In the living room, Charles made a pot of honey-lemon black tea, and while pouring tea to the Wright sisters, he said, “Time flies so fast. It reminds me of ten years ago when we I was discussing the establishment of the Macross company in the Netherlands. I plan to visit the factory when I come back this time."

Younger sister Ovigil raised the teacup said with a smile: "I still remember, I almost hit you while riding a bicycle that day, and I almost fell into the water myself."

Charles laughed after hearing this. It can be said that the bicycle brake failed that day and the three of them started a business together. Opportunity.

The Macross Group is the least of all the industries involved in Charles. He often just mentions some insights. The specific work is the responsibility of the team led by the Wright sisters.

Among them, Charles provides the most contacts for the group.

At the beginning, Charles relied on his own face to obtain a lot of technology and machine tools for the group from the Forging Temple and Rurik Kingdom.

In the past ten years, the Macross Group has been rushed forward by the military and other relevant parties. A company that originally planned to produce bicycles just expanded into a company involving bicycles and motorcycles in a short time. A large manufacturing group in the fields of automobile, engine, aircraft manufacturing, power armor and machine tool research and development.

Charles sat down on the opposite sofa and said to the sisters: "I have been following the development and operation of the group. The more I understand the group, the more I admire you two sisters."


"Wilber's profound technical knowledge and keen sense of smell, and Oville's excellent management performance are the cornerstones of the rapid development of the group."

He praised him for this. The two sisters are a bit sorry, but they feel very proud.

The rapid development of the Macross Group over the past ten years is obvious to all. Without the efforts of the two of them, this group would only produce a bicycle.

Vilber said with a smile: "I think I must have a drink to celebrate if I can get the compliment from His Royal Highness Charles."

Charles took a bottle from his reserve. When the wine came out, Oville went to get the cup, and then everyone drank together.

"Will the group's development direction be adjusted next?" Charles asked after taking a sip.

Wilber, who drank a ¼ cup, knew the technical issues in the group most clearly. She replied: "Now we delegate the power to the branch in the field of civilian vehicles such as bicycles and motorcycles. Next, our main goal is It is the development of twin-engine or even four-engine aircraft, engines with higher power and efficiency, and continuous improvement of power armor."

"In terms of machine tools, we have formed a cooperation with your company on the Rurik Kingdom. There is a good cooperation in the research and development of intelligent machine tools and fully automatic working puppets."

"Last year we developed a new production line for bicycles and tricycles, which made the output of the bicycle factory turn a lot of somersaults. The production line will be finalized and delivered to the factory at the end of the year."

"Mr. Heiji's car factory is also cooperating with us to develop a new production line. It is estimated that there will be results next year."

Charles Nodded with satisfaction, he said: "The era of mechanized mass production has arrived, and more and more products will be produced through assembly lines in the future. We must grasp the opportunity, consolidate the foundation, and make the production line bigger and stronger."

"At the same time, let's not be proud, because the opponent has already appeared."

"Leave aside the Rurik Kingdom side, now the Slime Basin and the Rerik Royal Family are on the human side. Heavy industry has begun to have the ability to wrestle with us."

"I suggest that you take time to visit these two places and learn from each other to make progress."

Then he asked: "How is the progress of the development of the power armor?"

Wilb reached out and asked him for a second bottle of wine, and then replied: "In the past few years, we have been working on the development of the power armor. Taking a path from simple to complex, the simple version of the outer skeleton has achieved a good reputation among miners and porters."

"Currently, the first set of real power armor is the full-featured customization of Pandragon. Model, integrated debugging is expected to be completed at the beginning of next month, that is, her stature development is not stable, which brings us a lot of trouble."

"After the success of this power armor, there will be further improvements and specializations. Fine type."

Charles drank two sips of wine and thought about it for a while and said: "This kind of armored long-distance mobile vehicle needs to be paid attention to. It is best to have a mid-range flight function."

"I suggest that we can cooperate with the Kingdom of Rurik to launch a series of power armor with the goal of goblin."

"Because they are small and save materials, and the bonus to them is more obvious."

"More importantly, we can accumulate experience on this basis."

Someone does not know at this time. Sister Wright considered this suggestion very seriously. How long will it take to produce a basic version of the power armor for goblin and go to the Kingdom of Rurik to look for investment.

Everyone didn't expect the next thing. Goblins are obsessed with this basic power armor that can greatly increase their own strength and defensive power to the point that no one can find an object without a set. .

Fortunately, the price of this basic version of the power armor is not high. Goblin who has a serious job can buy it with a loan of three to five years.

Later, when the Demon King army began to equip the goblin in the army with military power armor in large quantities, the basic training was basically eliminated.

In the speechless expression, Charles brought out another bottle of wine. The two sisters are now drinking wine as water.

The technical issues are over, and then the issue of group management.

Charles asked Oviere: "How is the group share reform going?"

Ovelle, who just finished a bottle of wine, said: "According to your plan, Except for the three of us each holding two points of shares, the other shares are held by the employee committee and allocated to the group employees according to positions and incentives."

"The employee committee was established last fall. The distribution details have been passed at the end of the year, and dividends will be realized this year."

"The enthusiasm of employees within the group company is very high, and Baijinshu Palace has sent investigators to the group to investigate this equity plan."


Charles slightly nodded, the equity reform of Macross Group is much smoother than that of Intel Corporation.

This should have something to do with the racial character of the elves. They don't care too much about the internal distribution of benefits, and it feels like it's almost done.

The core of emancipating productivity from production relations is the distribution system. If there are problems with the distribution system, no matter how good it is, it is useless.

Charles apologized and said to the two sisters: "This way, your dividends will be reduced a lot."

Oviere smiled and replied: "It's okay, the current dividends It’s enough for us. Compared with money, we value the group bigger and stronger."

Charles bad said with a smile: "I'm afraid your suitors will be dissatisfied."

When they met on the side of the road just now, there were quite a few good-looking boys around the two sisters.

As a result, the sisters pouted at the same time, obviously dismissing those guys.

"Stop talking about them." Wilbur said, holding the bottle. "Let's drink."

Charles continued to take out the wine and chatted with the Wright sisters.

At the moment before the fragment of a certain person, he suddenly remembered that at the reception of the Forge Temple ten years ago, the two sisters were the only ones who came out by themselves.

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