The weather in this place at the end of summer and early autumn is uncertain how it will change. The past few days were cloudless and the wind was noisy. There was no wind at this time, and there were a lot of clouds in the sky. Sultry and sultry.

Early in the morning of the day, after eating breakfast, Xi came to the Adventurer's Guild as usual.

Today is very lively in the trade union, because there is a notice of the recent heavy rain on the taskbar. Many adventurers decided to rest for a few days and wait for the rain to pass.

Christian and Conradin were responsible for escorting a batch of adventurer union supplies to Iskar City a few days ago, and then transporting a batch of weapons and potions sold by the union back from there.

Someone thinks this is the Amelie Princess who Conradin will come here while hiding from rumors.

Several risky adventurers started a wrist-wrestling competition in the rest area, which soon attracted a lot of people to watch and participate.

At the table next to Charles, two Junior Sisters played another game.

They put an egg on the table with a small bowl buckled on it, and the two of them took pictures together at a certain fast pace. They took turns patting the bowl and the table, and if someone suddenly took the bowl and another person didn't react in time, they would slap the egg on top of the egg.

Then Charles took out some walnuts to them, in exchange for a while.

When he returned to his seat and watched the latest issue of "Magic" for a while, a dainty and delicate person at the next table looked like a 14-five-year-old French Junior Sister who served a bowl. Come over the walnut shell, there is no kernel inside.

Charles deliberately glared at her angrily, but the girl was not afraid of him, she stuck out her tongue cutely, and then smiled and pulled a chair to sit down next to him.

This Junior Sister son Charles, named Stefani, just met. This girl and elder sister Gabriela just came to this new village, and they seem to be following elder sister. The big family lady who adventurers play.

Now you have a small reputation in the adventurer’s mage circle. Just being able to read the contents of the "Magic" magazine made those mages who learned magic from the teacher and student inheritance amazed.

There are a lot of mage taught by teacher alone, but due to the teacher’s level and knowledge structure, students are often lacking in knowledge. High-end papers in magazines that require a lot of knowledge They always feel that there are some key points that they don't understand.

Stefani asked him in a cute voice: "teacher, what are you studying today?"

Yuan teacher said: "Now I am watching "Basic Magic "The Nature of Elements", how is your mastery of magic attached?"

Since Biberach’s royal division chief Neville Count’s paper on arrow attached magic has been published in the inaugural issue of "Magic" magazine After the release of the First Chapter position, now there will be no magic attached to the arrow, so sorry to call itself archer.

Later, many people with active minds and so on studied the magic of weapons.

Stefani saw Charles a few days ago after reading the "Magic" magazine and went to the bookshelf to find the first issue and asked him about the difficulties of weapon attachment magic.

Waving a burning magic wand at the top to hit people is a new fashion for mages these years.

There are many mages in the Adventurer's Union who ask Charles for questions like Stefani and call him a teacher, and he is always willing to come.

Stefani seriously replied: "I can already condense the ice spear on the top of the magic wand."

Charles nodded and said: "Then you have to practice more guns. When it’s needed, it’ll only hurt the party members by dancing."

At this time, there were several whistles in the union, and a big elder sister wearing a sack-like skirt with purple hair came from The hotel upstairs walked down.

This big elder sister named Sylvia is the best beauty in this trade union. The baggy skirt is still some distance away from the belly at the waist.

She is a strong and experienced adventurer Swordsman, she usually fights alone most of the time, and occasionally is invited to cooperate with some adventurer parties, where she has a small reputation.

At the same time, she has her own house in the royal capital Iskar, and she often goes home to live for a while.

"Charlie ~♡" Sylvia sat down across from Charles with one hand on his chin, put a pair of "slime" on the table, and said lazily, "The weather is so good today, and elder Sister, give it a try. If you win, I can do whatever you want~♡"

Charles still looked at the magazine and said with disdain: "What kind of brag, you lost last time I asked you to do something, but in the end, you don’t want to do it like that. You will be tired after a few clicks. It’s boring."

For a while, those in the trade union who talked, played cards, and played chess were upset. Raise your ears, and even those who break their wrists are starting to fight fake matches.

Romina even threw down her work at the front desk and grabbed the work of the food delivery waiter to take Sylvia's breakfast over, and then stood in the vicinity with a look of gossip and stopped leaving.

It's just that the two of them started talking about the recent weather.

After a burst of boos, the hustle and bustle in the union resumed.

At this moment, Sylvia said in a slightly louder voice: "Wait for me to go to your small building."

As a result, those who are full of idle gossip The guy was quiet again.

Charles said calmly, "Yes."

So the guys started booing.

When Sylvia finished breakfast, Charles returned the magazine and took her back to the small building.

In the past two days, Reimu went to help Ji Shijun. Aunt Pumpkin, who was cleaning up, saw that the master came back with the beauties and immediately laughed and absent from work with pay. For a while, only the building was left. Charles and Sylvia, and a gecko.

The little gecko lying on the bedroom wall immediately pulled down the curtains when they saw the two of them entering the bedroom, then hugged them and fell on the bed and rolled around, and then went into the bathroom again. There was a sound of water and strange noises.

The two came out. Their wet clothes were flying around the room, and the hapless little gecko was smashed down by a linen skirt full of water.

This time the little gecko didn't watch the show, and could only hear strange sounds after another.

But the wet skirt was so heavy that the little gecko could not get out.

With the skirt blocking the air all around, it didn't take long for the little gecko to die from suffocation.

After seeing the death of the little gecko monitoring the bedroom from the perspective of the soul, Charles patted Sylvia and hugged her in his arms.

Now someone is wondering why the "black bat" person finds himself. Last time, Sylvia made an excuse to compare himself with himself. After losing the test, he came to Xiaolou and said after showing his identity. Next there is a major event to happen.

The panting Sylvia lay on Charles, and said to him in a very low voice while panting, "The Kontrof family is taking the lead and planning to kidnap Amelie in the town. Princess gets the treasure, then Knight and regular soldiers will be mixed with the bandits."

"Some new faces have come to the town recently. They are here to inquire about the situation in the village. You are within their key surveillance area. "

After listening, Charles squeezed her twice, making her whisper loudly, otherwise the little gecko outside the curtains who is struggling to get in will not be fooled by it.

If it's just making sounds, it's okay for him.

Then Charles asked her in a low voice: "What are your plans?"

Sylvia said in a low voice, "The leader and Amelie Princess have an old relationship. She asked us to Protect her. The'poisonous spider' asks me to bring you a message and beg you to take action."

Charles immediately agreed. Since it is the person Mafia teacher wants to protect, his own discipline Tarantu Pull again begged to make a move by himself, but he was impossible to agree.

Sylvia said again: "Stefani and Gabriela are the helpers sent by the leader. We will discuss how to act tomorrow."

Charles's mouth After smoking it, he asked in a low voice: "Where to discuss it?"

Sylvia said as it should be by rights: "Of course it is here. The Kontrov family are very suspicious. Seriously, at very moments when we suddenly gather, they will become suspicious if there is something unreasonable. If they suddenly change their original action plan, it will be difficult for us to inquire."

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