"Well... the clothes are dressed quickly and neatly... Ouch!"

Alexey finally got off the ceiling, he asked curiously Charles: "This is gravity magic? I just felt the abnormality of the space element."

Charles went to pour two cups of coffee, and he and Alexei one cup, and at the same time replied: "Yes, very It’s fun. In the spring, Yimin Academy will send a professor to teach me this. When the time comes, you can learn it together."

"I think, if the anti-gravity magic array can be promoted, The air transportation industry will have changes in Heaven and Earth turning upside down."

"I asked the experts. The factors that restrict the flight speed and altitude of the sky island are energy and structural strength. As long as these two problems are solved You can let them fly over the ocean to avoid the storm."

Alexey took a sip of sweet and greasy coffee, then used magical elements to form the shape of a flying machine in his own imagination, and then said: "I think this kind of aircraft can not be confined to the shape of the island, but instead can learn from the layout of the aircraft to make a large-scale aerial vehicle."

"The shape of this flying tool is a rectangular parallelepiped. The utilization rate is high, the front is pointed and streamlined to reduce wind resistance. The tail section has three wings to provide stability and steering for high-speed flight, and several jet engines are installed at the end to provide horizontal power."

Charles saw that the shape of the aircraft he had made was speechless, how it looked like a space shuttle.

"Then you have to build up the industry." He said, "How about your industrial planning?"

Alexey took a sip of coffee. Without opening the notebook, I made a rough sand table with magic elements directly between the two of them, and then began to report: "It is now certain that the iron ore in the Zlin area has great mining value, and only the branch veins are dug there. , The main ore vein is a little deeper."

"Coal was also found. In the mountains to the east, I’m afraid to dig a canal if you want to transport it out."

"So I plan to The steel plant, fertilizer plant, and cement plant are all located in Zlín, and the machinery plant is located in Piran Port."

Charles was lightly nodded, and the most basic "five small industries" did not have such an arrangement. problem.

Alexey went on to say: "My plan is to use the Zlin region as a raw material production base and Piran Port as a manufacturing base, and rely on the machinery factory to build shipyards, arsenals, vehicle factories and Textile factories and other factories."

Charles thought for a moment, and said: "If you arrange the textile factory in Zlin, it’s not tiring for men and women to work together."

Alek Xie quickly understood what he meant. There are many male workers in those factories and many female workers in textile factories, which are suitable for workers to find objects.

"There is a problem." Alexei said solemnly, "How do you plan to fortify the narrow strip of two or three kilometers wide between the northern mountains of Zlin and the Modred River? It’s easy for the enemy to intrude from there."

"And the terrain there is a bit undulating, making it difficult to build a canal."

"Of course, if you can invite Pandragon to be me I didn't say."

Charles picked up the coffee cup and drank while thinking. The terrain of that place is a bit high with hills and slopes from time to time. It is not as easy to build canals and canals as plain areas.

"I'll discuss with Nikita." He put down his teacup, "The textile factory's products require dyes, so let’s use it as a dye plant planting area."

"Let’s do this. , The Zlin area was broken in the battle, so cancel it. We declare to the outside world to build a textile printing and dyeing base there. It sounds very peaceful."

"The city happened to be stuck at the intersection. It’s okay. It’s okay to have a few petals on a city wall imitating flowers."

"Since there is a lot of multi-colored textiles, how about changing the name to Baise?"

Lexie's cheeks twitched. It was the first time he saw the bastion building and flowers being linked together.

He thought for a moment. It turned out that Zlin’s castle was built on a mountain, and the center was really not developed there. It would be faster to build a new city, so he nodded agreed.

"Tronborg, how do you plan to arrange it?" Alexei asked Charles. Now Baise, Friendship Fort, Fangcheng, and Piran Port along the river from north to south have positions, which are east There is no positioning for Trenburg in the Central Zone.

Charles had an idea about this, he said: "I plan to arrange higher education and food processing plants there."

"The defense of Trenburg ten years ago, although It ended in failure, but all the soldiers fought to the last minute and bought precious time for the main force to move into and establish new lines of defense. Their deeds have been sung by the world."

"Our higher education institutions want If you recruit students from other places, they will feel more at ease studying in a place where heroes have fought."

"And you know that the students are energetic. If they are in Piran, they are likely to be chaotic. Going to places where you shouldn't go, there is no such worry in Trenburg."

After thinking about it for a while, Alexei felt reasonable, so he agreed.

After talking about the industrial layout, Alexei changed the map between the two. This is the road network plan he made.

There is nothing wrong with ordinary roads. He pointed to both sides of the river and said: "I have an idea. On both banks of the Modred River, build a dam of more than 100 kilometers long. On the one hand, it can resist upstream The coming flood, on the other hand, can be used as a transportation link between the two sides of the strait to connect the north and the south."

Charles narrowed his neck and said, "This project will take many years."

Ah. Lexie said: "I have a preliminary plan. The soil excavated during the construction of water conservancy facilities will be used to repair dams, so that the engineering time can be reduced a lot."

Charles immediately said: "In addition to A lot of excavators, more trucks are needed to pull the soil, as well as forklifts and other vehicles and a lot of manpower to repair the dam..."

At this time, he found that Alexei looked towards his own eyes. It's weird, I can't help but feel hairy.

"Hey!" He asked tentatively, "Are you trying to let me use teleportation to dig the soil?"

Someone immediately calculates and presses The top of the embankment designed by Alexei is 8 meters wide, 10 meters high, with a slope of 1:4, and a total length of about 220 kilometers on both sides. The amount of earthwork exceeds a small target.

Charles shook his head and said, "If you dare to let me do this work, I will dare to throw you into the succubus pile."

This time it's Alexei's turn. Frustrated, he said hurriedly: "Let’s discuss the two bridges and have them designed." Two to four bridges.

This year, I need to look for Alexei to repair bridges. Over the years, he has been building roads and bridges on human lands and has rich experience.

Alexey introduced to Charles the bridge he planned to build. The bridge is about 10 meters wide, the main bridge and approach bridge are 4 kilometers long, and the bottom of the bridge is about 40 meters above the water. It is made of reinforced concrete hollow. The pier and the main bridge are steel truss girder bridges, which are divided into upper and lower floors.

Charles murmured: "The lower level of your bridge is going to pass the train."

"Smart!" Alexei smiled and clapped his hands and said, "The others are first. When I first met, I thought it was one floor crossing the river, and the first floor was coming from the other side of the river."

Charles squeezed his brows, thought about it, and said, "I guess you need at least one bridge. Ten thousand tons of steel, and at least 20,000 tons of cement, skilled workers, I won’t forget with you."

Then he lifts the head and asked Alexei seriously: "Those are not problems, problems. How do you plan to do the construction?"

Alexey was prepared for this. He said: "The survey of the river bottom has been completed by the navy. The thickness of the silt layer is about 20 meters, and the bottom is solid. Rocks."

"From the information in the Red Bookstore, we should use a huge steel cofferdam to sink to the bottom of the river for construction."

"But we don’t have that much Therefore, I plan to directly pour the cofferdam with reinforced concrete, hoist the cofferdam through an empty island, and place it in a predetermined position, then seal the bottom with underwater concrete and pump water, and the construction area will come out."

"when the time comes concrete cofferdam is left directly in the river as the external formwork, and at the same time as the protective layer of the bridge pier."

"The same is true for the main bridge. We first build part of the steel structure on the ground, and then pass Sky Island transported it to the bridge pier and set it up, so that the construction was fast and safe."

After listening, Charles closed his eyes and performed it several times, and found that the method he said was very feasible.

"There is an important question." Charles said again, "Have you considered the structural force of the sky island when lifting such a large and heavy object? What if it breaks? "

Alexei said confidently: "Don't worry, a steel empty island is being built in my hometown, which is specially used for lifting large and heavy objects."


Charles squeezed his brows again, feeling that when he went back, the Sky Mothership might have already flown for the first time.

Soon these things were initially settled, Alexei left, Charles leaned back in his chair and didn't know what to say.

"It's crazy." Charles sighed.

"Your steps are too small." A voice sounded in the office.

Charles sat up abruptly and saw God making tea in the tea cabinet.

"Why are you here?" he asked in surprise.

Fillip came over with two cups of tea, gave Charles a cup, and said: "The council decided to let me stare at your relatives here."

Charles picked up the teacup. "Oh" took a sip after a sound.

"Damn!" He felt a little warm in his body, "What kind of tea is this, so awesome?"

"A little gift for you." Fillip laughed. "Another weed on the planet. Life said it can be planted here without species invasion. Drinking it is the same as drinking ginger water."

Charles took two more sips and felt his forehead appear slightly. Khan couldn't help asking: "Can I take it back and plant the beastmen?"

Fillip nodded with a smile.

He then said: "The committee has another decision. Do you seem to know?"

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