The reinforcements still have ten minutes to reach the battlefield, but ten minutes on the battlefield is enough to change the situation.

The summer sun is very dazzling, even wearing sunglasses, Meyer feels very uncomfortable.

After several attacks, he discovered that the vision of those necromantic giant dragons would be affected by sunlight, so they moved towards the sun every time they climbed.

He saw from the rearview mirror that the bone frame chasing him was thrown away so far, the height difference was enough to attack again.

It's just that their dive attack hasn't turned a good turn, the necromantic giant dragons below flew down one after another, apparently trying to escape.

"Catch up!" Meyer ordered.

The giant dragon's dive speed is very fast, and Meyer and the others have also increased their horsepower.

The pointer of the airspeed indicator soon came to the end, and it became more and more difficult for the fighter to control it.

This batch of fighter jets produced by the Kingdom of Rerik is a test product. The blueprint or Fillip’s copy of Reimu from his computer to Alston I are all hand-built, full of inside and out. All kinds of improvised.

Compared with the necromantic giant dragon, these fighters have an advantage in speed, but their flexibility is still a lot worse.

Meyer stabilized the fuselage and inserted the giant dragon in the front into the center of the scope ⊕.

"Not good!" The Meyer wingman Albert's shout suddenly came from the messenger, "There is an enemy above!"

I don't know when, a group of undead The giant dragon was in ambush in the clouds, and when Meyer and the others chased down, they tried to block them in the sky.

All around, there are several groups of necromancers circling far away, seeming to surround them.

When they moved towards the sun flying, the enemy also used this opportunity to set up an encirclement.

Altolia in the air just came out of the encirclement.

Her soul has been restrained by gravity for too long, she has a flying armor and powerful weapons, still being played around by the overlord of in the sky with kite tactics.

However, the enemy did not give her a chance to breathe, and another group of necromantic giant dragons surrounded her from a distance.

At this moment, four people wearing armors with wings killed her.

"Yo..." Blanche in the golden armor said to Altria, "It's a little embarrassing."

Altriya is just nodded.

"Follow us." Blanche said, "You and Ohm will support you in the rear."

With the cooperation of the party member, Altria's battle was easy. a little.

On the other side, Griffon Knight is caught in the biggest crisis since its creation. Although they have taken down five necromantic giant dragons, their own losses are almost ten times that of the enemy.

The rockets were almost used up, and Ives found more necromantic giant dragons pounced behind him.

There is no retreat. Ives took the remaining gryphon Knight moved towards the necromantic giant dragon in front to launch the final charge. Whether to rush to survive or be surrounded and destroyed, it depends on this All of a sudden.

Obviously, the necromantic side has to solve the opponent in the air before launching an attack on the ground.

Compared with the dilemma in the air, the situation on the ground has become more critical.

On the front, a Knight holding a shield and wolf fang club is colliding with Death Spirit Skull soldiers.

He no longer remembers how many dead spirits he smashed today, thick bone fragments have already been piled up on the surrounding ground.

Just when he raised the wolf fang club and was about to smash the skull of the dead in front of him with a stick, Tucao felt a tingling pain in his calf, and then the whole person twitched and fell.

Many heavy infantry at the forefront of the defensive line convulsed and fell to the ground like him without warning. A burst of white fire emerged from a local area under the armor, and was immediately destroyed by the divine technique on the soul defensive board. Lose.

This is the characteristic of being injured by the undead, but there are many victims located in the back row, and there is no contact with the undead at all.

Before it has time to figure out what is going on, many fronts have become precarious and will see a breakthrough at any time.

"Lying grass!" Charles on the observation tower saw clearly in the telescope. He picked up the microphone of the communicator and shouted: "Cockroach! What a dead cockroach!"


This is the first time that Insect-like necromancers have appeared. Although they are very fragile, they are extremely hidden on the messy battlefield. They can approach with the help of bone fragments on the ground, and then drill into the armor through the gaps.

"I'll solve it!"

Mika's voice came from the messenger.

After a while, a Soul Attack swept the audience.

As Saintess of the Meng Family, Mika lowered the formidable power of Soul Attack, a divine technique, and expanded its scope to deal with those necrotic cockroaches with minimal consumption.

This time attack is the same as the wind blowing to other undead spirits, but it can be said to be a disaster for the fragile undead cockroaches.

A problem has just been solved, and another big problem has appeared.

There was a divine might in the direction of the space gate, and a giant dragon with a huge body crawled out.

Charles narrowed his eyes. I am afraid that the necromantic giant dragon's body is protected or even possessed by the necromancer.

Before he can take out the slime sword, someone has done it.

In the distance, the Artifact Spirit girls of Divine Item began to prepare to use the combined nirvana.

I saw Flica eat the "Myriad Law Scepter" in her hand, and the sisters added various buffs, and then cast a spell to cover it.

"Spear of Cold Ice" Skadi appeared a lot of ice cubes around, these ice cubes grew rapidly, and finally turned into a fort.

"Thunderclap Blade" Dana steers the "zi zi" current into the ice turret. "Treasured Canon of Wisdom" Ida assists her in distributing these currents where she should go.

The "Future Crystal" in Sybil's hands glowed slightly, and she directed Skadi to adjust the position of the muzzle.

"Demon Cleaving Divine Sword" Freiya stuffed the body of "Divine Sword of Raging Flames" into the barrel under the gaze of the unloved Logue.

"The elevation angle is increased by 1°2'34". Sybil gave the final order, "Launch in eight seconds, and the countdown starts, 8, 7.5, 7..."

The giant dragon observed the battlefield situation and the few in the air. The flying machine is obviously afraid of impact and cannot hover. The space is now being gradually compressed; the people riding the griffon are fighting for their lives, but they have suffered heavy losses; several human defenses on the ground are about to be broken through, and the progress is going smoothly.

Then it stood up and opened its bone wings to prepare to take off, and first solved the enemy in the sky.

At the moment when the giant dragon with a wingspan of over a hundred meters took off, A fiery red light shot from a distance.

The Divine Sword of Raging Flames suddenly pierced its head, and the hot flame burst out instantly, engulfing the giant dragon of the dead.

Flica sighed in relief, if Logue misses, the next one is me, and I miss Freiya.

Although this necromantic giant dragon carries the divinity of Necromancer on its body, Divine Sword The raging fire of Raging Flames also carried the divinity of Flame God, and the two parties began to consume each other.

Charles received Logue’s request to use energy, without the slightest hesitation, he opened up the lack of energy in his body. She used it.

A hotter flame erupted, and the wings of the necromantic giant dragon were being burned, and the body could not support it for long.

It was only a short while later that it gained new energy. , The fire gradually diminished, and then stalemate.

The mountain-like flame made the entire battle line vibrate. Many places that were almost breached were stabilized with the help of the reserve team and Blanche. Come down.

However, there are still dozens of waiting necromantic giant dragons in the air. Some of them joined the encirclement and suppression of Meyer and Griffon Knight, and some began to move towards the ground.

In the air, Ivis reluctantly shook the head.

Although they desperately eliminated the giant dragon in front of them, there are less than ten people left, and the new giant dragon Dragon has surrounded them.

"I'm going to die here. Ives laughed.

"His Royal Highness! "A Griffin Knight with no left hand near him shouted, "We will cover you, you go!" "

"No more. Ives shook his head, "See you in the Divine Flower Garden, everyone." "

The Griffon Knight with the broken arm shouted, "Then let's pull another back!" "

Higher in the sky, Meyer led everyone in a circle in the air.

They seemed to be surrounded, but this encircled circle was not worth mentioning in front of the 30㎜ cannon. , This is just to attract the enemy’s attention and reduce the pressure in other directions.

"Attention everyone! "Meyer issued new orders through the messenger, "More enemies are coming, we break through upwards and lead them to... the sun!" "

He saw more than 20 giant robots suddenly flying down high in the sky. One of the deep red giant robots was moving towards him and flying above him.

This giant The robot held a shield in one hand and a gun-like weapon in the other hand and shot several times in the air. The light-like assault shells were all fired, and several necromantic giant dragons were blown off and their heads fell down.

When it flew near, the gun was replaced with a lightsaber, and the giant dragons surrounding it looked like tofu in front of it.

Ivey was on the last assault. When Si saw the giant dragon in front of him, his head suddenly exploded, and then a giant golden robot flew past his eyes.

In the sky, the remains of the giant dragon falling down on the ground. People discovered the changes in the air, and everyone who lifts the head was stunned.

Especially those transmigrators whose mouths were so open that their chins were about to dislocate.

It was a headache.

The necromantic giant dragon is in front of the twenty-four Gundams under the water tofu with a kitchen knife. Whether it is speed, maneuverability, attack power or defensive power, it is crushed. The only necromantic giant dragon that can pose a threat is the divinity giant dragon. I'm fighting against Charles and Logue.

A green Gundam even holding a huge sickle chasing the necromantic giant dragons and slashing.

Charles wiped the sweat on his head, Unexpectedly, the sister-in-law Sita, who I met by the lake, fought so violently.

According to them, they had accumulated a lot of experience when destroying the flame stone statues in the north, and made some adjustments to the bodies of these Gundams. It seems to be doing pretty well so far.

"Megadon! "

"Charles! "

There was a ring in the messenger, and the sharp-eyed people saw that these reinforcements had the maple leaf crest of the Megadon Family on their bodies.

But Charles didn’t have time to pay attention to them. There is a message from the body that the necromantic giant dragon seems to be running.

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