When Diana returned to the bedroom, Charles handed her a rolled paper, and then calmly said, "Since you don’t mind, I’ll give you the list first. You have a number in your heart."

Charles slipped after passing the scroll.

Diana's heart suddenly jumped when she took the paper roll, took a deep breath to restore the heartbeat, and then slowly opened the paper roll.



│Anonymous girl A│

│Anonymous girl B │

│Anonymous girl third│


│Anonymous young woman A│

│Anonymous young woman B │

│Anonymous Young Woman C│



Her He flicked a few times, and realized that Charles was playing tricks.

This time I don’t need Reimu to say, she wants to squeeze someone to death.

But backfired, she was attacked by a white tentacle monster that night.

Overnight, I won’t go into details in the book.

The sun rises, and the sunlight shines through the curtains to illuminate the bedroom.

Diana was flushed and trembling constantly, and the white tentacles on her body slowly retracted onto the white slime below her body.

Slagen felt that she had to wash her well, so she used teleportation to bring Diana to the bathroom.

Thanks to the geothermal system, there is flowing hot water in the bathtub at any time, and Slila is like a recliner holding Diana in the comfortable bathtub.

The tentacles appeared again. The tentacles who had committed evil all night took a soft towel and gently and carefully wiped Diana and her body.

A pair of hands with infinite power appeared. These hands picked up two groups of Sleys and then twisted them like a twist.

"Pain, Pain, Pain"

Slaine used magic elements to condense a few words.

Reimu did not let go, but increased his strength, and said: "Madan, you can play whatever his book draws, right, I have never seen a slime like you!"

Charles was a little puzzled, so he asked in words: "Why did you react so much today?"

The strength in Reimu's hands is getting stronger and stronger, he fiercely fiercely. Said: "I'm not afraid to tell you that in a certain timeline, the old lady was so bad for you to play!"

So Charles immediately slipped away with teleportation.

When Diana woke up, she found herself lying in a large pool filled with white liquid.

"These are..." She quickly recognized what these bath waters were, "these all are Life One?"

She stood up and looked around. A yin was found squatting under a corner not far away, as lifeless as extinguished ashes.

Diana crawled out of the pool and touched his head, and asked, "What's wrong with you? What is this place?"

Charles replied: "This is the Lord of God Home."

He took out the towel and robe to Diana when he finished.

Diana heard him talk about this place before, and couldn’t help looking around. After a while, he asked, "Why did you think of bringing me here?"

Charles naturally wouldn’t say it was Reimu was shocked here, but he hadn't thought of an excuse yet, and a voice rang next to him.

"Ai, isn't this your eldest niece, why did you come today?"

Charles and Diana looked towards the door, and at the same time they shouted in surprise: "Panpan?"


The giant panda guardian with silver light walked in. He didn't exist as Charles. After looking up and down for a while, Diana said seriously: "My niece, my uncle, I will give you a big plug today. Okay?"

Before Diana could answer, Charles next to him hurriedly shouted: "Will this be too dangerous?"

According to someone’s guess , Panpan said that the plug-in is the chaotic hole under the chair in the great hall.

Pan Pan squinted at someone and said disdainfully: "You haven't joined our Zhang Family yet, don't care about Zhang Family matters."

Charles stalked his neck and said: "My fleshy body is also Old Zhang bloodline anyway, why can't I control it anymore."

Then Panpan choked him to death in a sentence: "Sister-in-law and their tribe at first are matrilineal clan, you are cool. Go."

Charles can only go to the corner of the wall and squat in circles.

Diana asked curiously: "Panpan Uncle, what is the plug-in you are talking about?"

Panpan pointed to the great hall and said, "There is a Hole, you jumped in. If you can come back, you can master the source of the magic of this world. If you can’t come back, then the soul flew away and scattered.”

Then he pointed to Charles in the corner. , Said: "This kid went in, walked the lucky dog ​​excrement and came out alive."

Diana turned her head and glared at Charles fiercely. This guy had never said this before.

"Okay." Diana agreed, "Thank Panpan Uncle."

For her, Panpan is one of the closest beings in this world. Now, although this mutated god guard appears and disappears unpredictably.

At this time, Charles's heart is extremely tangled. On the one hand, he naturally wants Diana to increase his strength, but on the other hand, he is worried about her safety.

Although Old Zhang spoilers told them that they both went back, just now Reimu said that he was played badly by Sly Lyn in a certain timeline, which made you feel relieved. Mention it.

At this time, he still didn't know that he had been pitted by Reimu. The so-called timeline of this world is not the same as the film and television works in his hometown, it is just a professional term for the temple of time.

The person here is worrying about gains and losses, while Diana and Panpan moved towards the great hall talking and laughing.

Charles finally resisted the urge to directly tell Diana the answer, and after moving away the great hall stone chair with Panpan, he watched Diana jump off after adding a buff to Panpan. That dark hole.

At this time, Charles looked at the ceiling of the cave. The human-shaped impression was still so conspicuous, so he got a pile of thick quilts and nailed it there. When Diana flew out, there was something to cushion. .

When he was finished, Panpan used a huge bear paw to patted Charles's shoulder and said: "Boy, we are idle when we are idle. How about having some fun."

Charles asked: "What's the fun?"

Panpan's panda smiled honestly and said: "Let's do two tricks, don't fight back."

A set of Military Fitness Boxing greets you to someone.

After I don’t know how long, Panpan asked Charles who was pretending to be dead on the ground: "Boy, why don't you stop your niece?"

Charles turned over and lay down , Said: "This matter was decided by her, I will support her, help her, and I have no reason to oppose it."

After he finished speaking, he curiously asked Panpan: "Why are you always here? "

Panpan replied: "I will come as I want, and there is still my house here."

"Right." He continued, "The big one is coming , I will open half of my eyes when I go to bed later, otherwise I don’t know how to die."

Charles was shocked, sat up from the ground, and asked nervously: "Are you talking about a dead soul or a southern continent? Insect?"

Panpan shook the head, replied: "Neither, I don’t know, nor do those guys who lived here before."

" And I mentioned that there is an extremely dangerous civilization sealed in a subspace. Once they appear, they will only bring about plunder and destruction."

"Now the seal of that subspace is a bit loose, and the gods also I was a little panicked, so I tried to find someone of the chosen one to try to rashly."

Charles squeezed his brows and said, "How come there are so many things with this planet? Since they are so dangerous, they are simply in the universe. Find a larger black hole in it, and set the subspace exit next to it."

He just wanted to vomit, but after listening to Panpan, he thought about it seriously.

Before Charles could spit out again, there was a sudden "boom" and huge energy spouted from the entrance of the cave, blowing him out of the great hall door.

After he got up, he rushed back to the hall and found that Diana, who was in the form of a veil, had knocked the quilt on the ceiling to a pulp, and was hung in midair by a few cloth strips wrapped in his wings.

Charles didn't say anything, and hurriedly flew up and put her down, hugging her to the bath.

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