After fooling the problem of drinking last night together, Charles and Ayjafjallajökull acted separately after breakfast.

The expedition team recruited by Xiaoyang is gradually in place. She needs to arrange accommodation for them and briefly explain the investigation matters. The specific matters will be announced after the personnel are fully equipped.

When Charles sent her to William University, he "coincidentally" ran into the Principal Humboldt who "visited the campus".

At the invitation of the Principal, Charles happily agreed to visit the campus with him.

Although I visited this campus a few days ago.

Charles also has his own routine when doing some things. These three axes are nothing more than creating momentum, finding a partner and negotiating a benefit distribution plan acceptable to all parties.

Now that the momentum has been created, the partners have also been selected as the academies represented by the University of William. The next step is the most critical issue of benefit distribution.

No one knows how the two people during the visit talked, even in the chronicle written by Adele Chamber of Commerce, only one sentence was mentioned by Vice-President ㅤ His Excellency Megadon and the University of William Professor Principal Humboldt reached a broad consensus on some issues.

From the actual effect, first of all, the Adele clothing store on the commercial street next to the school opened on the second day. The staff are the family members of the school employees who used to take good care of Ayja Fara.

Secondly, Adele Chamber of Commerce and William University opened an industry-university-research center for all schools in Letania.

In addition to the research and application of traditional disciplines such as magic and volcanology, this industry-university-research center also relies on the strong local artistic atmosphere to carry out clothing design business. As a result, "Yang Yang Yang" brand clothing has become a continent popular One of the weather vanes, which Charles didn't expect.

In addition to these two points, what Professor Humboldt cares most about is the library Charles promised to build, which currently only exists in Charles's mouth.

Charles first raised the issue of land use. Professor Humboldt said that there is a Jiangxinzhou on the river in the city, which is about four kilometers long and two kilometers wide. The terrain is quite high and it is not afraid of floods. There are too many stones on it to grow crops. The land is owned. The family got the land after being pitted more than a hundred years ago, and later wanted to sell it. Several decades have not found anyone to take it, so it can be rented.

So someone thought for a while and asked if he could get this piece of land permanently.

Professor Humboldt said it’s a bit difficult. To buy such a large piece of land has involved political issues, and Charles is an outsider...

Then Ayjafjallah She became a big landlord without knowing it, she still knew it when the library was completed later.

These all are Humboldt's Principal to help with the operation, Charles just pays for it.

The land issue is in no rush, but the library design can begin. Charles commissioned the University of William to conduct a bidding activity.

In the end, it is natural that Charles, on behalf of Adele Chamber of Commerce, provides a sponsorship fee to William Academy every year.

By the time the two had finished talking, it was almost time for lunch. Charles declined Professor Humboldt’s invitation to have lunch together, and he had to do something very important.

At Ayyjafjallajökull, the members of the expedition team she gathered were basically in place with the help of giant dragon aviation. What surprised her was that Professor Kahn asked her when she was close to noon. You cannot bring twenty students to join.

Of course, Lamb is happy. According to the plan made by her and Charles, this expedition team also needs to hire almost so many people to do some chores. Now these students with professional knowledge join in. That's undesirable.

When everyone was having lunch together, Ayya Fara was a tall elder sister with two horns on top of her head that looked a bit like "(". The big elder sister asked her, "Adele, so many people, logistical preparations Alright?"

Aiya Fala replied: "Don't worry, Diling senior, we have prepared a fleet of sixty vehicles, half of which are dedicated to logistics services."

Di Ling, who is also the messenger of natural disasters, thought she was talking about carriage or bullock carts. If there were so many vehicles to transport logistics materials, this inspection would not be too difficult.

Ayyarfala continued: "The team arrived outside the city at noon today. It should have arrived by now. After we meet with the team in the afternoon, we will have a medical examination and customized protective clothing. There will also be a meeting to formulate the entire operation, and we will try to start within ten days."

Another natural disaster messenger with a shallow purple tail on the side was surprised and asked: "And protective clothing?"

Aya Fala replied: "Yes, Charles asks everyone to be in danger You must wear protective clothing in the environment, otherwise you cannot join the team."

"The current protective clothing can be partially modified, and the big tail of Provence can also be protected."

Provence He shook his hairy tail and sighed: "Your Charles is really thoughtful."

"It's not my family!" Ayyjafjallajökull blushed a little, "And oh, Everyone, you must be careful to be taken away by him, and Ryanhardt is the same."

The bunny-eared guy who was quietly eating lunch and listening to the girls chatting was taken aback, his blue eyes widened. Yes, he said in disbelief: "Could it be that he..."

"No," Aiyafara said, "Everyone has the same physical problems as me, and he will definitely be arrested for treatment."

"When I first met him, he was taken to the southernmost Spirit Race for treatment. Now it is much better."

Provence asked her curiously and excitedly : "Can our disease really be cured? How is it cured? Is it uncomfortable?" Ayyafala vaguely said: "When the time comes, you will know."

She doesn’t dare to say something to stew in the pot now, it wouldn’t be good if she scares them away.

After lunch, Ayyarfara saw that it was almost time, so she took everyone by car. Came to the lake outside the city.

It was not a mess that Charles contracted the lake to fish that day. He even rented a large lawn nearby.

Dang Ayyafala When they came here, all of them were shocked to have their mouths opened wide.

"Adele," Di Ling asked incredulously, "Is this the team you are talking about?"

"Yeah." Aya Farah replied, "This is the land fleet system designed by Nasr Senior Ding. They can drive and work in dangerous environments, and they can be tested in this expedition. "

The convoy of 60 large-scale crawler vehicles in front of us not only surprised the other members of the expedition team, but also the officials in the city were so scared to mobilize the army just in case.

No way, anyone who sees sixty steel giant beasts about 20 meters long, nearly five meters wide, and almost five meters high suddenly appearing near the city will remain calm.

Fortunately, Charles was well prepared and brought in a well-known local person as a guarantor.

When Ayyjafjallah took everyone to find Charles, the officials in the city had just been caught by the tall, thin and cold-faced man next to him. Dismissed.

According to the preliminary agreement between the two parties, the convoy will only stay here for ten days. During this period, the car will not start. And allow the people in the convoy to go to the city to purchase supplies.

"Yo, everyone is here. "Charles greeted Ayjafjallah and the others, and then began to introduce a few people around him.

He pointed to the hooded man beside him and said, "This is Nasrdine Academician, he is this The commander of the second convoy, the daily routine of the convoy is under his command. "

Then he pointed to the tall, thin, cold-faced man on the other side and said, "This is Little Huihui, the wealthy man of Kjerag, who is in charge of external communication. "

"I'm in charge of logistics. You can come to me directly for matters in this area. "

"The chief doctor is in the medical vehicle, and there are other people you will meet later. "

Aya Fala and Nasrdine who hadn’t seen each other for several years also introduced the personnel of the expedition team after a few words of greeting.

Nasrdine said to them: "Because of I will live in the convoy for a long time, so I will show you a tour later. I suggest that you all move here this afternoon to allocate the dormitory and other things that take time, and then the medical examination..."

Charles threw the reception and other things to Nasrdin to solve it, for this time In the Land Fleet test, he brought out all the teams he formed in Intel.

Taking this opportunity, Charles wondered whether to let him break away from Intel and set up another door.

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