"Conradin, what’s the matter with you?!"

Conradin, who came back with the adventurers’ union supplies, was lying on the stretcher, if it wasn’t for Chris Di'an promised repeatedly that Charles would definitely not recognize this humanoid with a face swollen like a pig's head as him.

Because some bandits were killed and fled to the forest a few days ago, the president of the Adventurer's Union was worried that these bandits robbed the supplies, so he asked the people in the convoy what happened.

Originally, the team that transported the supplies planned to return by boat, but there were too many corpses floating on the river in the past two days, and Fleet didn't dare to walk at all. They could only take the mountain road.

Just last night, Conradin was ambushed while going to the bathroom, and it turned out to be like this

After listening to Charles, he left a bottle of potion and talked a few words. After a polite remark, he slipped away.

He felt that this matter had nothing to do with accidentally revealing Conradin’s identity when he and Andre drank too much one night.

They told Charles something about the past that night, and someone just quietly became a listener.

What happened back then was not very complicated.

The relationship between the two small neighboring countries has always been good, and the high-level exchanges between the two countries are close and frequent.

Andre, as a new generation of noble, has lived with the Crown Prince since they were young, and their relationship is the same as that of the biological brother.

Now Amelie who replaces Amelie Princess is the same. They both had the same birthday and grew up together.

Amelie’s father is the king’s confidant. He asked the king to name his daughter, and then the king was lazy when he named her.

At the age of twelve, Andre’s brother met the eight-year-old Amelie Princess who was visiting from a neighboring country, and the two brat began to fall in love.

This news was learned by Conradin’s Royal Father through a spy, and then began the layout.

With all kinds of help from the spies, the brat's feelings quickly warmed up.

Later, Conradin’s father began to buy the nobles of those two countries and let out the news: Since the Crown Prince and Princess of the two countries are similar in age, and there is no younger brother younger sister, then the two countries can be combined after they are combined. Unify into a stronger country.

The wind has been blowing for a long time, and even the royal capitals of the two countries felt reasonable, so they began to negotiate.

At this time, the spies began to make trouble, using brat’s rebellious psychology to expand it to the diplomatic conflicts between countries, and then noble, which was bought before, began to clamor to use war to wash away the shame, and at the same time The border has provoked bloody conflict and created tension.

The rest of the matter is written in the book, and the two countries have been annexed.

Charles just shook the head after listening. Conradin’s Royal Father was obviously a few ranks higher than these people, and they didn’t complain.

Brother Glasses and Stella left, and the town was restored to its former tranquility. Only the meat vendors complained.

The only small change is that the residents will flash to the side of the road to give way when they see Charles coming over, and then greet the master.

Now everyone knows that this person is the legendary "Yiba Hundred". Recently, he came here to stay for meditation and learning.

As for what the master is studying, the residents and adventurers have different opinions.

Charles had an idea recently. When he was reading magazines and answering questions in the Adventurers' Union, he found that many mage's knowledge structures were lacking, so he tried to write a book that introduced the basics of magic.

There are a lot of similar enlightenment books in this world, but they are basically big tomes. Old scholars who write books think that readers have the same profound knowledge as themselves, so the content is right at the beginning The adorable kids who are learning magic are very unfriendly and seem to persuade them to leave.

Inspired by the pile of books presented by the Tilby House under the bed, Charles plans to produce a set of magic enlightenment books similar to "A Hundred Thousand Whys", showing basic magic knowledge in the form of pictures and texts. In front of children.

In Charles's opinion, the compilation of this set of books is not troublesome. Buying dozens of similar books can be done, but the pictures inside are a bit troublesome.

He has been thinking about this issue for the past two days, and he has some ideas in his mind. He plans to set up the shelf first, and then see if he hires some students to help.

As the days pass, the weather is getting colder.

Peel spent a few days in the town to count the incidence of pot belly disease here, and then set off to other places in the lower reaches of the river.

When she left, Amelie quietly told Charles that Mafia was actually her aunt.

At the time, Charles was stunned. No wonder the "Black Bat" would send someone to protect her.

In the following days, Charles began to write "Why Magic?" in the small building. Basically, except for checking homework and reading magazines at the Adventurer’s Union every morning, no longer go out.

The peaceful days passed quickly, and the time came to the first day of October.

This day Charles checked the growth of tomatoes in the vegetable plot downstairs after eating breakfast.

The previous vegetable plot was destroyed. He hired someone to shovel the mud mixed with human flesh and blood into the river to wash away, and then brought in new soil from the outside, planted it with something that could be picked before the coming of winter. vegetable.

the past few days, the eldest and second child of Ande Lie Family are back, and the second day they come back, they will pay a visit to Master You with a gift, thank you for the Dragon Language magic taught by the master.

So Charles gave Aunt Pumpkin and Aunt Winter Gourd a vacation, and the family was busy preparing for the children's wedding.

At this time, a costumed Knight appeared in front of the small building on a horse, followed by a beautiful carriage.

Knight dismounted and came to Charles. After saluting, he said: "His Highness the Crown Prince invited Count Megadon to the royal capital for a meeting."

Charles raised his brows, it seems that Iraq The political struggle in Skell came to an end, and Brother Glasses had the last laugh.

Sure enough, when Charles met Brother Spectacles in Iskar City, this man red light across the whole face, with a look of self-confidence.

Before Charles paid respect, he stepped forward and hugged Charles and said happily: "You finally came, thanks to you, otherwise it will be difficult for me to succeed this time."

Charles politely said something like "You succeeded because you are awesome", and then followed him to the living room.

There was a steward and several maids waiting here in the living room. After taking the seats, the glasses brother said to Charles: "This was originally a mansion of the Kontrov family. Now I will give it to you, lest you When I came to Royal Capital to play, I didn’t even have a place to stay. I brought the servants here from the palace. If you are dissatisfied, you can take care of it yourself."

Charles said in surprise: "This The gift is too expensive."

Brother Glasses waved Steward and the maids away, and then said solemnly: "You don’t know how severe the situation was at the time. If you were not there, who would be fighting? It’s all about winning in the end."

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