Charles picked up the teacup and lightly took a sip of rose tea, quietly listening to Brother Glasses telling the previous story.

The glasses brother helped the glasses and slowly said: "The Kontrof family directly pleaded guilty to Radev’s attack on your mansion and Zlatan leading the bandits to rob the town of Biro, but He also asked someone to testify that Christo liked men and didn’t like women since he was a child. In short, he was willing to offend you and me, and did not want to offend the royal family, and they covered up the attempt to kidnap Amelie Princess. Then they procrastinated the lawsuit by slapping their mouths. , Gather the army here."

"Fortunately, you nailed the coat of arms of the Spirit King room to the door. You gave my mother perfume before. I got the support of the Spirit King ambassador. After they issued an extremely severe statement of condemnation against the Kontloff family, the small families attached to the Kontloff family withdrew one after another, and the entire coalition fell apart in an instant."

"But the Kontloff family My own strength is still strong, and our army is also very shaken."

"Fortunately, the corpses of those bandits floated on the river at that time, and the entire royal capital was in panic. I explained in time that these all are The bandits you killed, because these bandits hurt the Knights of the Hospital you created."

"Unfortunately, we don’t know much about the Knights of the Hospital. We are limited to the ones we saw in the movie. A little bit of content, people are just fearing you."

"Soon after, special envoys from the kingdoms of Rerik, Randtjin, and Biberach and a cardinal bishop of Radiant Shrine visited at the same time , Strongly condemned our country for the attack on the members of the Knight regiment of the hospital in our country."

"Not long ago, my people caught a Knight who escaped from your knife that day. I was a little silly to be scared, but I can still testify that Zlatan led them to kidnap Amelie Princess."

"The envoys of the three kingdoms asked us to severely punish the murderer and the behind-the-scenes envoy within a time limit, otherwise they Will retain the right to take further measures."

"The Kontrov family then gave in. You also know that we are a small country and our strength is incomparable with the Northlands five countries. Finally, Kontloff counts It’s just that their remaining power in the country is still strong, and now we have to make some compromises, although the title of Kuntrov count has been reduced to Baron, Chris Tuo was sold to the slime basin, and the family gave up a lot of fortune, but their youngest daughter was sent away early in the morning, and they still clung to the territory, not letting us in and putting outsiders in."

"From now on, I don’t know how many enemies in the dark are lurking around. We have to continue fighting down. "

Charles understands that Brother Glasses failed to completely defeat the enemy this time. As long as the territory is still strong, failing to dissolve the opponent's territory gives the opponent the possibility of a comeback.

So now he shows himself well and wants to hold on to a strong support.

"Wait! "Charles suddenly remembered that there was a question in Brother Glasses's account, "When did I give your mother perfume?" "

He has used perfume for perfume, but this is a barter in business, not a gift at all.

And here is a little bit about men giving perfume to women Pay attention to it. Generally, they are given to relatives and friends who are already very good. In short, if the goodwill is high enough, it will be unobtrusive.

Now the queen says that someone gave herself perfume. It means that the goodwill between the two is not low.

The expression on Brother Glasses's face suddenly became weird, and then he said perfunctorily: "It's okay, I don't mind it. "

After he finished speaking, he slipped away and didn't give Charles a chance to question again.

Before Charles came back to his senses, Stella walked into the living room. .

She came over after hearing that Charles had come, but she came in after the big brother had finished talking.

Today's Stella is wearing a local traditional flaming red skirt with long She wore a white shirt with sleeves. Because of the cold weather, she wore a traditional black vest with embroidered gold silk, with a traditional mace hanging around her waist.

She walked around and sat on the sofa without saying hello when she came in. Charles on the top of the head took a closer look.

Charles felt a bit chilly at the top of the head, so he said, "It's not the first day I saw me. What's so interesting? "

"tsk tsk tsk..." Stella shook her head and said, "I thought the rumor was just a mess, didn't expect it was true, and it was confirmed in my home. "

Charles' face was a little cramped, and he could only ask: "What is the rumor?" "

Stella sat down on the opposite sofa, put the mace on her feet, held her hand and said, "You really like a wife, at first I didn't believe it when I heard the big brother say it." Well, didn't expect that my mother was killed by you. "

"Don't talk nonsense! Charles jumped up, "Who is talking nonsense!" ! ! "

Stella pouted and said: "That's when you came to Iskar City last time after filming the movie, where did you say you went in those days? "

Charles said innocently: "I went to a villa in the forest for vacation." "

He can't say that he ran the demon race later.

Stella nodded and said: "Oh, sure enough..."

Charles She squeezed her brows and interrupted her: "Sure enough, what's the situation? "

He somewhat understood what the queen meant, and relied on his identity and the special perfume provided by the Spirit King room to win the support of Spirit Race.

It was just what the queen did. The sacrifice is a bit big, maybe there will be diplomatic problems.

Moreover, Charles didn’t want to get involved in the local political struggle. He stopped after deterring the people who hurt the Knight regiment in the hospital. He is in danger of being drawn into this quagmire.

Stella did not answer Charles’ question, but sneered there and then slipped away. Before slipping away, she said, “I’ll leave now. Well, lest anyone say that if I join the mother-daughter package, I won’t be able to get married in the future! "

Charles wanted to vomit blood. He felt that he couldn't stay in this place anymore. Maybe what to do when the king finds it.

He had a similar experience in his previous life, didn't expect A certain female netizen has a boyfriend. If it weren’t for the situation to leave the hotel through the fire exit in time, she would be blocked in the room.

Running is a matter of decisiveness, he Pretending to walk in the garden, he changed his clothes and shoes under the cover of the bush wall, and dyed his hair red with potion, and then slipped over the wall.

Then he went all the way to the city. Outside the airport just put into use this summer.

When buying the ticket, the conductor said to him: "Sir, your money is not enough, only half. "

Charles replied: "That's right, when the plane passed by Kashima halfway, I jumped down by myself. Isn't it exactly half of the airfare? "

The conductor has a strong business ability and is familiar with the surrounding areas of major airports. He pointed to a place and said, "Then you can buy the ticket here, and you can take the boat directly outside the airport after getting off the plane. You can reach Kashima. "

Charles is no longer funny, buying tickets according to the conductor's recommendation.

He hasn't forgotten the Lake Heart Island that he visited during the mission last year. There are quite a few there. In the hot springs, the weather is getting colder and colder, and it’s good to spend the winter there. It happens to be quietly writing books.

As for the task of supervising Christian and Conradin, he doesn’t care about it. The branch of Shield Bridge Academy is not in Megadon. Family's territory was opened, and Ji Shijun was cut into the slime basin. He had reason to be emotional.

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