An autumn rain and a cold, this autumn’s First Stage rain came late at night, and many people left without noticing it, but only slightly moistened the ground and brought the hot air A hint of coolness that is imperceptible.

Christo walked cautiously in the alley. The thick clouds in the sky blocked the moonlight. He could only rely on a small ball of light in front of him to illuminate the slippery road.

Finally, he saw a secret note of his Kontrof family on the door of the room.

After knocking on the door and matching the password with the secret code used by the family, Christo entered this ordinary house.

On the second floor, he asked a man in his thirties in surprise: "Big brother? Why are you here?"

Radev Contro The husband did not answer his words, but seriously asked the younger brother: "You have acted with that Charles before, what kind of person is he?"

At this time, Christo’s attention was already on the table. The scenes in the huge crystal ball were blushing. What the men and three women who hadn't appeared in the Adventurer's Union in the past two days were doing and the voices from the crystal ball made the young man react immediately.

It was only coldly snorted that brought him back to reality, and Christo immediately replied: "That Charles is a noble with no low title. He is a high-achieving student of Shield Bridge Academy. He has a very flexible mind and unknown strength. Not weak."

Radev was silent for ten minutes after listening to the report from the younger brother, and all kinds of information and possibilities drifted through his mind one by one.

Finally, he sighed in relief and said: "It seems that he is not Count Megadon. In all the information, Count Megadon is a person similar to the cultivator of painstaking cultivation. He will not mess with strange women, let alone I said that I was fighting with three women at once."


After Radev shouted twice, he found out that the younger brother did not Reaction, and then just punched it.

"Huh? Here!"

This time Christo who peeked at the crystal ball reacted.

Radev grinned and rubbed his younger brother's head with his hands, and asked: "Will you brat still be a virgin now?"

"Ah? I... "Christo blushed and hesitated for a long time, then nodded.

Radef said upon seeing this: "Then you will be responsible for monitoring this person these two days. Learn more. After the task is completed, I ask you to go and apply what you have learned."

"Ah. "?!" Christo suddenly lost one's head out of fear, " more!"

Then Radev looked at the younger brother with a terrified look, and asked incredulously. He: "Do you like men?"

"It doesn't matter, you can also learn more, a lot of knowledge is common."

Seeing the younger brother pulling a dagger from his waist After stabbing himself to death, Radev returned to his serious expression. He said seriously: "That's the thing to say, the past few days you take the time to think about what type you like and what type you hate."

"This is also for your good. There are many people who are interested in our family's power and property. Now that you grow up, you will encounter all kinds of socialites in the future. You must learn to stay awake in various postures. "

As soon as he saw the big brother getting serious, Christo immediately persuaded him.

Then Radev asked him: "How is your relationship with Stella Princess?"

Christo immediately replied: "Fortunately, after returning from the last action, she and her Speaking of which, she invited me twice to have afternoon tea in her small building."

Radev listened to a moment of contemplation, and then said very seriously: "You will send her a letter tomorrow, say If you go to the afternoon tea time the day after tomorrow as a guest, you will say that you get the exquisite snacks of Iskar City."

"I will prepare the snacks tomorrow. Your task is to let her eat snacks."


Christo was so scared that his eyes were straight. He said nervously, "Big...big are going to poison..."

"Kill you." Radev reluctantly looked towards the younger brother, "We just let her doze off."

"Okay." Christo nodded agreed, "What are we going to do this time?"

Radev casually said: "It’s nothing, it’s just that someone will come to this town in the evening the day after tomorrow, but mountainside thieves will surround the town and ask for this person. We need to get something from this person. ."

When the two brothers were talking, they didn’t know that the wall had ears.

In the tavern, in the usually noisy hall, it is very quiet, and the wine in the glass on the table has not changed at all.

John the carpenter from the town came in silently through the back door of the tavern, sat down in his seat, took his wine glass and gurgled out.

John hiccuped, wiped his mouth, and then said to a dozen people waiting for his message: "Those outsiders really have a problem. They are in a group with the bandits. The bandits surround here and ask for someone. When the time comes, those people will act on that person."

The cobbler heard "hehe" twice and said, "It seems they want hero saving. the beauty Ah, Andrew, you are familiar with this, so tell me what to do."

Andrew picked up wine cup and drank the wine, and then "boom" He smashed the glass on the table hard.

He rubbed the temple and said solemnly: "For the sake of the big brother, I will keep her safe in the town."

Jacob is gone. Come over and patted his shoulder, and solemnly said: "Since you have said so, then I think it is for the boss to guarantee her all right."

"Also, when you check out Don’t forget to pay for the cup and the table."

John also said: "After you have said that, I will work harder. I will go to the mountains to see how many bandits there are."

At this moment, a voice came from a dark corner in the tavern: "There are more than two thousand bandits and more than 1,000 mercenaries and soldiers who pretend to be bandits in the mountains. Their mission is to people in the town. After asking Amelie Princess about her treasure, she broke through the town and killed her."

"What?!" The people in the tavern were shocked and looked towards that corner. Compared to what the person said, there were outsiders. Sneaking in unconsciously and hiding there forever is the place to frighten them.

Everyone entered a state of battle for a while, and the sound of blades and swords unsheathing rang.

"Don't be nervous." Charles slowly walked out of the shadows. "Although I don't know you are who and don't want to know, our goals are the same on some goals. I accept People are entrusted to protect the safety of Amelie Princess."

Everyone in the tavern did not relax their vigilance. Andrew held a dagger pointing at Charles and said, "who you are, you are not Have you been with those women all day?"

Here Andrew has the most say in what Charles has done with Heaven and Earth. His wives say that the Lord is there every day after get off work. The bedroom was very dark, and when it was time for dinner, whoever had the strength would come down and serve the food. By the way, he took off the dirty sheets and took away the clean sheets.

Charles shrugged then said: "It's just a little blindfold, the devil knows why those people will stare at me, and they stare so carefully."

Andre and the others did not. So nervous, but did not relax his vigilance.

Charles continued: "The day after tomorrow, you can take care of the things in the town. I am responsible for the bandits outside."

The cobbler holding a magic wand asked him with a sneer. : "Who do you think you are, why should we trust you, who knows if you will let the bandits in."

Charles calmly said: "Just rely on my last name Megadon."

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