Charles is a bit weird. Basically all the things needed to live in are all there, so what could be worse?

He walked north along the river with this question, but the fish in the river jumping out of the water from time to time diverted his attention.

There are many reasons why fish jump out of the water, some are to avoid predators, some are startled, and today these fish prey on low-flying dragonflies.

It rains frequently in the south in July and August, and it seems that it will rain soon.

The water surface of the small river is more than one meter above the ground, so it should not be necessary to fight floods.

At this point in time, Charles came to the free market next to the north gate.

This market is quite lively. There are small vendors from outside, and there are also residents in the town who sell vegetables grown in their homes or chickens raised on the roof.

Charles also saw Christian and Conradin with the lumberjacks who had just cut wood and returned to sell them. There were a few rabbits and a wild boar in front of them.

There are several aunts sitting under a shed in a corner of the market, chatting while mending the broken clothes sent by the adventurer.

Charles took note of the information center in that small town, thinking that someday he would go out and cut his clothes and pants, and then use it as an excuse to talk to his aunt and ask about the town. intelligence.

At this moment, a chubby middle-aged man trot over and asked Charles respectfully, "Excuse me, are you the new master?"

Charles nodded.

The person laughed and replied: "My name is Andrew. Just now the wife of Joseph's family asked her daughter to come and tell me that there is a new master who wants to come to us to find someone."

André took Charles to a small house in a corner of the market with a desk and a few cabinets. A sign was hung on the door of this small house that said "Registration Office."

This time Charles got it. This is a formal labor agency in the town.

Sometimes when foreign merchants or adventurers need to stay for a long time, they naturally find some servants. This registry serves as a semi-official intermediary agency to provide corresponding candidates and guarantees.

Andre personally poured a cup of tea for Charles, and then said apologetically: "It stands to reason that I should have taken a trip myself, but when I came here, I was the only one who could not run away. Come on, folks from the village, we have a little conflict with a few people’s wives. It’s not good to quarrel in front of the master when we meet."

Charles didn’t care about their conflicts, he said: "It's just right. I'm going to find a maid. It will take one year."

Andre asked: "I don't know what the master wants?"

Charles said: "People are hardworking and fast." I won’t say anything about, fast work, and honest duties. Anyway, you will definitely guarantee that they are such people."

"The job content is the cleaning of the room and drying the clothes that the maids often do. , Catching lice on the bed, cooking, repairing clothes, purchasing food and talking bad about the master behind the back."

"My meal cost is not low, so the requirement is to be able to cook, especially fish. Yes."

"But I eat a little bit, I don’t make it difficult for them, so I hired two, working from six to two in the afternoon, in charge of breakfast at seven and lunch at twelve. One goes to work from two in the afternoon to ten in the evening, responsible for the afternoon tea at three, the dinner at six and the supper at ten, and let them watch the arrangements for other things."

" You can go home from work."

What he said was the normal requirement of employers for maids.

Although Charles can hire more maids, he doesn't need them now. He plans to hire a maid who can do all kinds of tasks just like an ordinary small family.

Andre quickly called two aunts who looked like they were in their forties from the outside sewing shop. Charles was a little surprised at first glance, and then he took a closer look. Auntie is still a beautiful twin sister.

"Master." Andrew said to Charles, "These two are pumpkin and winter melon. Both of them are my mother-in-law. Cooking is the best in town, whether it’s fish or something. They can be made delicious. If they are not diligent, come to me and I will smoke them!"

Charles took a cup of tea and paused, and looked at Andrew with reverence. , Makes him a bit sorry.

A little change lined up on the table, Charles said: "How to cook is useless. Seeing that it is almost noon, you can try to cook a meal. If it suits my appetite, I will hire you. Now."

Waiting for Aunt Pumpkin and Winter Gourd to go out to buy ingredients with the money, Andrew asked: "Master, would you like someone to help you watch the night? There are many adventurers here, and occasionally there are The hands and feet are not clean."

Charles said seriously: "I don't want to care about your family affairs, but I still want to ask, why their pupils are vertical pupils?"


Andre hesitated, and finally said, "Actually, when I was young, I was an adventurer. At that time, I killed a group of lizardmen who were bandits, and later found two of them in the cave... …"

"Ah...I also know that mixed-race people are discriminated against, but I can’t leave them alone. Their mother was given to by’s hard enough, but they are innocent Yes..."

"So I brought them back and settled down like this."

Charles immediately said after listening, "so that's how it is, don't worry." , I will not discriminate against them."

The genetics of this world is a mess, and he has given up thinking about it a long time ago.

At the same time, the winter melon who was shopping for vegetables in the market outside asked Aunt Pumpkin quietly: "Sister, have you noticed that the master smells good?"

Aunt Pumpkin froze for a moment. She remembered for a moment, and then said: "It seems to be so, I don't know what perfume he uses. I have a chance to ask and buy a bottle for the younger one at home."

Aunt Winter Melon said bitterly: "Do you have money?"

Aunt Pumpkin's face also collapsed, and there is no way if there is no money.

Andre over there has been recommending the night watchman to Charles, which makes Charles a little skeptical.

Andre said sorryly: "I'm not the youngest kid in my family, he is sixteen years old, and he should start working."

"It's just that he wants to be an adventurer. , But what is the use of empty strength and no magic."

"Now he is doing nothing at home, and his wife and his big brother elder sister are pampering him again."

"So I am afraid that others will be abandoned, so I want to arrange some work for him. It is still possible to scare the thief."

Charles nodded, said: "In this case, you call him here. Let me see first."

So Andrew went out and brought in a youngster from the woodcutter.

This youngster is about 1.8 meters tall, a little handsome, a little thin, and there are signs of martial arts training from the muscles.

He was a little shy in front of strangers, and he lowered his head to count the ants on the floor when he came in.

Charles asked him: "Have you learned sword skills?"

He hesitated and replied: "I learned a little with father."

Charles again Q: "You can't make magic?"

Youngster blushed and nodded.

Charles felt weird when I heard that. In this world, healthy young people like him can use a little magic. It's just that the magical formidable power of an ordinary person is equivalent to a disposable lighter for a dollar. A big flame, it's useless if you take a two-yuan disposable lighter in front of the tiger.

But there is very little magic that cannot be released at all.

Charles opened his soul vision out of curiosity, and planned to see if there was any problem with his soul.

"Lying on the grass!"


Charles jumped in shock as a result of the investigation, and the chair under him was knocked aside.

Andre hurriedly asked: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

Aunt Pumpkin and Winter Melon, who just came back from buying vegetables, suddenly became nervous when they saw the child, thinking that the child would make the master angry. NS.

Charles hurriedly said: "Don't worry, I found a little problem."

He asked the two aunts: "Can you two know magic?"

The two aunts shook their heads.

Andre said to the side: "They will not magic since they were young."

Charles squeezed his brows and said, "In this way, let's do an experiment. I will chant. The three of you read along with the pronunciation."

"Raise one hand first and focus on your hand, then read..."

Half a minute later, there was a strong light It lights up in the small house of the registry.

After a few minutes, everyone's vision returned to normal.

Andre and his family restlessly stood there looking at Master Xuan who was closing his eyes.

Charles open his two eyes, squeezed his brows, and then said: "I’m clear."

Andre asked anxiously: "Excuse me, sir, what is this? What's the matter?"

Charles sighed and said: "Go to the lizardmen of [southern foul language], the father of the two aunts is a giant dragon! It must be a giant dragon!! They are half-dragon human, so they can use it. Dragon Language Magic!!!"

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