In the middle of summer, it’s a rare windy day to sit in the shade of a tree and it’s quite cool.

The breeze surrounds me, the laughter of young girls and the screams of pigs are floating in my ears, and I have a book in my hand to read carefully, which is a kind of enjoyment.

Charles borrowed a book about the local demon race from Rescheier's study.

The planet’s demon race and the Crown Prince’s demon race have few similarities except for the name and horns, just like some world goblins are keen on plundering and catching girls. The officials, Dame, and Goddess went back to breed and abuse, and the goblins that you know love to ride small motorcycles, have recently taken out loans to buy power armor, can research intelligent machine tools, have higher mathematics scores than Modred, think Diana Because there is no belly, it looks very ugly, it is two species.

The local demon race also rules several races. From the picture, there are seven races: Gargoyle, Wraith, Succubus, Black Giant, Jackal, Vampire, and Barbarian, and the seven subordinate The leaders of the race are called the Seven Duke of Demon Realm, and they form a **** country that depends on expansion and plunder to survive.

Apart from this, here are the Four Heavenly Kings who command the army directly under the Demon King.

On the human side, there are also allies of other races, such as dwarves living in the mountains, wind elves active in the prairie, and treants in the forest.

Charles squeezed his brows. The style of painting here is obviously more normal, and his experience is more traditional.

"Do you have a headache again?" Danya sat next to him.

"It's okay." Charles said with a smile, "How is your therapy practice?"

Danya picked up the fork on the low table next to it and forked a piece of The fruit is almost the same as an apple, and he happily said, "I can heal such a big wound!"

Charles glanced at the big fat pig that was tied up for the girls to practice therapy not far away. , I lit a candle in my heart.

At this moment, Reshee made another wound on the pig's body with a dagger, and then treated it with a healing technique.

The parasitic moss on her and the maids had been cleared a few days ago, and they looked particularly energetic these days.

Danya bit the fruit slice on the fork in her mouth, and looked up to feed it to Charles.

As Charles watched the girl's blue eyes getting closer and closer, his breathing suddenly increased a bit.

It's not just fruit that is sweet, but the claws moved subconsciously and began to climb the hill.

The girl's sniffles began to worsen, and her reaction became more and more intense.


"Damn! Why did you run? Boss refunded!"

In the consciousness space, Diana of the right hand Coke with popcorn in the left hand almost got out of the chair Jumped up.

Reimu was not angry with a hand knife and smashed her into a head-holding and squatting state.

"I said you are okay." He said angrily, "Your head is glowing green now."

Diana shrugged after sitting back in the audience. : "I think you should work hard on mental illness, so that you can expand a lot of business."

Reimu looked at her and asked, "You mean Charles has a mental problem? "

"Yes." Diana leaned in a chair and sighed deeply, "I found out many years ago."

"He was under too much pressure, although for example The identity of the transmigrator is his own, but the family hates the country, and know, he has been clenching his teeth and insisting."

"He has grown up, but he His growth did not come out one step at a time, but one after another burden was suddenly placed on him, and he had to withstand it to support it."

"Look for yourself, happy. After a birthday, the family suffered. I thought that revenge would be enough to live a good life. Who knows what Spirit Race, the old Charles, said he was a "falconry out of the fire", and let Alek Xie carried his invention to death, and a burden was put on without paying attention. Fortunately, Alexei did not die, so, and then silently, a Crown Prince's burden came over. And you too. Seabed. Was it hard for you to take him away on the day of the earthquake? Throw him there. Should you not have any psychological pressure to mix with the anti-thief? I won’t say anything about that. Do you think he dare to refuse? I don’t want to talk about Spirit World anymore. If you don’t know that such a group of people are opening the door under your nose, I’m sure you don’t believe it. , As soon as I saw the power to mobilize the elf army over the space gate for Charles, I knew that the Queen and Princess had known that there were elf wanted to rebel, nothing more than using themselves as bait for Charles to collect the net. Is this kind of fun? Want me early It’s a big purge, and the crime is not important. As for making it so complicated."

"This is still the present, and in the future, who knows that one day suddenly another big burden will come down, even a big pot will come down. , Until he is crushed."

"He is a good old man, he will always do things and do well in the end, but he can't just use him to death because of this. "

"He hasn't slept peacefully in many years, except for being with me, for fear that one day I don't know which side suddenly came out and gave himself to ka-cha."

"He does so many things, and see how much is for enjoyment and how much is for self-preservation."

"The more worrying thing is that I don’t know when you will be arrested. Concocted."

"This kind of mention Is a life of trepidation a human being, and he has only crossed over in his 30s. After so many years of ease, his thinking has basically been shaped. You regard him as the protagonist of an online novel. Once he crosses the rebar, he can become a tank. Armor. "

"A good person, just forcibly caused you anxiety. "

"Anyway, I can’t stand it anyway, my old lady. Do what he likes. Open the harem and open the harem. It’s better to let him vent the hobby, it’s better than the mental disorder in the end. Strong, at worst, when I went home, I told my dad that he didn't open it. Even if he picks up his son over there and starts a family and does not come back, I will only bless him. "

After all the words that had been accumulated for many years were spoken out, Diana's heart relaxed a lot.

Reimu was sitting there quietly, not knowing whether he had listened or it was too windy. I can’t hear you.

Diana doesn’t care about him anymore, she goes offline and returns to the real world.

In the study room is very quiet, she is lying on the sofa.

After the lunch break, she didn't mean to get up to work, she still lay down quietly.

She wanted to say what she said a long time ago, but she never had the right opportunity and target.


As for whether Charles will really not come back, she is not worried, anyway, Uncle Panpan is very familiar with the Evil God of the Navy, and if necessary, she can ask the old uncle to come forward and find them to bring herself there.


Moreover, she was really anxious that Charles would not come back. There would be a lot of fun when his will was announced.

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