It’s nightfall, and a torrential rain that is larger than during the day has swept through the town of Biro and the surrounding mountains and forests.

People in the town rarely sleep peacefully tonight. Whether it is residents, city guards or adventurers, whoever cleans up more than 3,000 corpses-especially there are many corpses-can still Keep the original mentality.

It is foreseeable that the meat in the town will not be sold for some time in the future.

The glasses brother was shocked when he heard the number of dead bandits outside the town, holding the teacup and stopped in mid-air for two minutes.

Now it’s too late to dig a hole or burn it in the weather. The only way he can think of to dispose of the body quickly is to throw it into the river and let the water wash away, as long as he leaves his territory.

So all the labor in the town was forced to move the corpse to the south. Fortunately, Brother Glasses did not embarrass them and announced that other things except the ring and necklace with the family crest were handed in. Whoever finds it belongs to him.

For the glasses brother, it is enough to have the corpses of the patriarch son and the second son of the Kontrov family, and the three sons who are in the infinite loop of bombing and healing.

Those other little nobles attached to the Kontrof family, forget it, withhold investigating, and receive them afterwards.

Charles said that it didn’t matter what Brother Spectacles did. After all, he had been away from the political center for many years, and his political power was about zero. He urgently needed a group of people who could use it for himself. Inside the quagmire.

This time it can be said that the Kontrov family fell and Brother Glasses was full.

I'm not afraid that the small families will not cooperate. With so many corpses floating in the river, things will soon spread across the country and even the entire continent, because the lower reaches of the river are royal capital.

This method of handling the corpse of a bandit is a deterrent signal in itself.

It’s useless if you blow up the numbers in the mountains. People who don’t believe it will say or not, but it’s not the same if you see the real thing picked up.

But this is not the spectacle brother's own record, he must discuss with Charles, otherwise it is easy to be grasped by the Kontrof family who will inevitably counterattack.

The best way is to sell the younger sister, but he knows that it will definitely not work, so he can only exchange benefits.

So Charles had to invite the anxious glasses brother to the top of the building to negotiate in the rainy night.

Perhaps people who are engaged in technology like to go straight, the glasses brother has no politeness to directly explain his intentions.

Charles set the condition without even thinking about it: "My request is very simple."

"First of all, the reason I killed the bandits was that they hurt the members of the Knight regiment in our hospital. , That’s all."

"As you know, I am not interested in the treasures of Amelie Princess. There can be some money in those treasures, and I would have made more money by wasting those efforts. Now."

"I helped her only because she was a member of the Knight team in our hospital."

He said that Brother Glasses believed.

Otherwise, he made a lot of electrolytic aluminum, and the profits of the machines developed by Medivh were enough to make Principal want to kill people.

So Brother Spectacles agreed, and he also wanted Charles to do this to give the Knights of the Hospital a power. I am afraid that no one in the world will dare to attack the Knights of the Hospital anymore.

Charles continued: "The second point is that the person who guards this small building today is the person you brought." Those people refused his solicitation, and he plans to find them tomorrow.

Charles understood what he was thinking after seeing his expression, so he explained: "They are a group of subjugated ministers. They grew up with the Crown Prince of their country in the past and will be the pillars of the country in the future. "

"It's just that their country was destroyed later, and they protected the escaped Crown Prince and died unexpectedly, so they were all discouraged by the peaceful days."

" This time, it’s mainly because Feng Jun had an old relationship with Amelie Princess before his death."

The glasses brother suddenly realized and sighed: "so that's how it is, no wonder."

He understood that these people were loyal to the previous royal family. Even if the royal family ceased to exist for several decades, they remained loyal, otherwise they would have long since relied on other countries to enjoy high position and great wealth with their strength.

In this society that promotes vassal allegiance to the monarch, this is a story with the main theme.

In similar stories, "The prince died several decades and his vassals remained loyal", "The prince’s old friend has difficulty, and the vassals help each other" and "The treacherous villains play tricks to destroy the vassal loyalty and take the opportunity to let him Allegiance to oneself and finally failed." These three traditional routines accounted for the first two. Brother Glasses felt that he should not be foolishly to be the villain of Third Type.

However, he was still young, unable to hold his breath, and almost wrote "unwilling" directly on his face.

When Charles saw it, he said: "Our family pays attention to business and makes money, and business is not righteous."

Brother Glasses nodded and said after thinking about it for a while: "I understand. "

The person who can do research at Shield Bridge Academy is definitely not a fool. He soon thought of a way to solve the problem.

Just as Andre said when he pinched Radef to death, these people are noble last descendants, and in the eyes of Brother Glasses, it is worth bending over a little.

It’s too obvious that he himself came out. When the time comes, let a flattery-skilled subordinate send some wine every two or three months to increase his affection.

These two requirements have been resolved, and the glasses brother waited for Charles to make the third request. As a result, someone said that there were no more.

"That's it?" Brother Glasses asked, "You don't want to ask for something?"

Charles asked, "What do you think I still lack?"

Brother Glasses wants to choke this guy to death at this moment.

He said: "This time the Kontloff family is definitely finished, but it won’t be completely destroyed so soon. Their root system is too deep."

"And they I do have a hand in the military, and I want them to help me guard the border, otherwise Leo will bring troops to fight over."

"The end of this incident, the end of Christo It was sold to a certain place as a slave, and the Kontrof family's title was cut to Baron. Their youngest daughter will become my mistress, and our child is the heir of the Kontrof family."

"When the dust settles, I invite you to be a guest in Iskar City and take whatever you see."

Charles smiled and reminded him: "Don't be careless, you haven't returned to Royal Capital yet. If you start a war against them, you think about dividing the spoils of war. This is very bad."

"If they see that the momentum is wrong, immediately turn to Leo Senior Sister, and your border line will collapse immediately. "

Brother Glasses said confidently: "Don’t worry about this, because they offended you so badly. Leo and the others don’t dare to accept them at the risk of offending you. The same goes for other countries. "

Charles smiled bitterly and said: "You use me like that. It seems that when the time comes, I will lose a lot if I don't take some gifts."

The glasses brother laughed. I got up and said, "As long as it's not my younger sister, you can speak up if I have one."

Charles shook his head and said, "Then you can help me pay attention to interesting books."

The transaction is complete, and Brother Glasses left with satisfaction.

With Charles qualitatively and endorsed this matter, he can safely use it as ammunition to attack the Kontloff family.

After sending him away, Charles took a look at the newly installed wooden door of the small building. It was very strong, and there was no water seeping through the rainstorm.

Because Peel and the others are temporarily living in the small building, Charles changed the placement of the screens on the second and third floors. Every stairway was covered with a screen to avoid people going up and down. It was a little embarrassing at first glance.

He returned to the bedroom and just turned out from behind the screen, and found that Sylvia was squeezing the crystals in the projection magic array on the bed board, while Stefani and Gabriela were working together to prevent the rain. cloak.

These days, the little gecko watching here sees real or fake things, some of which are images of projection magic on the bed.

This kind of trick is commonly used by killers. Sometimes after touching the sentry, this method is used to simulate that the sentry is still standing guard instead of talking or walking in front of you. It can’t be seen at a distance. , This time it is just an innovation in content.

Charles saw Gabriela putting on the rain cape and asked in surprise: "You are leaving now?"

In the past few days, these three girls Carried out a lot of intelligence work in secret.

Sometimes, the monitoring little gecko saw someone lying on the bed as if unconscious. In fact, it was just a projection, and the real person did not know where to perform the reconnaissance mission.

If it hadn’t been for Gabriela’s reconnaissance along the mountain road last night and he hurried back to report the new situation, Charles, like Radoff, would never have thought that Amelie’s entire group would be half a day in advance. arrival.

If Amelie is taken away by Raduff first, the difficulty of subsequent rescue work will rise sharply.

He understands that these three will leave after the matter is over, but didn't expect it will be so soon.

Gabriela buttoned the buttons on the cloak, and said with a smirk: "Why, the lord is reluctant to let us go, and want to develop a new pose with us?"

Charles said "It’s raining so hard outside. It’s not too late to leave when the rain stops."

Gabriela went over and hugged Charles, and said softly, "It’s a pleasure to cooperate with the master. Relax. We have never experienced the experience of generally trusting our collaborators and entrusting our back to each other."

"We are different from poisonous spiders. We are walking in the dark, cursed by the light, and An unknown person who came to blood and kill."

"Master is a person in the sun, and a straight line that intersects us only by chance."

"I sincerely hope that the master will never Will deal with us."

Charles reached out and patted her back and said, "If you encounter any difficulties in the future, you can come to me."

Gabriela smiled and shook the head, hugged Charles hard, then turned and went downstairs.

Next is Stefani, she is only big enough to hug Charles' waist.

She rubbed Charles with her face, and then said, "Thank you, you are the first person who asked me to go to school and find a job to live anew. It would be great if you were my father. "

Then she found herself hugged tightly by Charles.

Charles just wanted to say something, she raised her hand to hold Yuzui, and after a sweetly smiled, she got out of Charles' arms and walked down the stairs.

Sylvia cleared the magic array on the bed and then made the bed. After putting on the rain cloak prepared by the companion, he went over and put his arms around Charles' neck.

"Goodbye." She said, "I'm exposed here, so I have to change a place. If you happen to see us in the future, remember not to say hello to us."

Outside The torrential rain is getting heavier and heavier, and the sound of landslides in the distance can be heard in the thunder.

Charles stood quietly by the window, watching the three backgrounds disappear into the rainy night.

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