Because Cora’s last job in the morning is to put the folded clothes into the closet in Charles’s room, she can’t avoid the master Yun who is working at the desk.

Charles saw that she was finished, so he moved towards her as usual, beckoned, and then said: "When you are finished, then come over."

Kola's movements suddenly changed You have to slow down, like playing at 0.5x speed, move it with the slowest motion.

Charles curl one's lip, aside from anything else, he hugged her horizontally, put it on the chair next to him, and put a stack of paper full of words in front of her.

"Today is the same as yesterday" Charles said, "You read these this morning, and you can eat lunch after reading it three times. In the afternoon, you can tell me where you understand and where you don’t understand. You can eat dinner after you finish talking. "

Today's Cora decided to resist. She got up and wanted to slip while Master Xi turned back to her seat.

But how did Master Yun let her run away, so he hugged her again.

This time I won’t let go of the hold, Charles just held her in his arms, let her read the manuscript written last night in his arms, and controlled it with magehand The pen continued to write the manuscript on the paper on the desktop.

After meeting that day, Kandahan and Kashima did not come to Charles again. They decided to pretend to be a fool and didn’t bother to think about Shenhu. The people who were spying on here were not found out. Everyday all Furiously writing at the desk.

It is a difficult technical task to write boring magic knowledge in a clear, easy-to-understand manner. Polishing nuclear bombs is easier than it.

The first thing to consider is the knowledge level and way of thinking of the main readers. Many problems that are "obvious and easy to obtain" for the learner are a mountain that is difficult for beginners to climb. These problems require The detailed decomposition and explanation will allow readers to master the learning methods and thinking methods while learning knowledge.

The second thing to consider is that the knowledge points must be comprehensive, systematic, and detailed, and there must be no mistakes.

This is fairly easy to handle. He copied and pasted the existing magic enlightenment books of humans, elves, and demon race into his own powerful and foul soul through the soul divine technique. Later, in Reimu The divine technique purchased the system where "Krypton Gold" customized a text translation plug-in and added the relevant knowledge brought back from the library ruins on another planet with the Tilby House. His current task is to interpret the four directions in his mind. Corresponding knowledge of the authors mutually confirmed, supplemented and corrected errors, and finally came to the first version of the manuscript.

Because I have already thought out what I want to write every morning when I go to the hot spring, so I can write it with confidence.

Writing these contents on paper is a process of checking and correcting errors, so he writes in the Earth Book at the desk from time to time, and sometimes reads it carefully to see if there are any changes to be made. The progress is not slow .

It’s just that he wants someone to give feedback immediately so that they can make changes in time.

The business man who lived in the same hotel was the first to be targeted by someone.

Charles and the family met several times in the restaurant. It was the president of a Chamber of Commerce who spent the winter here with his wife, daughter and son.

In the eyes of you, the fourteen-year-old lady and the ten-year-old Young Master just used to give their opinions on the manuscript.

It's just that Charles and the family's master named Hans talked to death after a few words, because one of them is a student of Shield Bridge Academy, the other is a graduate of Niudu Academy, they are deadly enemies.

But the master’s pair of children are very curious about someone. Elder sister Fei Li brought younger brother Audemars Piguet and Dim Sum to the small building at tea time on the second day, and was After you stuffed a pile of manuscripts for them to read, someone was scared away.

In desperation, Charles had no choice but to put his idea on Cora.

If time can go back a few days ago, when Master Yun asked if he could not read, Cora would definitely answer resolutely and decisively: "No!"

But she I have always wanted to be a cook or a tailor, so she needs to be literate whether she understands the recipe or the tailoring pattern, so she nodded at that time.

After she was nodded, Charles handed her a manuscript and said: "You read the words on it."

Kola stumbled and read it after receiving the manuscript. , It took a few tries to read some words correctly.

Then Charles asked her to read it again, and just like that, she read the words on this page five times.

Charles asked her: "Do you understand the meaning of the above?"

Cora nodded and shook the head again.

Charles asked her to put the manuscript on the table, and then asked her where she understood and where she didn't.

As a result, Kora understood that a magic element is divided into many kinds, and different elements have different appearances, and then magic elements form magic.

She didn't understand the nature of different magic elements.

Charles nodded, write down the notes in red ink and then give her some other manuscript papers so that she can read the chapter on the difference of magic elemental attribute.

This time, Korah read this chapter three times before reading it smoothly, but his eyes became dizzy after reading.

Charles understands this way. This girl is only literate, but without systematic learning, it is difficult for her mind to turn around to understand and think about those problems.

If she is asked to think, she will not do it because she knows that she has no culture, which leads to her lack of self-confidence, and subconsciously thinks that she is impossible to do these things in her heart.

Such people have been seen a lot in his last life when he was surnamed Fang Chang. Although many workers on the construction site were good at work, they became confused when they picked up the pen.

A worker was once fined for not wearing a safety helmet. Someone Fang saw that it was not easy for him to make money by welding steel bars under the sun, so he would not be fined if he wrote a review.

As a result, the worker held the pen for a long time, and then asked whether the fine could be deducted from the salary, or whether to transfer through WeChat.

There are also a lot of problems when asked them to fill in the "New Workers Admission Level 3 Safety Education Registration Form". Use the form written by others as a template and copy the ID number of others on the form. Things happen from time to time, and some people write the name of the model in the column where the educated person signs.

What's more, the staff girl later took an empty form as a model, and circled the place where the workers signed their names. Then there were workers who followed the circle instead of signing.

What made the clerk girl go crazy and someone else vomited blood is that the worker actually knew that Ah Q could not write his name when he was beheaded, so he drew a circle.

Kola, like those workers, has formed a negative mindset, and his brain is not enough when he encounters new problems.

Moreover, Cora’s talent is ordinary, just like ordinary people, and there is no idea and courage to break her own shackles, so that she thinks about magical problems, she would rather grab Master Xuan’s hand to herself Tucked his breasts.

"Master..." said the little maid in his arms with a hint of crying, "Just do whatever you want, touch me and take off my clothes, OK, OK? Don’t you? Let me see this again. I have started to lose my hair in the past two days, and I will die if I go on!"

How could Master You miss such a good opportunity? Understand, there are very few people who don’t understand.

So someone squeezed her well-developed "slime" a little harder, and fiercely said, "I touch you and your reading does not conflict."

However, Charles didn't push her anymore, and continued: "As long as you are obedient, I can give you some rewards you proposed."

Cora hesitated for a moment, and then whispered: "Then... …Master can process the money for me?"

Charles immediately agreed: "No problem, your wages are doubled."

Then Cora said in a lower voice: "Then...Can I go to the hot springs once?"

Soaking in the hot springs on this island can only be enjoyed by the rich, and ordinary citizens are beyond expectation.

Now the hot spring pool in the hotel is divided into two parts with wooden boards. One is used by Charles and the other is used by the Hans family who lives in the apartment.

Charles replied: "You can go to the pool on my side to soak when you are not working, or you can use the bathtub downstairs."

Seeing Master Yun agree to the front With two rewards, Cora is a little bit more courageous. She is looking forward to asking: "I have a younger sister who embroiders at home to make money. She has very little money and often punctures her fingers. I want her to come here too. ......"

Charles would not refuse when someone came to help. He replied: "No problem, if she comes, the salary and work content will be the same as you are now."

Cora's face suddenly collapsed, and it seems that the idea of ​​pulling the younger sister to help him has failed.

Charles patted her back and said, "You don't want to read a book today. I happen to be walking around the city, so let's pick up your younger sister by the way."

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