There are very few half-dragon humans in history. On the one hand, there is the difference in aesthetics between humans and giant dragons, and on the other hand, the difference in lifespan between humans and giant dragons. It's too big, and most of the reason for the combination of the two is drinking too much.

The attitude of giant dragons towards half-dragon human is that I don’t see it and treat it as if I don’t. If I see it, I would say if I need help.

It’s just who the fathers of these two half-dragon human aunts aroused discussion among giant dragons. Olympus and other giants like Brother Long, who run transportation on the human side all year round, have Deposit swears that these two aunts are not their own children.

The two aunts can't remember the father's thing either. They only remember that they have been living with the mother's family. When they were about five years old, one day the village was breached by the Lizardmen bandits, and they were taken away and sold.

The two of them don't care about these things anymore, and now their minds are all on the child.

Andre and them have five children in total. They are all very powerful, but they don’t know how to use magic and can only do ordinary person work.

Three children in their early twenties are now running outside with the caravan, and a 16-year-old daughter followed the village Eminem to learn to be a maid in a large family in Royal Capital.

Now Charles tells them that in the future they and the children can use magic, and it is Dragon Language magic, which sounds very difficult to deal with magic, and the family's mind is moved.

Mending clothes and cutting firewood can make a few money in a month. As long as the strength is enough, when adventurers take a trip, they will earn half a year of money.

So Andrew's son bowed to Charles and said, "Master, I want to learn magic."

Charles spread his hands and said, "I don't know Dragon Language magic either. , I remember the glowing magic just now because it was often used as a jingle."

Seeing this young man disappointed, Charles said: "Don’t be discouraged, I asked your distant relatives. , They agreed with you to learn some simple Dragon Language magic."

"They don’t know how your innate talent is, so they entrust me to teach you from the simple."

The kid's eyes began to shine.

Andre seriously asked his son on the side: "Have you really decided to be an adventurer in the future?"

His son solemnly replied: "I have already decided. "

Andre nodded, said: "As an adventurer, the first thing you have to do is to make a nice name."

Charles listened straight to the side. nodded, can you think of this young man's name as "Maotu"?

Then Andrew thought for a while, and never remembered finding a name in the story he heard. From now on, his youngest son was named Nidhogg.

The next step is learning time.

Dragon Language magic is not the same as elemental magic. It relies on the incantation of the giant Dragon Language to cast spells.

Charles can't understand the key point. His giant Dragon Language is only enough for daily conversations, and his eyes circle when he sees the professional content.

It's just that the most speechless thing is that the caster dragon doesn't understand the meaning of incantion. The pronunciation is fine, but the effect is quite poor.

Just now Charles ran to the giant dragon section of the dream platform of the Kingdom of Rurik and asked about it. Those giant dragons suggested that these half-dragon humans first learn and master a few simple Dragon Language magics. If there is more energy, continue to learn.

If you use Dragon Language magic too reluctantly, you will be backlashed. When the time comes, it will be difficult to spell it back.

Charles chuckled out a group of eight-syllable Dragon Language incantation, and then said: "This is a magic to enhance physical strength and endurance. You need to focus on your body when singing. Practice this incantation, this magic is not easy to go wrong, it is very suitable for beginners to get started. You can also study with your mother and others when you have time."

It's just that he didn't expect something wrong with his last suggestion Now, second day Aunt Pumpkin and Aunt Winter Melon went to cook for Charles in a very good spirit, and Andrew took a day off.

Someone doesn’t know what’s going on tomorrow. He corrected Niederhogg’s pronunciation several times. After the pronunciation is correct, it’s time for dinner, and the aunts went home and brought them up.

Because Charles specifically asked the other party to know how to cook fish, the two aunts bought two fish back.

The meat on both sides of a fish was cut into a whole piece, and then one piece was sprinkled with salt and grilled, the other piece was fried golden brown and drizzled with some soy sauce, the fish head, tail and bones were put in the pot and Soybeans and ginger are boiled together into soup.

The other fish is steamed with green onion, ginger, and sour plum.

The staple food is pumpkin rice. There are not many fields outside of this place. Apart from some vegetables, pumpkins and beans are grown. The rice is all imported from outside, so the locals often use melon instead of rice. Take beans as the staple food.

I have to say that these three dishes and one soup taste good. Although Dao Idol has the traditional taste of a small family with little oil and salt, it is light, but it is not a problem for Master Xi. He eats The taste is inherently weak.

Charles decided to hire two aunts after eating and drinking, and wrote the contract on the spot.

When he asked about the salary, Andrew said: "Hey, the wife of John's family said that you have given her the money. When the time comes, I just asked her to do it."

Charles understands, it seems that the carpenter Lady Boss is quite thoughtful.

He talked a few words with the two aunts, talked about his usual job requirements, gave a few more days of money to buy food, and then left.

There is still time before the house is cleaned up, and Charles decides to continue walking around the town.

Some workshops in the town are concentrated in the area from the north gate to the west gate, where adventurers bring the hunted devil beasts and sell them to the workshops.

In the workshop, the devil beast is peeled, meat, and bones are digged to dig the magic core, the skin is nitrated, and the meat is sold and smoked.

Charles saw Aunt Pumpkin talk a few words with a workshop boss, and then everyone laughed. It seems that most of his meat will be sold directly from the factory in the future.

When he walked to the west gate, he was somewhat surprised to see Andrew walking out of town with Niederhogg. The father and son were dressed in clothes that were easy to move, and they also brought swords. .

Charles is just laughed. Regardless of other people's home affairs, in the vicinity he just finds a tavern and sits in.

Before the tavern’s business was booming, it was empty and nobody, only Boss was dozing off at the bar.

Charles sat on the chair in front of the bar, put down a large copper plate, and said, "A glass of wine to pass the time."

The bald Boss stood up and stretched. Charles was taken aback by his bear-like figure, who was just over two meters tall.

He looked at Charles, shook his head and said, "Drinking at this time is not a good child."

Then Charles didn't know whether to cry or laugh and looked at the boss. Brewed myself a pot of herbal tea.

The tea came up, and the boss moved towards behind and shouted twice for his wife to bring up the snack, but there was no response.

"Aiya!" He patted his bare head, "Forget, the wife was called to work by Joseph's house."

Then he said to Charles seriously: "It's better not to drink tea with snacks."

Charles took a sip of the tea, raised his brows, and sighed: "This tea is good!"

Bald Boss proudly He touched his bald head and said: "This is the Spirit King room formula."

Charles nodded, this Boss is right.

Then he chatted with the boss named Jacob about things in the town.

Suddenly, a weak wave of magic power came from the west.

Jacob looked towards there, frowned slightly, and muttered in a low voice: "What is Andrew going crazy?"

Charles deliberately asked curiously: "Andre Who is Lie?"

Jacob replied blankly: "A winner in life. Alas, a promising man was dragged down by two wives."

This time Charles was really curious, so he asked: "Can you tell me?"

Jacob said: "It's nothing, everyone in the town knows. He was originally You can go to royal capital and become Knight. As a result, because he didn’t want to marry a noble illegitimate daughter, he returned with his two wives."

Charles sighed with a surprised look. "I can create such a strong magic power fluctuation. It’s okay to survive a few battles and become a Baron. I don’t know who I learned from."

Jacob said: "That’s right. I practiced blindly in the mountains."

Charles became more and more curious. He just checked, the strength of this tavern boss is about the same as Andrew.

A little bit of time passed, Charles was in a daze except drinking tea. It was rare to relax for an afternoon.

When it was time to eat, many middle-aged uncles came here.

"Jacob, give me something to eat!"

"No, my wife is not here, no one will do it!"

"I want tonight Hungry to death!"

"Drink and fill up."

Several consecutive guests and the tavern boss had such conversations, and Charles felt that he was going to run away.

Apparently the wives of these people were hired to help clean up the small building and they have not yet returned home to make dinner, which caused them to be hungry and have no food at home.

If they know that the culprit is right in front of them, will they beat themselves up? He thinks these people can beat themselves up by swarming them.

More and more guests came to look for food. Jacob saw that he could only go to the back kitchen to cook a large pot of pumpkin soup and roast some sausages.

It's just that Charles felt that everyone's eyes were focused on him when the pot of soup was served.

When I bought the hoe this morning, the blacksmith who had a close relationship with Charles said to him kindly: "youngster, you are hungry too, you can eat first, let's drink some wine to cushion our stomachs. "

Charles immediately noticed that the situation was not good, but he was also a little hungry. He thought about the pumpkin soup made with water, oil and salt, so he drank a half bowl and drank it under everyone’s attention. A bite.

"It's not bad." Charles said with some surprise, "I thought it was something unpalatable when you look at it. It tastes better than the canned Spirit Race."

"Little Brother said so well!" Jacob slapped Charles on the shoulder like a bear paw, "I said that I cooked nothing wrong, but you can't eat it."

"Look at this Little Brother who knows how to eat it. People who have eaten fine Spirit Race cans, know what good things are, so they can eat good ones!"

"Little Brother will often eat Come and sit down, come and find me if you can’t solve the problem in town!"

The blacksmith looked at Charles with suspicion, then looked at Jacob, and asked, “This Little Brother , Won’t you be threatened by this ridiculous bear? Don’t worry, if so, we will uphold justice for you!"

Before Jacob yelled, Charles said, "No, no, This pumpkin soup is really better than the most memorable canned Spirit Race I have ever eaten!"

"You can really talk!" Jacob was so happy that he slapped Charles and slapped Charles. Shoulders.

So a group of people came over and scooped up a bowl of pumpkin soup.

From this day on, in addition to this tavern, Charles can enjoy a 11% discount on shopping in the town.

Not long after, Andrew also came. He saw the group of noisy guys sitting there today like dead fish, and he couldn't help but exit and reopened the door to come in.

Seeing him come in, a cobbler in the town shouted: "Andre, what are you going crazy today, who did you fight with?"

Andre laughed and said "Isn't it? The youngest one in my family is going to be an adventurer. I have played with him."

"Yeah!" He found Charles sitting at the bar, "Master, you are also there. Here."

Later, Charles' 11% discount on purchases was upgraded to a 12% discount.

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