When the first sun of the spring equinox shone on the earth, the vigorous bells wafted over the green city.

Charles, like the Wright sisters, left the guest room in plain robes.

The streets are already Spiritual Mountain Spirit Sea Spiritual Mountain, everyone muttered the scriptures in a low voice, and walked towards the cathedral south of Greentown with the flow of spirits.

Charles, who is extremely sensitive to divine force, feels that the streets of the entire city are like a divine force river. Countless devout believers join the surging river from tributaries every day, and then flow to the cathedral.

Charles is a bit special, it can be said that he is not talking about anything in the whole city.

The gods didn't require believers to believe in themselves. He saw a few dwarves walking by the side of the road not far ahead, not inferior to the surrounding elves in piety.

So you seem to be mixing up with Reimu. It’s okay to pay respects to God of Life again, let alone God of Life’s divine force to help him grow his nose. , And later helped himself when he was almost taken away by God of Death.

However, this guy reviewed his past with the gods and found that he really couldn't be serious.

Especially his mind is still thinking about what kind of fluff God of Life is from time to time.

If this idea is known to the believers around him, his grave grass should grow to his knees next year at the vernal equinox.

He didn't wait for him to finish tangling, he followed the team to the cathedral.

The cathedral, which is like white jasmine flowers, is surrounded by a huge circular square. Charles used to think that the stone bricks of different colors on the square were just pretty good-looking, but now they know that they are for everyone.

I walked a big section of the road, and I don’t know who is who.

Charles sat down on a green stone brick and tried to call God of Life like Reimu.

"The user you are calling is busy."

Charles twitched, thinking God of Life is quite humorous.

He looked around under curiosity, no elves said anything about him, because many young elves were like him.

A team is walking into the cathedral under the leadership of priests. They are about to receive God of Life treatment in the next ceremony.

These places are limited. This ceremony will mainly consist of severely disabled officers and soldiers in the Southern War.

Elizabeth put Vichy and Tarantula in with her recommended places, but they can only sit next to the last row of doors, which is enough.

It's a pity for Charles, I got to know Ayjafjallajökull a little later, otherwise I can put her in.

It didn't take long for the ceremony to begin.

The voice of Pope Victoria on the altar inside the cathedral sounded around, and the believers outside could also hear it clearly.

It's different from the general ceremony style of the dwarves meeting in the Forge Temple, it looks more literary here.

First, the choir led by Elizabeth sang hymns.

The gurgling song sounded, and the elves sang along.

Beginning in the second quarter, the hymn becomes like a forest under the spring sun, with a breeze, Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances.

At this time, the life divine force of all around became more and more intense, and a group of flying god servants appeared on the top of the cathedral's white petals.

With the arrival of these atmosphere groups, divine might begin to appear.

Different deities show different divine might. Everyone feels that their body seems to be younger in an instant, and their waists and legs are not sore.

The next step is the speech of Pope Victoria's work report mixed with quotations and gorgeous prayers.

But Charles didn't listen because the call was connected.

"It's coming."

"It's coming."

In the consciousness space, on the grassland full of flowers, Charles and God of Life are sitting side by side On a big rock.

God of Life, who looks like a big elder sister, looked at Charles carefully, and said, "tsk tsk tsk...you can always break through my inherent impression of you."

Charles cautiously asked: "Can you tell me what your impression of me was?"

"You..." God of Life touched Charles' head, "I I thought you were a good child, didn't expect that would be so bad!"

Charles laughed awkwardly, thinking that he was talking about colluding with Evil God, and he didn’t know that he was talking about being black. After the transformation, he was also arrested and gave birth to a football team.

"Hey..." God of Life hugged Charles and squeezed his nose, "Originally, I wanted you to help you a lot."

"But I changed my mind. I just want to just mean it."

Charles' nose was pinched, and he muttered, "You have helped me a lot, and I dare not ask for it anymore. More."

God of Life looked at the sky and said, "Um...what should I give you?"

He stretched out his index finger and drew a circle in front of him. , And then a bottle of potion appeared.

"This potion is for you."

He put the potion bottle in Charles's hand after he said it.

Charles took a look at the potion bottle, and then a cold sweat broke out.

Yaromash almost said: "But, what is the price?"

No way, the shining potion in the bottle is green, shake it, it looks a little bit Slimy.

He asked: "Excuse me, what is the function of this potion?"

God of Life mysteriously replied: "When the time comes, you will know with one sip Now."

Then he squeezed Charles' face and said, "I'm going to be busy, and I have the opportunity to meet again."

Then Charles' consciousness returned and he realized that There was a lot of potion in the bottle just now.

Don't think about it anymore, Charles took the potion back into the storage ring and continued to sit there waiting for the ceremony to end.

At this time, the ceremony entered the climax. The atmosphere group composed of god servants sat outside the cathedral performing various shadow talisman doctrines. The divine force of God of Life flows into the cathedral like a green waterfall, healing Patients inside and all around.

Charles heard the great grandfather sitting next to him laugh and healed the presbyopia that had plagued his vision for a long time.

The same goes for the elves around, the big hairs are diseased and small, and the small hairs are not. The laughter and prayer sounded together for a while, and the god servants in the air performed harder.

Only Charles was very depressed. After a long time, it seemed that a plug-in that could have been obtained was gone, and then he got a bottle of potion that he didn't know what it was used for.

But he saw it very openly.

After the game was over, Charles went to visit Vichy and Tarantula.

The two of them recovered physically, and fell asleep deeply after returning to their residence.

Because of their old injuries, they have to undergo a series of physical examinations after waking up.

Charles did not interrupt them to rest, and left after leaving a note.

Next, he will go to the Lord’s House to retrieve the sword of slime, and then go to the subspace in the domain to take a look.

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