There is nothing more enjoyable than taking a hot bath, a full meal, and a comfortable sleep after the war.

When Stella walked off the battlefield, her whole body was covered with the blood of Rex's teeth from her hair to her shoes, like the devil crawling out of the blood pool described in the novel.

When everyone returned to the camp with the frail four adventurer girls, no one dared to approach her, she just sat alone on the wooden stake that served as a chair.

Blood is very scary, but when the blood on the body coagulates, it feels uncomfortable, not to mention the unpleasant four and the ensuing insects such as flies.

Christo came back from the river. Despite his exhaustion, he cut a tree and cut out a tray, which was filled with blue magic cores that were cleaned and removed from the bones.

He came to Stella, knelt down on one leg and held the tray cautiously, and said respectfully: "Her Highness the Princess, these are your spoils of war."


Stella glanced at the Rex's Tetradon cores in the tray, pouted, and said with some annoyance: "Give it to you."

Chris Too politely thanked him and left, leaving Stella sitting there in a daze.

At this time everyone was busy in the camp. Charles was gone. Romina, Sister Teresa and Sasha took care of the four adventurer sisters together. Nidhogg was fetching water and came back to Charles. I just took out a beautiful samovar that looked like an egg. The archer brother Marley and Martin were cutting wood and burning the fire. After Christo stepped back, he handled the toothed dragon king’s method according to Charles’ teachings. Tail, Conradin and Christian go to find the scared donkey and haven't come back yet.

Stella was sitting there alone, she wanted to help but no one dared to ask her to help.

At this time, Charles came back. After the battle, with the help of Sister Teresa, he fixed half of his ribs and left the camp after a simple cure. Now he came back and felt all over his body. Stella uncomfortable.

Charles smiled and said to her: "Long wait, come with me."

Stella looked at him suspiciously, although she didn't know what he was going to do, but Still followed him to the creek outside the camp.

"This is..."

Stella saw a rectangular pit on the ground surrounded by a large circle of tarps on the side of the stream, and the water in the pit was rising. With the heat.

Charles said with a smile: "You go and wash, the smell on your body will become more unpleasant over time."

Stella looked at the pool of hot water, Hesitated for a while, and finally nodded.

When night fell, Stella, who took a shower and put on clean clothes, returned to the camp and dinner had already begun.

After a while, Charles appeared in a place invisible to the camp of the upper stream, holding a plate of grilled Rex Tetratosaurus tail and saying to Nun who was helping Stella washing clothes: "Madam, Let’s have some dinner first."

Old Nun shook the head, continuing to wash the clothes, and said: "This set of adventurer’s clothes is one of His Royal Highness’s favorite clothes. I must take advantage of the blood stains to return Wash it up when it’s not too solid."

Charles put the dinner on the stone aside and said, "You can wash the blood on your clothes with lemon juice. You can try this time."


Old Nun nodded, but still use the traditional method to wash those clothes.

Charles sat on the rock in the vicinity, looking at the brilliant starry sky, and whispered: "I remembered a few things."

"8 years ago, that is In the year of the drought in the north in 1921, when floods occurred in the south, there seemed to be a beast wave caused by the flood. This beast wave finally disappeared."

"Almost at the same time, There is a story of "Blood Princess" in the story. In the story, an 8-year-old girl alone killed all the devil beasts. By the strength of oneself, the beast wave was resolved. When people agreed to her, her The whole body was soaked in the blood of devil beast, and the rumor disappeared very quickly in the end."

"At the same time, Stella moved to Biro with you until now."

"From then on, there will be no news about the little Princess of Simeon Kingdom."

"You said, can these things be made into a string of pearl necklaces?"

" p>

Old Nun was still washing his clothes quietly. After a few minutes, he asked: "What do you want to say?"

Charles took out a cigar and lit it and smoked it. One mouthful, and then said: "I don't care about the internal affairs of Simeon Kingdom. I only stay in this small town for one year. After a year, it is not important to me whether the Kontrof family will seek usurpation. I I just hope that those people don’t cause me trouble."

Old Nun shook the wrung trousers, folded them in half and placed them on the rock beside him, then stood up and turned around blankly. Looking at Charles, he asked, "Why do you say such a thing?"

Charles laughed, took a cigar, and then vomited a big puff of smoke.

Under the dim moonlight, this large cloud of smoke did not dissipate with the wind, but condensed into a maple leaf pattern and floated there quietly.

Old Nun's face instantly changes so hard to look at it, and after a while, he regained his original cold expression.

She saluted and said: "I will report what the adults mean."

After speaking, she picked up the washed clothes and left.

After a few minutes, the two walked through the bushes and came behind Charles.

Charles asked: "How?"

Conradin said angrily, "The two donkeys were taken away by Dimmi."

Chris Di'an said: "There are no other traces of lurking around."

Charles lightly nodded, took a cigar, and after spitting out the cigarette, he said: "It seems that you two came here by no accident. And I don’t know why I was implicated in it."

"Now the first thing is to check Dimi. Your intelligence network is better than mine. It’s up to you."


Conradin asked: "What are your plans?"

Charles shook the head, replied: "This is the internal affairs of your southern countries. I won't interfere. Do whatever you like. Well."

"But I don't want anyone to disturb my peaceful life this year. Use your channels to tell those people that if I annoy me, I will just lift the table."

Kang Latin and Christian looked at each other, and both of them were obviously sighed in relief.

Since the two of them who were raised as political creatures were looking for opportunities to tell Charles about the things about Stella just now while cleaning the battlefield, it shows that they have their own ambitions. There should be varying degrees of participation in the internal issues of the Simeon Kingdom where the piece of land is located.

Now Charles has made it clear that he will not participate in these things, and both of them are sighed in relief.

After the two of them left, Charles sat there smoking all his cigars.

He always felt that there was something strange behind his inexplicable surveillance work. Now it seems that a silhouette rang the Principal, and then he was dragged into the water.

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