Today’s weather is very good, the autumn is clear and cloudless, but the wind is very strong.

In the summer, a dark green wall of thorns has fallen out of the leaves at this time, and the leaves are all over the sky when the wind blows.

Suddenly a gust of wind was a little louder, blowing up the earthen camouflage cloak on Charles's man who was lurking in the distance to watch-or observe-Charles.

Charles, who was descending into the city, did not see him, and focused his attention on Cora's blown up skirt.

Because it is a private matter to find a younger sister in the city to pick up the pot, Cora did not wear a maid dress, but instead wore her own dress.

Her pleated skirts are made of linen. Some short skirts are made of linen cloth on the upper part, while the lower part is made of linen pieces of different colors to form a circle after another. , But the place near the waist is the rough linen that was common before. It is a little worn out. The cloth under the skirt is mostly fine linen produced in the slime basin, which is relatively new.

The weather is cold, so it is reasonable to wear long trousers under the skirt.

With the development of the textile industry over the years, cheap cotton products have quickly become popular. Even a little girl like Koala can buy a pair of warm cotton long trousers.

But Charles saw that this pair of trousers was too wide and too long for a little girl. The too long trousers were folded and sewn with needles, and a few straps were sewn on the trousers and trousers. So, don’t let the trousers be too empty.

So someone asked strangely: "Cora, why are your pants so long?"

Cora's face flushed suddenly, she replied: "I have no money , I can only buy a pair of larger trousers, which can be worn for several years, and I can still wear them when I grow taller."

Charles asked again: "Then your skirt will be sold when you grow taller. The loop cloth is under the skirt?"

He thinks this skirt looks like annual rings. As the little girl gets taller, he adds fabric to the skirt and unfolds the pleated waist when it gets thicker.

Cora’s answer confirmed his guess. She has been wearing this skirt for several years, and the top part touched her feet when she first started wearing it. It has grown taller in recent years. Keep adding fabric.

The two chatted for a while, and Charles asked her: "What are your plans for the future?"

"In the future..." Cora looked towards A city not far away, "Actually, I want to learn some tailoring skills. Originally I wanted to be a sewing maid, but the head maid asked me to be a living room maid. The living room maid’s wages are a lot, and I want to save enough money to go to a tailor. Shop as an apprentice."

Being an apprentice needs to pay a tuition fee, and then work for 2-6 years with the master free of charge. Although the master provides food and housing but no salary, so the youngster wants to live a better life. In addition to tuition, prepare some savings, or rely on family help.

Charles thought for a moment, and then said: "I am very familiar with Dukedom, a Chamber of Commerce in Milan, who is a clothing maker. If you help me get my current job done, I can recommend you to go there. Apprenticeship."

"Really?" Cora's mouth widened in surprise. Milan dukedom is the location of high-end clothing manufacturing, where you can be a tailor apprentice equivalent to Charles, where you can go to the United States. Study abroad.

Charles said seriously: "What did I lie to you, but I only recommend you to go, at most it can help you avoid tuition, and whether you can learn the craft is up to you."

Then Cora smirked all the way into the city with Charles.

After the two entered the city, they went to the commercial street first. Charles found a small snack shop and ordered a month of snacks, and asked them to deliver afternoon tea at noon every day.

Then he went to a bookstore again and bought the latest issues of "Magic", "Horse and Blade", "Kan Tianxia" and "China Business News Monthly" and other magazines.

Charles told Cora by the way that she would leave the matter of buying magazines in the future.

In the end, Charles came to a Chamber of Commerce that sold liquor and ordered some low-alcohol fruit wine.

After shopping, Cora reluctantly took Charles to his home.

This is the most fringe part of the city. The whole area is composed of wood houses and rammed earth houses.

The roads here are bumpy and all kinds of garbage can be seen everywhere.

On the road, you can still see hordes of slimes fighting for a pile of rubbish. Those weak slimes are knocked far away by the strong slimes.

Many aunts and little girls on the roadside were sitting in front of their house. Most of them were holding wooden frames for holding handkerchiefs in their hands and embroidered simple flowers on the edges of cheap handkerchiefs.

This kind of handkerchief has quite a market among civilians.

And nobles naturally doesn't need this kind of rough handkerchief. In their eyes, this is only a rag used by the servants, a consumable that is thrown away after one use.

Because there are many nobles and large families who come to vacation, and consume a lot of handkerchiefs, many women rely on embroidering handkerchiefs to subsidize their families.

It stands to reason that Cora’s younger sister, Cora embroidered in front of the door as usual today, and chatted with the neighbors in the neighborhood at the same time.

It's just that when Charles and Cora walked to the door, they found that the baskets with embroidery tools and handkerchiefs were scattered on the floor, and there was a horrified scream from the girl in the room.

At the same time, a wretched voice said: "Since you have no money to pay, then give my men a refreshment!"

The next thing is that the cloth is torn and the girl is more Sharp screams.

Charles rushed in immediately, and saw a youngster who was very sloppy sitting on the table with his legs up, and there was a stain the size of two fingers on his white pants with that leg up.

There are six big guys in the house. One big guy grabbed a little girl by the hands and lifted her up, and the other big guy had torn her clothes in front of the little girl. Open, hands are kneading little girl's chest wantonly, little girl's powerless kick can only make him happier.

But his laughter ended here, Charles quickly flashed over, and a little dark green light emerged from the palms of his hands, which was imperceptible to outsiders, and quickly patted the back of the two people's necks.

The two big guys suddenly fell soft like their bones were all taken away. Charles immediately hugged the little girl and kicked the two big guys at the youngster one by one.

Charles can kill these people effortlessly, but the youngster sitting on the table is a noble. Killing this person is okay, but it will bring them to Cora and the two sisters. The disaster of extinction.

until now He rarely uses the poisonous magic that he swallowed from the demon who almost killed him years ago. Today's situation is a bit special, so he uses magic that makes his muscles relax for a long time.

A person's body muscles are loose and unable to move is almost the same as paralysis. These two people can be paralyzed until next spring if they have good luck. If they are unlucky, they will be abandoned by the master in the near future.

The big guy next to that youngster was obviously more powerful, and with no difficulty caught the two flying people and threw them aside.

When Charles handed Cora to Cora who rushed in, the youngster jumped off the table, pointed at Charles and said, "What are you, you dare to disturb the Viscount... Ah! "

Charles flashed over, moving towards his face with a slap of dark green light.



First, the magic shield on the magic jewelry was slapped to pieces, and then the slap hit the face.

The youngster, the youngster, turned around on the spot, and the big man who had just picked up the two reacted to him and supported him.

At this time, Cora put the younger sister aside, knelt on the ground and moved towards Sao Bao youngster, kowtowing and crying out: "Please, please forgive my younger sister, she is still young. I don’t know anything. If you want to punish you, I’ll punish me. I have money!"

When she knocked her head, she put two nearby silver coins and several copper plates in her pocket. On the ground in front of you.

Charles bent over and held her shoulders to make her stop, then straightened up and said to the youngster, "I am Charles Megadon, can you give me some face."

The beaten bag was stunned for a moment, and looked at Charles carefully, then at his right hand wearing a right ring, and finally at the two little girls on the ground, the expressions on their faces suddenly changed.

"Aiya!" Sao Bao's youngster's unswollen face made a remorseful expression, "It turned out to be'Megatron', it's time to be beaten, I deserve to be beaten!"


"My cousin wrote to say that you take good care of her, didn't expect me to make you angry!"

"I don't know she belongs to you, alas, I want to stop fighting The other side of me?"

The youngster said, handing over his intact face.

Charles didn’t bother to take action on this guy whose sphincter muscles will be loosened randomly for a long, long time in the future, and lightly asked, "Who is your cousin?"

Sao Bao youngster After saying a name, Charles thought for a while and remembered that it was a classmate of Shield Bridge Academy, a court noble in a small country. When she sold bonds at the beginning of the year, she turned to Medivh for a lot of sales agents.

Charles gently nodded and asked: "What do you mean by'Megatron'?"

The youngster immediately entered the worship mode, and he said: "Your great deed of destroying four thousand bandits alone will surely be sung by the world. Your prestige has reached the sky, and even War God is admiring you in the Oracle."

The expression on Charles's face is not Changed, but still spit in my heart.

This kind of feat on the battlefield is naturally under the control of War God. It seems that the tiger lady is still principled, and she has not blacked herself because she has rubbed against him.

He was too lazy to deal with this person anymore, and said: "You haven't seen me today, are you okay?"

The youngster said immediately: "Oh, the road here It’s not easy to go, so I fell."

"hehe, didn't expect you will change your taste."

"I'm leaving, let's go together when we are free Hunting."

After he finished speaking, he ran away with his men carrying the two men with loose muscles.

Charles' face suddenly became dark, and he could hear that what this man called "hunting" was looking for "prey" among the poor.

When the youngster was leaving, Korah, who was still on his knees, moved towards him, kowtow and said, "Thank you for a lot!"

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