The bathroom in Reschae’s house is quite large. It not only has a bathtub, but also a wooden bed for pushing back after taking a bath. The smoked incense burner on the alcove is also included. Braving white smoke that is not too light.

Although the little elder sisters of the maids can't tell who is who after they untie their hair, when they are not wearing clothes, they can tell from the place where the moss is parasitic on their bodies that they appear in the massage On the bed is the little elder sister who used to wear a ponytail.

"Going to start." Charles said to her.

"Ponytail" gritted his teeth and nodded earnestly with a "hmm" cry.

Charles said again: "Don't be so nervous, maybe it will hurt, but after the pain, it will be fine. Would you like me to tell you a joke, many years ago..."

Just as the little elder sister "ponytail" turned his attention to the joke, Charles suddenly tried hard.


The legs of "Ponytail" are about to cramp, and blood keeps coming out.

"Quick!" Charles said hurriedly, "Flush now!"

A wooden syringe about the size of a 1.5-liter Coke bottle was filled with physiological saline made from distilled water. The outlet end is not a needle, but a rubber bowl.

The "black long straight" maid pressed the rubber bowl to the bleeding area, covering only half of it. The "twisted braid" pressed the rubber bowl around to prevent it from leaking.

As the syringe is pressed down, the physiological saline is injected from the small hole where the moss was originally parasitized, flows through the channel left by the moss false root, and then rushes out from the other end together with a little false root residue. Flowing out of the small hole.

The bloody water dripped from the massage table, and it quickly dripped to the ground, looking quite terrifying.

But compared to the place where the moss was originally parasitized on the left calf of the "ponytail" little elder sister, the blood in one place is nothing at all.

The dead moss was stuck with hot slime glue and pulled out like a blackhead. It grows like a forest on rubber skin the size of two palms, and she leaves it on her legs. The densely packed small holes are enough to make the dense phobia patient die on the spot.

After cleaning up, Charles immediately pressed his hand on the small hole that was still bleeding, and lifted the "petrification" in one place, and then a white light lit up, and the damaged area was in the treatment. Healed under the action of

Danya sighed on the side: "This magic is so convenient."

"Yes." Rescheer also said, "It's more than a herb medicine recipe."

Charles said without even thinking about it: "I can teach you later, if you can learn me, I will be more gentle. There are a few large areas where I may be too busy."

According to his thoughts, since this planet didn't point out the healing technique, then use it in exchange for gravity magic.

Now his attention is focused on the treatment, and he did not see the shock of Reshee and Danya.

The treatment was over soon, the "ponytail" little elder sister gently stroked her calf which was restored to its original state, rushed to hold Charles and cried "Wow".

Charles patted her back and coaxed her to stop crying and began to ask how she felt during the treatment.

The treatment was very successful, and there was nothing wrong with it except that it hurt.

Charles nodded, the "petrification" originally used to increase the body's defenses only hardened the muscles and skin, but the nerves are still working normally, and it is normal to feel pain.

"That's good." Charles continued, "Let’s continue the treatment!"

This successful treatment gave everyone confidence, and Rescheer smiled with a smile. The sun is generally brilliant.

The white cotton towel is soaked in 90%+alcohol rich in Fire Element, then applied to the place where the moss is parasitic, and finally wrapped with a slime film.

After experiments, high-purity alcohol takes more than an hour to kill the moss. If Fire Element is added, the time can be shortened to half an hour.

At first, Rescheer wanted to jump into the barrel and soak his whole body, but Charles held him back.

He still remembers the news in his last life that someone poured disinfectant alcohol into the bathtub for body disinfection, and soon died.

After killing the moss, remove the white towel and sprinkle with salt.

Dead moss leaves will not fall off after salting, but will shrink a little due to dehydration.

At this time, "Petrification" is cast at the same time, which can slightly separate the moss from the skin and muscles by a gap.

After being "marinated" for about fifteen minutes, it was coated with still hot and slightly thin slime glue.

The branch penetrates into the gap between the moss and the skin, sticking the moss firmly, but it hurts when it is pulled off after cooling.

It hurts the first time, but not the second time, because Charles used "analgesia" for local anesthesia.

After finishing the morning treatment, Charles asked everyone when he was resting in the living room after lunch: "Who would like to learn therapy?"

"Can I really learn it?" The first answer is actually the "ponytail" little elder sister.

Charles replied: "Of course it can."

He used spirit strength to gather the surrounding light elements to form a light ball suspended in the air.

The purity of the light element of this planet is low, so it is used to illuminate the light.

"Everyone gathers elements of light like me," Charles said.

Everyone can use this little trick for lighting. After a while, a white ball of light gathered in front of everyone.

Charles continued: "The next step is very important. Use spirit strength to compress the light element from all directions, to about half the size."

Rescheier asked suspiciously. "Is there any use in doing this?"

She is a top student of Yimin Academy, and she has never heard of such things as compressing magic elements.

So Charles explained to them some knowledge of elemental purity and compression, and he was taken aback to hear Rescheier.

In the eyes of you, the low purity of the light element and the lack of dao essence element compression are the fundamental reasons why this planet does not point out the treatment.

The lower the purity of the magic element compression is very easy at the beginning of compression, this step is not difficult for a few girls.

Next, Charles used light elements to construct a circular magic array, which was condensed without floating in the air, and then said: "This is the simplest treatment technique."

Everyone followed to build the magic array, but all failed.

The scattered light elements turned into a starlight and dissipated all around, illuminating everyone's faces, but they couldn't erase the haze in their hearts.

The girls' mood suddenly fell, Charles said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, you are just not used to using compressed magic elements to cast, just practice more."

Danya's eyes are red, she looks like she is about to cry.

Charles touched her head in the past, and said softly, "Don't be sad. Failure once is not terrifying. To terrifying is to give up, rather than analyze the reason for the failure and correct it after finding out the reason. "

Danya nodded seriously, wiped her eyes, and then continued to practice.

In the afternoon, treatment continued.

Charles adopts a treatment sequence of "small first, then big". Everyone starts treatment with a small piece of parasitic moss, like the large piece from Rescheer's left hand to cheek after accumulating experience. deal with.

After a busy day, everyone went back to their rooms to rest after dinner.

Although the injury of the four of them can be quickly healed under the treatment, but the body is very exhausted, and they need to eat and drink enough to sleep and replenish energy.

Charles returned to the house, sat at his desk and began to write teaching materials on therapies.

With previous book-writing experience, he believes that even people who are more acquainted with the light element can perform the primary level treatment that can stop bleeding after practicing the book.

Writing a book is a mental activity that consumes a lot of energy, and it didn’t take long for someone to be hungry.

As in the past, the door of the room was opened at this time, and a little elder sister, a maid, walked in with a supper.

Her hair is loose, still a little wet, and it looks like she has just taken a shower.

"Master." She put the tray on the table, "This is tonight's supper."

Today's supper contains everyday all the juice, honey, milk, in addition There are also fruits and finger biscuits.

"Thank you."

Charles put down the quill pen after thanking him, picked up the juice, honey, milk, and drank it.

On a hot day, I sweat a lot without air conditioning, and I feel that I don’t drink enough water.

Seeing that the cup was empty, the little elder sister of the maid relaxed slightly.

Today, instead of helping Master Yun massage the solar system as usual, she sat on her lap.

"Thank you, master!" She leaned her head on Charles' chest, "If it weren't for the master, our three sisters would have committed suicide without knowing when they could not stand the curse."

Charles touched her long hair and said, "Don't worry if you have me. In two or three days, all the things on you will be removed."

"Thank you, sir !" The maid grabbed Xiu's waist strongly, "As long as it's not something that hurts the lady, the master can do whatever the master wants the three of us to do. We are the orphans taken in by the lady during her lifetime, and we will follow the lady forever."

Charles smiled and replied: "How could I hurt Rescheer, don't worry."

When the maid returned to the room where the three of them lived, he found that Rescheer was there, and the atmosphere Something is wrong.

Resche's face was sullen, and there was a variegated glass bottle on the table in front of him. There was no label on the bottle, and you could see that the liquid in it was half less.

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