The original defense zone of the Elf Army and the defense zone of the Kingdom of Rerik were sandwiched between the demon race army. At first, everyone was responsible for monitoring the demon race army. After the navy was driven away, they The defense zones are connected.

Charles was sitting on the watchtower gnawing on the watermelon distributed to him by the scouts, and when he saw Auston I walked to the battlefield with a sword, he knew he was going to pretend.

Although he can see through his soul vision that this guy's true strength is very strong, he hasn't seen him make a move yet.

Oston I was walking, a golden light burst out from his body, and the whole figure rushed towards the necromantic army like a comet.

The Necromancer has completed the magic power synchronization during the march, and the black dark element covers them like a dark cloud.

The moment he came into contact with the undead spirit, he suddenly accelerated, smashing into the enemy's army like lightning.

The necromantic giant ape lord who ran forward spotted this guy early in the morning. He was extremely fast, and his long arms swept towards the lightning at a considerable speed with black smoke.

Alston I speeded up again. In the eyes of the weak, a golden rope bound the necromantic giant ape from bottom to top.

In the eyes of Charles and other powerhouses, Auston I slashed around the thirty-meter-high giant ape at a very fast speed, and the magic shield emerging from the dead was under the sword. Simply vulnerable.

It can be seen that the long sword in his hand is a precious weapon for destroying magic. From the light emerging from it, it should have been opened by Fillip.

The undead giant ape tried to sweep him away, but he saw the opportunity to get into the chest cavity at once, chopping the surrounding ribs and spine bones from the inside to the outside.

Seeing that Alston I was about to cut the cervical spine, a black divine force burst out of the necromantic giant ape's body, attempting to bombard him in his body.

The long sword opened by Fillip also exploded with a burst of divine force. The divine force of God of Forging red counteracted the divine force of the Necromancer, and finally suppressed it instead.

Although it was suppressed for half a second, this did not prevent Auston I from stepping on the opponent's huge ribs, preparing to rush out of the chest cavity and pierce the head from the bottom to the top from the lower jaw.

Necromancer giant ape's reaction is not slow, its arms retract to protect the chin, blocking the opponent's attack route.

Who knows that Auston I turned around in the air, flew out from its back, came to the back of its head before returning his arms to defense, and swung his sword hard.

The dead spirit giant ape was chopped in half with the sword of Auston I, and his whole body was broken to the ground. From the moment he left the position, even Charles had to eat two watermelons.

After packing up the leader, Auston I did not stop.

The golden rays of light shuttled through the dark necromantic army, stirring them up in no time, and numerous broken bones flew up wherever they passed.

Finally, the chaotic army of necromancers collapsed in a burst of golden waves, lost the magic power and the clouds dissipated after synchronization.

Charles took another bite of the watermelon. It seems that this guy's strength is one "domain" behind the "sword saint" standard, but I don't know if his "domain" is not used or not.

Oston I returned to the position amidst the cheers of Rerik's army. Gunshots suddenly burst from the position, and the metal storm blasted the undead who had lost their magical protection to the bone.

A burst of artillery sounded, and a super-caliber mortar shell about the size of a gas tank slammed into the past. After the explosion ceased, a large area was cleared.

Although another BOSS-Rank necromancer has been solved, the situation on the battlefield is getting more and more serious.

Just now, the Necromancer adjusted its strategy, and several Necromancer BOSS suddenly appeared in the space door.

In the defense area where the students of each Academy are in charge, Vardy, the Principal of Wudaokou Academy, confronts a necromantic giant bear lord.

As a "sword saint" Level 1 powerhouse, Vardy can theoretically clean up this necromantic giant bear.

It's just that his battle method is to strike an all-round blow to the opponent, and the opponent suffers a whole body injury if he takes a sword.

This method works well for creatures, but it is very restrained for those necrolords who can repair themselves with the bones of surrounding necromancers at any time.

After a few moves by both sides, restraint became more apparent.

The necromancer giant bear can even remove the attacked bone from the body when receiving the move, and the body does not suffer any damage.

In this way, it can attack Vardy with all its strength, and there is no need to worry about defense.

In this way, Vardy fell into a hard fight, and it seemed like this.

Charles observed for a while with a watermelon in one hand and a telescope in one hand, and found that Vardy was not sweating on his head, so just ignore it.

In other places, the battle was stuck in a stalemate.

A section of the southern country’s defense line, a huge bone cart made of bones slowly moved forward under the pull of two lesser dragon devil beasts.

On the bone cart stood a Necromancer lord, which continuously moved towards the defense line in front of it, casting spells, and blasting the magic shield there on the verge of collapse.

A man with a squad tried to break through the necromantic defenses many times to attack the bone cart, but every time he returned without success under the tight defenses.

Charles took a look. That person is the Suzuki Gaofeng he met in Chapter 530. Among the squad members, there is actually Deloris Aunt who sells "Charles intestines" on the outside restaurant street, and her Son Little Huntington.

Although this dude’s plug-in can invalidate the Disruption Magic, but the "power" is slightly insufficient, unable to deal with the entire army, and can only take a bite at a time.

The problem is that his efficiency in doing this is too low, and the line of defense behind him is almost out of support.

When this squad returned to rest again, a girl joined the team.

Charles was relieved when he saw it. If the discipline can't open up the situation, he will grab it back tonight and scratch his feet all night.

Sure enough, in another offensive, Xili approached the Necropolis under the cover of Suzuki Gaofeng and the others, and then released the Transmission Gate that Charles taught her.

Perhaps because of the interference of the nearby space gate, the Transmission Gate opened a bit crookedly.

Fire Element Subspace Core Zone’s high-purity Fire Element is sprayed out like a high-pressure water cannon. The Transmission Gate that was originally aimed at the front army formation is tilted upwards, and it passes over the army formation and shoots directly onto the bone cart. Necromancer.

The formidable power of the high-purity Fire Element torrent was beyond the expectations of Xili and Necromancer, the latter's magic shields did not last a second at all.

The army guarding it launched a counterattack, but it was blocked by Suzuki Gaofeng.

At this moment, several large ice blocks weighing nearly ten tons with divinity smashed down from the sky.

Charles lifts the head, in the telescope, I saw Griffon Knight hovering in the air with a girl with red hair and a cat ear hoop. The Saintess of the Ice Temple Several huge ice cubes kept smashing down.

He curl one's lip, Hong Anjiu, a girl who can only use ice wall art, seems to have been specializing in this area after listening to her own advice in Chapter 547.

After testing a few ice cubes, the Griffin Knight flew higher and higher, and then released an ice cube with a side length of almost 60 meters in the air. The moved towards Necromancer was focusing on resisting the torrent of Fire Element. go.

10 seconds later, the earth trembled, and the ice divine technique and Fire Element annihilated each other and a huge explosion occurred.

Fortunately, Xili and Suzuki Peak and they ran fast, coupled with the protection of the party member's magic shield, otherwise they would be accidentally injured by the friendly army.

The situation on the battlefield has not changed because of the destruction of several BOSS. Endless elite necromancers rushed out of the space gate, and artillery shells and rockets could not explode for a while.

When Charles finished eating this slice of watermelon, in addition to a few defense zones using firearms, the traditional defense zones had already started fighting at close quarters with the undead.

The more threatening enemy then appeared.

Suddenly a large group of Bone Dragon rushed out of the space gate, and more than a hundred undead giant dragons instantly filled the sky. Altria, Griffin Knight and Hurricane Dragoons who had been supporting in the air had no choice but to Avoid it for now.

Now that the battle line on the ground is stuck, if these powerful necromantic giant dragons rush down, they will not be able to resist it.

Suddenly fell into an unprecedented crisis on the battlefield.

In the command headquarters, Auston I took up the communicator and issued a new order: "Meyer, all strike!"

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