"What's going on outside?"

"The guy Isaiah drove out without chaining the car and almost hit two of LeBron’s Granddaughter, finally hit the roadside snow wall."

Charles sat back in his chair and said to Nikita: "It doesn't matter that guy, where did you talk about it?"

Ekaterina Palace Office (referred to as "Yuan") various people arrived here a few days ago, together with the purple cabbage who is currently building the palace, the grassroots officials selected by the Rurik Kingdom, and some people in various fields. Professionals and their families, the mission of the Spirit King Court, and Isaiah, the guy who just got into trouble.

According to the plan, the people sent by the Kingdom of Rurik will travel here for three years, and all the organizational relationships will be linked to the office. After three years, they will be adjusted according to the work situation and their wishes.

Charles is also worried about everyone's concerns. It's not fun to go on a business trip without knowing how many light years.

However, he only found out that he was worried after inquiring of Beelzebub, the secretary general in the office who had the best relationship.

At that time, Beelzebub was giving him the woolen gloves made by Falufa and Xia Luxia, and then said: "Everyone knows the rules of promotion of the kingdom. Now follow His Highness the Crown Prince and you are here to start a business. , Are you still worried about being promoted in the future."

Charles is also speechless. Once Demon King and courtier, now he can leave a good impression on His Highness the Crown Prince, and his future is bright.

Of course, many people come here to make a career by taking advantage of the stage here.

Nikita is one of the representatives. As soon as he came here, he immediately asked for the local geography, climate and crop information in the name of the Agricultural Construction Committee and led people to conduct research.

Fortunately, the Trenburg data room was not destroyed in the war, and many documents were preserved. He found a lot of valuable information from various reports and tax records.

With this information, Nikita initially completed the agricultural construction plan for the area.

"The climate in this region is quite special," he continued to report to Charles, "A large part of the annual precipitation is concentrated in winter and spring."

"The snow melts in February There will be snowmelt floods in many places at times, and there will be heavy rain for nearly a month from mid-February to March, and floods are prone to occur at this time."

"The cultivation period can only start at the end of March. It will end in October."

"The areas along the Modred River, especially the plains on the west bank, can be planted on a large scale. There are many hills in the east of the river and small agricultural machinery can be promoted."


Charles was a little dizzy recently. Once he forgot what the Morava River was called, and simply changed the name of the section of the river that flows through the Yongri dukedom to the Modred River.

He agreed with Nikita's division, and then asked: "What are your plans for specific crops?"

Nikita replied with bright eyes:" In the next year or two, the food issue is the most important issue we face."

"Especially in the first year, the prisoners who are being rescued need to recuperate their bodies. Physical work, so we must plant high-yield grains."

"So my suggestion is to focus on corn. The spring corn planted at the end of March can be harvested in July, and then autumn corn can be planted. Harvest before winter."

"In newly developed hilly areas, spring corn can be interplanted with spring peanuts, and autumn corn and autumn soybeans can be interplanted, which can ensure the cultivation of oil crops."


"In addition, you can grow potatoes and some vegetables in the original farmland in the Hedong region, and conduct experiments on greenhouse vegetables and indoor vegetables."

"Indoor vegetables?" Charles asked a question mark, "You Do you want to grow mushrooms?"

"No." Nikita explained, "This is a sub-system of the Land Fleet system, which accurately controls the planting environment by simulating indoor lighting, temperature and other conditions , And carry out multi-layer high-density planting."

"One problem with this system is that it consumes a lot of energy, but now there is unlimited energy and this is not a problem."

Charles nodded, This matter is considered to have been with him. After two days, I will get it to the meeting to discuss and improve the details. If there is no problem, the document will be formally implemented.

Nikita left after reporting on his work. He also needs to organize the people from the first and second offices of the Xuan Agricultural Division to calculate the materials for this plan.

Charles made himself a pot of coffee with a lot of sugar in his office, thinking about a headache.

Nikita suggested to bring in some crops from here and bring some back, but Charles is very afraid of biological invasion.

After thinking about half a cup of coffee, he finally decided to look at God of Life, and if there is no problem, try it.

At this time, Altria came to the office, her expression was cold, and she looked at someone with a gaze like to kill.

Charles pretended not to see it, put down the coffee cup and asked: "How is the planning of the water conservancy project going?"

Altria put the blueprint in his hand on the table She spread out, and said angrily: "Look at it for yourself."

Now Altria is in charge of the water conservancy construction committee. In addition to the water conservancy office under the command of her, she also started the construction, Some people were recruited from the second construction site and the first transportation site, and they finally completed the preliminary design of water conservancy facilities.

According to the decision after discussion between Charles and Alexei, the water conservancy project is mainly located in the plain area west of the Modred River, which is divided into an area 100 kilometers long from north to south and 20 kilometers wide from east to west. There are 80 areas with a size of approximately 5×5 kilometers, and each area is divided by a large canal with a bottom width of 30 meters and a water depth of about 3 meters.

After the construction of this water conservancy network, it is mainly used for irrigation, flood drainage and river transportation. If an enemy attacks from the west, it can delay the enemy's actions, and then slowly bombard it with artillery on the west bank of the river.

The problem is that the amount of this project is a bit scary. After completion, the total length of the "four vertical and twenty horizontal" canals is about 800 kilometers, and the amount of earthwork required to be excavated is at least 80 million cubic meters. There are almost 6 West Lakes. One thousand large excavators have to dig for two months without overtime.

This is not counting the canal network in the Hedong area. The roads there are not easy to walk. It takes time to repair roads and bridges that allow cars to pass. The railway will not need to think about it in a short time. It will rely on the original Water Element is a good choice to dig a canal for shipping.

There is also a lot of engineering in the east, and the terrain is complex, so the work is not easy to start.

After reading the blueprint and the project overview marked above, Charles squeezed his chin and asked: "We don’t have enough manpower now. How long will it take you to complete these projects?"

Toria’s dumb hair instantly turned into a lightning rod, and she said very seriously: "If you are the protagonist of a novel, this novel is now over."

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