Charles was indeed hungry, and was a little gobbled up after dinner.

Diana waited for a while and found that he had no more information, so she asked: "Is there no one else? I don't mind some people."

Charles shook the head and said: "I'll talk about this later, people may not be happy, I still have time to talk about it."

"Do you remember Halkala, my daughters will have a couple of days I'm going to come with her."

Diana didn't get the topic away from him, but said seriously: "Tarantula and Vichy, don't take it easy."

"Tarantula wants to have a child with you in the future. I have discussed it with me a long time ago."

"I'll take a stand. In principle, I have no objection, including but not limited to She."

"You know, my father has a lot of gossips. I grew up with my younger sisters who were half-parents. There are some things that I can see."

Charles didn’t know why she turned the topic to this, she just made a sudden thought of something important, and said, “Isn’t the saying that the daughter is the lover of father’s previous life? The girlfriend of your father’s last life is the day we crossed."

"I still remember that there were the last two crabs in the freezer at the time. I was robbing them when I was analyzing which one was bigger. I'm gone."

"Well...I've taken his caring big quilted jacket home now. It's revenge."

Diana is still not crooked by this topic. Just watched him quietly.

Charles could only be shrugged upon seeing this, and said: "Your father has the ability, that is your happiness."

"It's not like that in my house. My father is in my little one. When I was outside, my mother would have divorced a long time ago because I had a complete family in my childhood."

"When I started working, my father would still be the same. In the end I was kicked out of the house."

"At that time, I was a project manager for the first time. When I asked for leave to go home to deal with the housework, something happened on the construction site, and then I was kicked to sit in the cold for two years. The bench later turned over after relying on a project in the mountain where no one wanted to go."

After he finished speaking, he stopped talking and ate dinner quietly.

Diana didn't say anything, and went downstairs to take a bath in the bathroom after dinner.

"Uh...are you here?"

She didn't expect Reimu to be soaking in the bath.

Reimu shook a bottle of red wine in front of him and said, "Girl, my face is not so good. Would you like a drink?"

"Thank you." Diana went down to the bath. Take the wine glass from Reimu.

"Huh?" Diana's eyes lit up after a bite. "It's the taste of Burgundy."

"I don't understand." Reimu shook the head," I bought it online when Charles was on a business trip, and I ran back before the flowers started."

He looked at Diana and asked curiously: "Why, are you having a fight with Charles? ”

Diana drank and repeated the conversation with Charles just now.

Reimu shook his head and said, "I don't understand. Other women are afraid of their men's side with many women, but are you not afraid?"

Diana thought After a while, replied: "Because of self-confidence."

"And...I think it's a pity that girls who like Charles didn't get the response they deserve."

Reimu drank Wine, said with a smile: "This is the so-called surplus of the palace. Because you have an absolute advantage, you can assign Charles a little to others."

"Maybe you are I like the character that everyone is happy ending, and I hope that there will be a world where no one is hurt, but have you ever thought, can you really get happiness by doing this?"

"Life is not a novel. The protagonist had a bunch of harems when he was young, and the plot has passed for more than ten or twenty years. If the book is not written, the parties will be regarded as non-existent."

"Have you ever thought about it if other girls will have it in the future? I lost Charles’ child, but everyone can’t live together. One day when the child suddenly asked mother'where is father', how would she explain it to the child?"

"Maybe the girl from a killer background doesn’t mind. But you should know that when the time comes, there will be several girls like this. How will these girls feel?"

"You know, no matter which world you are in, the unmarried girl bears the burden The pressure of public opinion is very great."

"You can't let Charles copy a bunch of himself like Summon Altria, and then each one will have one."

"I watched Charles grow up in this world. He used to be a guy who wanted to open a harem when he grows up. You should know why he gave up this easy-to-reach great ideal."

"He has been guarding this bottom line for so many years. A while ago, he was wrestling with three beauties on the bed with three beauties for acting. Those three were supposed to be fake. He almost couldn't help it. I stabbed it in, but I endured it at the last minute."

"And the time he and the girl with pink hair were on vacation in the forest, they ate the wrong mushrooms and they almost started to work, Charles I didn’t stabbed that girl by biting my tongue to make myself awake."

"Not to mention Blanche and her daughters. I did the hands and feet on them, as long as Charles did something. It couldn’t be easier to have a mother-daughter family stabbing."

"Although I can’t guarantee that Charles will stick to it in the future, I can’t say that someday he will break the ring for whatever reason. NS . "

"I was also curious about how long he could hold on. I asked the God of Time to do a divination for him to see how many women he will have in his lifetime. "

"The result numbers are distributed between 1 and 36. The targets include but are not limited to humans. To tell you the truth, even I might be done by him. "

"Although the number of appearances of 1 accounted for more than half and ranked first, but the second to fifth places were more than 30, and 2 to 9 ranked in the last eight. It can be seen that once he breaks the ring, he will Can't hold it anymore. "

"Although he may break the precept in the future, there may be other women, but I hope you can cherish his persistence while he persists. "

"It is very precious that a youngster like him can have such persistence these days. "

"I originally shouldn't care about your mortal affairs, but Charles, who earned so much Power of Faith for me, is very important to me, so I nag you so much. "

"When you go back to the bedroom, don't say anything, and squeeze him until dawn. That's it. "

Reimu said so much. I drank more than half of a bottle of wine, and the remaining half was drunk by Diana as a listener.

"Thank you. "Diana said to Reimu, "I was wrong. Until now, I think his persistence is as it should be by rights. I didn't expect that he failed his sincerity to me." "

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