giant dragons have always been the invincible existence in the story. They are wise, powerful, and wealthy, which humans cannot match.

Suddenly more than a hundred necromantic giant dragons appeared in the air. This is a force capable of destroying a big country.

A necromantic giant dragon rushed down, and the dragon's breath of dark green corroded a group of soldiers into pus. The necromantic army on the ground almost broke the battle line with this as a breakthrough.

Just as it was about to breathe again, a Transmission Gate formed not far below it, and the spraying Fire Element forced it back.

Not far away, Tarantula controlled the Transmission Gate to sweep over, and then forced the necromancer giant dragon away, and then swept out a large chunk of the necromancer infantry in front of the battle line.

There is no room for so many necromantic giant dragons on the battlefield, and there is not enough space for them to move on their own.

In the general headquarters, Pope Arnold of Temple of War ordered the use of all the reserves.

On the top of the watchtower, Charles has several communicators next to him, one of which is a spare communicator used by the high-level command of the Elf army, and he can hear the communication between the big guys.

"Your Excellency Megadon is there?"

The calm voice in the communicator surprised Charles. He didn't expect the Third Prince Ives of Bischberg to pass at this time. Find yourself this way.

"I am." Charles replied.

"I beg you for one thing." Ives said, "I was killed in battle. Please take care of my child. By the way, tell my wife to let her remarry."

Charles frowned, others are fortunate to say how he thought of finding himself, everyone is very unfamiliar, and because of his fourth brother, he also has hatred.

"Reason." Charles said quietly.

Ives over there replied: "Because your character is the noblest among the nobles I know."

Charles has been tricked into a bar by a liquor trustee in his previous life and then ran halfway. After the road, he is no longer the kind of young man with a hot head when he is complimented. He quickly understood Ives’ thoughts. I am afraid that this Third Prince has already seen the country inevitably fall into war after the rise of Linda. So entrust the child to the transcendent position.

After figuring out these joints, Charles solemnly said: "I promise that from the time the space door is opened to completely closed, any orphans who sacrifice the warrior will be taken care of by the Megadon Family until they are sixteen."

According to Charles's idea, at the expense of the warrior’s orphans, he will send the money to the new school or Alice Academy promoted by Mins. Can't fault it.

"Twenty minutes." Charles continued, "As long as you stick to twenty minutes, the reinforcements will arrive."

"Thank you." Ives thanked Charles and turned the messenger The microphone touched the table, took the helmet handed by the attendant, put on the helmet and walked out of Griffin Knight’s command post.

Outside, nearly a hundred Griffon Knight is ready to take off.

As he walked towards his Griffin, Ives shouted loudly: "Masters, I will not say more about impassioned things, I will only say two things!"

"First, we only need to deal with it for an hour, and the reinforcements will come!"

"Second, Megadon promises that whoever dies today, he will raise the child of whose family until the age of sixteen!"

"For our child, for our family, lift off and kill those bones!"

When the Griffin Knights lifted off, the giant dragon in the sky was very I found them soon.

In this way, the necromantic giant dragon is hovering in the air to recover through the space door to consume, but does not think that they will let off such flying enemies.

More than a dozen giant dragons rushed over. They are bigger than a griffon, faster than a griffon, and stronger than a griffon. How do you think they will not lose.

The only thing the Griffon Knights can rely on is the flexibility of the Griffon. They spread out in groups of three and charged towards the bone shelf.

To deal with the scattered enemies, the necromantic giant dragon's play is to solve the front first, and then the remaining little by little is eliminated.

Just when the dragon's mouth opened and spit out the dark green breath, the Griffin Knights facing the giant dragon suddenly swooped down, trying to escape the enemy's dragon breath attack range at a very fast speed. .

The undead giant dragon twisted its long neck, but the first opportunity was lost. Most of the Griffin Knight was able to escape, and three unfortunately were hit.

As soon as Ives and the other Griffon Knight took off to the side and rear of the necromantic giant dragon, they picked up a rocket launcher moved towards the opponent's bone frame and launched it.

For a while, the white tail left by the rocket in the air looked like a dandelion, and the center was a giant dragon that was set on fire.

The giant dragon is very big, but the gap is also big. Many rockets flew between the bones, and less than one-fifth of them hit the target.

The rocket that hit the target exploded a sticky flame, which instantly stuck to the bones and continued to spread.

On the ground, a group of ordinary adventurers moved quickly and rushed to immediately extinguish the fire caused by the stray bullets.

The few necromantic giant dragons on fire found that they could not put out the fire, so they moved towards the nearest Griffon Knight as fast as possible, rushing towards them, trying to pull back.

A few more Griffon Knights were bumped into the ground without notice.

Ives took his squad and rushed to a necromantic giant dragon that was not attacked, but not far away a necromantic giant dragon that was already falling in flames suddenly self-destructed, like a broken bone. It was the fragments of the shells flying all around, piercing a griffon in the squad.

The remaining undead giant dragons gathered together, shielding each other from flying at high speed, so that the Griffin Knights would not have a chance to take aim.

And they themselves see the right time to attack from time to time, moved towards the approaching Griffin Knight to launch a cross-attack.

A group of Griffin Knight tried to approach a necromantic giant dragon from above and behind, but was soon sprayed by another necromantic giant dragon with dragon's breath.

The flexibility of the Griffon cannot be displayed in front of the enemies in a circle. This kind of positional warfare cannot be defeated by hard work.

When I saw this, Iwes greeted the Griffin Knight to concentrate slightly, moved towards the undead giant dragon and launched a rocket barrage, trying to try one's luck.

It's just that the necromantic giant dragons all hid when they were prepared, but fortunately, the rockets all flew to the space gate and landed in the necromantic pile.

At this time, the giant dragon suddenly dispersed, flying to the periphery of Griffin Knight with a speed advantage, and then launched a centripetal assault.

Ives immediately commanded Griffin Knight to disperse as well, lest he be surrounded.

The battle in the air became more and more fierce, and the Griffin Knights could only get as close as possible to the necromantic giant dragon in order to increase the hit rate of the rockets.

Close distance means danger. Both of the Ives squad players have sacrificed, but they also have a chance to hit the necromancer giant dragon.

It’s just that the rockets they carry are limited. These are all supported by Alston I, and each person can only carry six rounds, otherwise the mobility of the Griffin will be affected.

When the rocket is finished, you can only fight with traditional methods. At that time, the danger is even higher.

At this time, there was a sound of motor and machine gun firing in the air. Eight sky blue low-wing propeller fighter jets dived down from high altitude at extremely fast speeds. The cannon pods moved towards a group of necromantic giant dragons leaving the main force and fired.

The 30㎜ cannon shells blasted the bone racks to the bone meal. One necromantic giant dragon’s head was shattered, and the other side’s wing was broken from the root, and it fell to the ground in both directions. enter.

After finishing a long shot, Meyer took another seven fighter jets to take off to high altitude.

Now all the fighters produced by the Kingdom of Rerik are here. In order to reduce the risk of being shot down, they use their speed advantages to make a dive → attack → pull up → dive attack. Way.

When they just took off from the airport and raised their heights and came to the battlefield, they saw the Griffin Knight and the necromantic giant dragon fighting in a group, because they were afraid of accidental injury, they did not join the battle group, but moved towards a team leaving the big Some of the necromantic giant dragons that seemed to be attacking the residential area launched an attack.

After being beaten, this team of necromantic giant dragons flew high to catch up, but the speed difference was too big and they were thrown far away, and then Meyer and the others turned and gave a head-on blow.

Charles has been observing the battle in the air from the top of the observation tower, and the situation is very passive now.

I thought that Griffin Knight could trouble the necromancer giant dragon, but I didn't expect that the opponent's division would entangle them and cause a lot of casualties.

He knew for the first time that the Kingdom of Rerik had made a fighter jet. Although it looked effective, but the number was too small, and it could only be done piecemeal.

In other positions, Altria and a team of necromantic giant dragons entangled for a long time. Although she shot a few, she was not good at air combat and quickly fell tactically.

"Boss!" Sybil's voice came from a messenger, "Do we need to be dispatched?"

"Not for now." Charles replied, "Necromancer giant dragon The big lord in the middle has not appeared yet, your target is it."

Then he said: "Blanche, you can dispatch to destroy and expel the giant dragon attacking the ground target."

There are now several necromantic giant dragons attacking ground targets. From their actions, they are more like fire reconnaissance, preparing for the next large-scale attack.

naked eye It can be seen that the giant dragon door circling over the space door has been divided into a dozen squads, and I’m afraid it will launch an attack soon.

At this moment, Charles' long-awaited voice came from a courier.

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