The loud horn sounded through the horn in his ear, and Charles woke up with a yawn.

"Turn on the lights."

The voice-activated lights came on, illuminating the dark lounge.

Due to various considerations, the accommodation vehicles are not equipped with traditional rack beds, but independent rest cabins like capsule hotels.

The internal space of this lounge is expanded by space expansion magic, and even a wardrobe for storing clothes and personal items is installed, so that even users with horns on their heads can stand up inside.

Everyone is very welcome to this kind of rest pod that can provide private space. You can do anything in it except smoking during a break.

Now there are twelve rest cabins in a lodging car, several independent small bathrooms and toilets, and even two washing machines.

Charles only learned about the cost of the car yesterday. While feeling the high cost of the car, he lined up to wash and went to eat breakfast.

The scenery and air here are good. The team built a row of canopies by the lake and set up tables and chairs as a temporary restaurant.

The people who had breakfast today were a little sluggish, and many people looked like they had just woke up from a hangover.

Yesterday afternoon, the expedition team brought by Ayyjafjallajökull came to meet up with their luggage. In the evening, they had a banquet together and drank half a car of wine.

"Morning, Amia." Charles took his breakfast and sat down beside his acquaintance.

Breakfast is quite simple, with bread, fried eggs, grilled sausages, preserved eggs and lean meat porridge and juice options.

"Good morning." Amiya greeted him with a smile.

They have known each other for eleven years, and Charles still hasn't figured out what her tail looks like.

The two chatted while eating. Charles cautiously didn't touch a certain topic. For example, the girls who suddenly appeared next to Nasrdine seemed to be related to his memory loss.


A bloodfiend girl with white hair, red eyes, pale skin and a little long ears sat down on the other side of Charles, and she looked angry.

"Why didn't you come to me last night?"

Her words made the people around you prick up their ears, even Amia’s long ears were stretched out. It reminded Charles of some dumb hair.

Charles said calmly: "Your aunt reminded me that you are dangerous."

"Hey..." the bloodfiend sister said bitterly, "The old woman tasted it herself. When it's sweet, I don't care about other people."

Then a group of eavesdroppers made a suddenly realized expression.

Charles said to her: "Today's medical examination should be more careful. The health of those natural disaster messengers are not good."

"Understand." When it comes to work, Hua Fa Lin got serious. "From Ayyarfjallah's previous medical report, I am afraid that they all need blood filtration treatment first, and follow-up treatment must be further checked."

Charles thought about it for a while and said: "You can take care of medical matters, make regular physical examination records, and report the deterioration of the body in time."

"No problem." Hua Falin said, "I have prepared the medicine ingredient and equipment. "

At this time, Charles didn't realize what she was talking about, thinking it was a new treatment. Later, he saw a pretty rabbit-eared guy who was tied up in tears by his guard and threw it into a pot. .

Warfalin suddenly stretched her head to Charles' ear and asked in a low voice: "I found that Ms. Alpha and her companions hardly eat. Will there be a problem?"

In this operation, Charles integrated the resources in his hands. The infinite energy system of Magic Castle reproduced a small energy-discharging vehicle to provide energy for the entire fleet. At present, Charles’ Alpha sister-in-law is bringing several dolls elder sister. Responsible for use and maintenance.

At the same time, Alpha also participated in the research of this investigation, mainly responsible for whether the lava, which can store magic elements, can be used in this system, in order to reduce the cost of energy storage magic crystals in the original equipment.

Charles originally wanted to explain their situation, but after thinking about it, he said, "Their bodies are a bit special, so just leave it alone."

This sounds like Warfarin. Her eyes glowed. In her opinion, the special body also means the special blood...

After breakfast, everyone started to get busy.

The drivers of each car and the engineers accompanying the team began to make the last inspection and repair of the car before the departure.

The technology of these tracked vehicles is not particularly mature, and it is inevitable that there will be various failures when driving for a long time.

The security guards of the escort car are also maintaining the weapons, and Charles feels that this car can be pulled directly on the battlefield.

The cooking cart gave Charles an order for him to purchase food for these days, as well as replenish the wine on the cart.

The purchase is not in a hurry. Charles comes to the command vehicle, and Ayjafjallajökull, Nasrdin and Little Huihui are discussing the specific course of action.

This visit is not only about one or two places. They need to run a big circle on this land to investigate many representative active and extinct volcanoes. The entire trip takes several months. For a long time, it needs to be finished before winter comes, and the follow-up research may take a year.

The research cars in the team have long been equipped with various research equipment according to Ayjafjall’s design, which can save a lot of time.

The route on this road needs to be carefully considered.

First of all, the passage of roads, because Ayyjafjallajökull has been to many places and is quite familiar with the geographical conditions of each place. In addition, he can contact natural disaster messengers from various places to lead the way, and there are projects in small rivers. This is not a problem when the car leaves the road.

Secondly, there is the issue of logistical supplies. Nearly 300 people eat and drink. Sometimes the team has to go to nearby towns to purchase supplies. At this time, Little Huihui needs to negotiate with Charles to pay.

There are many similar trivial things before departure.

The equipment maintenance vehicle modified the dedicated protective clothing based on the body data of each person. The long double horns on the head of the earth spirit and the big tail of Provence have been fully protected.

Next is the training of the use of protective clothing. The user must learn to skillfully put on and take off the protective clothing, and will use the above additional functions such as the breathing filter, cooling and drying system.

On the day before departure, the entire expedition team held a general meeting, at which the next itinerary and specific inspection contents were announced.

In the evening, everyone held a large-scale barbecue event, and the meat bought from the city exuded an attractive aroma under the spices contributed by Charles.

Although drinking is restricted tonight, the fragrant barbecue is enough to arouse everyone's enthusiasm.

Even the army officer who was monitoring them was so scented by the smell that he cheekily bought two pigs from a nearby village and hurried over to exchange for barbecue.

These days, everyone gets along very well, and there are no accidents.

On the one hand, there are a lot of demon races in the convoy. The horns on their heads look similar to those of the locals, but their ears are not the same, which makes the garrison let go of some guard.

Secondly, Charles gave the garrison officers a stack of these two hot-selling sweater coupons in Tian City. They said it was for all the garrisons, but in fact how many can be in the hands of the big soldiers It's hard to say.

The barbecue banquet is getting better and better. Many of the students from the University of William who came to participate in the inspection have already got acquainted with the team members, and they chatted while eating the barbecue.

On the other side of Nasrdin, don’t get close to strangers. Here, Amia just grilled a skewer of meat for him, and she passed a few skewer next to him. The atmosphere even Little Huihui ran with fun. Went to chat with Professor Kahn.

As for Charles, he didn't notice after someone gave him a glass of anesthetic as a drink, and then he was carried away by the doctor who showed up in time.

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