high wall of fire across the yard, burning the weeds and grass roots that were brittle due to high temperature dehydration on the ground and underground.

When he finishes this, several of the carpenter's disciplines brought tools and materials to repair doors and windows.

As soon as these disciplines went upstairs, they heard dense explosions outside.

Because the soil in the yard was clumped, Charles used magic to blow the soil loose.

The next work is about to start. He just picked up a shovel to dig out the ridges and drainage ditches. The carpenter Lady Boss took a dozen grandma with various tools and carried large and small bags came here.

The carpenter Lady Boss smiled and asked Charles: "Master, are you going to plant flowers?"

Charles shook the head, replied: "Open some place and plant some vegetables."

Lady Boss, the carpenter, was obviously taken aback for a second. She pointed to the sisters and said, "I have called the sisters, and I promise that I can clean them up for you today."

Charles nodded, said: "Thanks for everyone."

Then his plan to continue to cultivate the vegetable plot fell through. The carpenter Lady Boss first directed some grandma to clean the building. How many people on each floor, which one sweeps the floor? Which mopping the wall and mopping the floor is arranged in an orderly manner.

Then she pulled a fat aunt but with the best clothes and introduced it: "This is the Lady Boss from the best tailor shop in town."

The tailor Lady Boss was carrying a big cloth bag. She first drew out several colors of veil like a conjure, and then asked Charles: "Master, there are many mosquitoes near the water. Usually you have to cover the windows with a veil. What color do you want? Yes?"

Charles is a bit speechless. These spider silk scarves are not cheap. They are used as a window screen to prevent mosquitoes, but they are a luxury.

But he didn't want to be disturbed by mosquitoes, so he chose a white scarf.

Following the trick time of the tailor Lady Boss, she kept drawing out curtains, tablecloths, and bed sheets of various colors and patterns for Charles to choose.

Finally, she asked Charles if he wanted to make a dress. Charles thought about it and decided to make a few sets of clothes for his adventures.

Next, the tailor Lady Boss looked at him carefully, and then reported a set of data for making clothes.

The second place to appear is the tableware shop Lady Boss. The wooden box she carried contained several sets of "shop protecting treasure".

It's just that the "most precious shop protecting treasure" she highly recommends to Charles is the wood-clad glass-lined thermos cup that Chamber of Commerce just proposed this year.

Charles couldn't stand her enthusiasm and chose a set of ceramic tableware from Mason City, Kingdom of Biberach, and the thermos cup with diamond-shaped anti-skid pattern.

The third one to play is Lady Boss, who sells kitchenware. She even carried a range hood converted from a hair dryer.

It’s just that Charles has already placed an order with Joyoung Chamber of Commerce to buy kitchenware, and it will arrive in the afternoon, so I only need the range hood and a set of pots.

The fourth place is Lady Boss from Medicine Ingredients Shop. She brought incense and insect-controlling water, as well as several common healing potions.

Although Charles’ storage ring has been prepared, if it’s out of stock, you can buy it directly with teleportation, but in line with the principle of preparedness, it is better to pay more, so as not to catch up when the time comes in an emergency.

The last one who came over was Lady Boss from the blacksmith's shop. They met just now when they bought the hoe and shovel, so it was just a few words that the weapon was broken, so you can repair it.

Charles thought he could breathe a sigh of relief, but the carpenter Lady Boss said to him: "Master, I have to trouble you to go to the north gate in person later. I can't help you choose some things. You have to look at it yourself."

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