A few days from the beginning of August, the people in the town of Biro hosted a grand dinner.

The weather is hot, and the Rex lepidodon meat that the adventurers moved back is enough for the workshop. The other devil beast meat cannot be processed in time, so everyone is invited to eat it together.

In the square in the middle of the town, the stewed roasted devil beast meat smells tangy, and the whole town is full of men, women and children, and there is a wandering bard beside it singing and singing "Yan eight hundred evil fight Leike" The song of "Slitodon".

I have killed so many Rex's teeth dragons, and many of them die without a whole corpse, this must be claimed by someone.

Stella is unwilling to bear the reputation of killing devil beasts on her back, so she gives the credit to Christo.

Christo hurriedly refused. He knew how much he had. If he was sent to perform the same task because of this, it would be no different from suicide.

He intends to give this credit to Christian and Conradin, and these two people are unwilling to take it to death.

If the two of them encountered this incident while walking around, they would definitely not let it go, but they are now in the labor reform period, which is a blemish in their lives.

If this matter spreads out, others will definitely not pay attention to the Rex Tetradon, but the Prince of this country and the Crown Prince of a country who work together to reform through labor, when the time comes their own face and country His face is going to be ashamed.

Especially Christian. In addition to his father’s succession to the throne, his aunt Margaret is in competition. If this matter is passed back, the succession to the throne will be difficult, unless he Kill Conradin now, that's another story.

Then the two of them murmured and said that the matter was "by Count Megadon who happened to pass by."

Charles didn't care about it, plus he wanted to warn some people not to trouble him, so he just let them.

Just when there was a happy laughter and cheerful voices in the square, Charles sat alone in the study and read the letter I just received this morning for second time.

The letter was written by Tarantula and sent through the channel of the Assassin Organization, the "Black Bat".

The content of the letter is not much. It is to tell Charles that someone is playing the idea of ​​Aixifan restaurant and Aixifan chain restaurant. The last time someone pretended to eat food poisoning was the beginning, and this secret mastermind was the Horsford family.

After reading the letter, Charles scratched his head, wondering what the Horsford family was going to do.

For the first time, he heard that the family hadn't had an accident at the time and grandfather was still alive. He overheard father and grandfather discussing marriage to Eldest Young Lady of Horsford's family.

Only the second year when Father Yun came back from a trip, he told Yun grandfather that the matter was cancelled, and the root cause Charles was caught by the elder sister to play without secretly.

Unfortunately, they are all passed away now, and Charles can't understand why father cancelled the marriage.

Later, it was at the end of last year that the Hosford family broke up with Xi and spied on his box. This year, I heard that Xi was going to run an Academy and tried to cut his head, but I didn’t expect that they were cut by someone else. NS.

Thinking about it carefully, Charles feels that they are sure they are going to play against him.

Aishifan restaurant and restaurant chain are not auctions, grabbing auctions and cutting-edge Academy, and then increasing the price to resell them. It’s a long-term industry, and the idea of ​​doing these businesses is to save money. There is no difference between business and declaration of war.

Charles once again recalled the Horsford family’s trump card. Their family looked similar to their own. They were both old-fashioned families backed by Spirit Race. They relied on sugarcane to sell cheap brown sugar and high-priced white sugar. Make big money.

When dinner is ready, Charles has already made a decision to give them a sap in business.

As for the spirit of the Spirit Race behind the Horsford family, he is afraid of being an idiot.

Sweetness brings happiness to people. Sugar is an indispensable seasoning in people's daily life, and it is also a food that supplements energy.

The source of honey is not stable. The bees in this world are also a bit fierce. Sugar beets have not been specially domesticated. Therefore, people consume maple sugar in Northlands and cane sugar in the South.

So Charles decided to launch Third Type sugar that can be mass-produced to squeeze the sucrose market.

As for whether his maple syrup market will be squeezed, he doesn't care.

After all, someone’s family sells maple syrup on the surface, but they actually make money by selling medicine extracted from the puree of maple syrup.

When the time comes, if the maple syrup can't be sold, then use it to make wine, maybe the profit will be higher.

At the end of the meal, Charles asked Aunt Winter Melon: "I heard that your daughter Mao Mao Mao brought her boyfriend back?"

Aunt Winter Melon laughed and replied: "What happened, just yesterday I arrived, a very honest young man."

Charles saw that she had a good impression of her future son-in-law, and asked: "I heard that he is in the food business?"

Auntie Winter Melon replied with a smile: "It's not a big business either. It's just that the village in the vicinity collects some food and sells it in the city, and asks friends in the north to get something to sell. It's a hard year to fill it up."

She smiled brightly for a reason. Her daughter’s boyfriend runs a small Chamber of Commerce that sells food to the city. It is considered a middle class in the city. It’s a good thing for her daughter to marry into such a family. The destination.

Charles finally said: "I have a little business and want to talk to him. If he wants to ask him to come over tomorrow morning."

Hearing that the master has business affairs, Aunt Winter Melon attaches great importance to her. Her future son-in-law, Jovchev, appeared in the living room of the small building at nine o'clock in the morning of the second day.

Yovchev is in his early twenties this year. His appearance is pleasing to the eye at first glance. When he introduced himself, he showed the shrewdness of a small businessman.

Today he is wearing a new suit that fits well, which I am afraid he ordered to meet the female Fang Family.

He was a little nervous, and he acted more cautiously than when he first met his girlfriend’s parents, because he heard that it was the master who recognized the giant dragon bloodline of his girlfriend’s family, and he also had storage ring.

Charles looked at him for half a minute, and then asked: "Are you not afraid of Mao Mao’s eyes?"

Yovchev immediately sat upright and replied: "Let the lord know that I The previous owner bought the treasures of Spirit Race several times and was sent by giant dragon. I have seen giant dragon’s eyes, which are the same as those of a sphynx cat."

Charles nodded, then said: "I I'm planning to make some small inventions. I just asked you for help when you were in town. In the end, how much ability you can learn, and whether you can add a few pieces of meat to the bowl with this ability is up to you."

Yovchev heard this and immediately stood up and bowed to Charles: "Thank you for your cultivation."

Charles didn’t say any more. The list of iron pot and other things and a bag of money were given to him, and he asked him to prepare things quickly.

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