Charles took a sip of tea calmly, and said calmly: "I think you should be preaching here, otherwise it would be no good to take care of a group of Evil Gods in this remote area. "

Fillip said: "My relatives and I have divided the territory. The humans, dwarves and elves belong to me, and the demon race belongs to them."

Charles listened for a moment, and then quickly figured it out.

It seems that the purple cabbage really wants to use this as a base to accumulate some strength, and then go to the other world.

Although he was a little melancholy, he still put the matter aside.

Charles thought for a moment, then smiled and asked: "Then how do you plan to open up the situation and declare your presence and majesty to the people here?"

"Are you going to'biu'? "Dug a 2,000-kilometer channel, and build a 200-kilometer dam?"

Fillip gave him a blank look and said, "Are you venting for Altria? How much more will she give you tonight if she is happy?"

Charles was choked speechless.

Fillip said: "You have to make a good plan for your work and give me statistics on how much equipment you need. I will help you prepare."

"Please discuss the details with Alexei Now, he will arrange it."

Charles nodded, I understand what he meant.

Fillip took the words and left. After he disappeared, the woven bag filled with grass seeds filled the office, and a planting instruction fell on Charles' head.

Charles had to use teleportation to get himself out, and Nikita was invited to take care of it.

After these grass seeds were put into storage, Charles found that there were ten bags of hay, so he left three other bags and collected them into the storage ring.

In the afternoon, Charles pulled Maya and LeBron out at the car-dismantling site, plugged in another van with snow chains, and drove slowly to the pier a few kilometers east of Piran Port. Area.

The seaside here is paved with slates, and the pier composed of huge rocks goes deep into the sea.

Not far from the coast, a large area surrounded by tall stone walls.

As the car approached, the bursts of crying, laughter, howling, and even screams from behind the stone wall spread into the car, making Maya and LeBron feel strange.

The car quickly entered the stone wall through an iron gate, but here is a Wengcheng, there is nothing else except a few rooms.

From the perspective of people walking around, the soldiers stationed here are all the terrifying female soldiers with battle strength under Charles.

After getting out of the car, Charles took the two into a room where the walls were covered with white clothes.

"Wear this on the outside of the clothes." Charles helped them choose a suitable protective suit. Maya's headgear had a cloth cover that straightened her long ears. LeBron's one was short enough.

After putting on the protective clothing, Charles took out the mouthpiece and gloves to put on them again.

"Charles!" LeBron asked strangely, "What are we doing?"

His double ponytail beard was stuffed into the protective suit, and it felt a little uncomfortable .

Charles checked their outfits and said, "Come with me."

They left the dressing room, went inside the stone wall, and then encountered sudden occurance.

A man wearing white winter clothes with a shaved head suddenly moved towards them and rushed towards them, still shouting "mother".

Although only this person's face can be seen, this face that is as thin as a skeleton makes one see that he is in a state of malnutrition for a long time.

Charles immediately rushed over, a lethargy knocked him down, and then handed him over to the two elves who were chasing him.

"Thank You Your Highness." One of the elves said to Charles in Elvish, "We inadvertently ran out again, and see if he can only be restrained in the short term."

Charles sighed and said, "Try to give him a single room first. I would rather have more divine grass."

The elf shook his head and said, "He may be a scout. , The lock picking technique is first-rate, the room can't close him."

Charles clenched the teeth, said: "Then you can only give him sleeping potions, the soul and the priests of the Dream Temple. That's it."

The elf hesitated, and finally nodded.

The two elves took the man back to the small wood house not far away. Maya lightly pulled Charles' clothes, her eyes full of questions.

They just looked around and saw a bald-headed woman not far away wearing the same white winter clothes, hugging a pillow tightly like a child, and walking around in the snow. He walked in circles, with a smirk on his face from time to time.

There was another person standing a little farther away, like a wooden stake, and after a long time he looked up to the sky and laughed a lot, then squatted down and howled.

There are many similar people here, but few seem to be normal.

Charles motioned to Maya and LeBron to follow him to a wood house, and said: "This is all the prisoners and slaves we rescued from the demon race during Operation Flamingo. Their physical condition is very poor, and many people have contracted infectious diseases, so they will be treated here for a period of time. The wood elves will come to help first when they know about it."

"It's just... alas... We were not very thoughtful. Some people were overjoyed, their spirits were stimulated, and they became abnormal."

Then he pointed to the woman holding the pillow and said, "The eldest sister heard that It was captured fifteen years ago when her child was only one or two years old. Now she holds a pillow every day to practice hugging the child."

Maya was taken aback, she held Charles’s soft hand The voice said: "You don't have to blame yourself for this. It is great to be able to save them."

LeBron next to him also said: "Yes, there are diseases that can be cured. These small problems are It’s not a problem. Take your time. Take your time."

"Otherwise, the five hundred soldiers I brought have been on the front line. They will only waste wine when they are idle. Let them come over and chat with them. If you talk more and think about more things, it will be better."

"And those students from you and Altria, they are all from the army, maybe If you know, let them come."

Charles thought for a moment, this is also a way, so he nodded.

They soon came to a wood house. Most of the wood house was occupied by a kang, and seven or eight people were sleeping or in a daze on the kang.

Charles said to Maya and LeBron: "They are in better condition, but they are malnourished and have gastrointestinal problems. It will be fine for a while."

LeBron has passed. I chatted with a person sitting in a daze on the kang, and laughed heartily together.

There are many dwarf craftsmen in the army. This man in a daze has a good relationship with the dwarf in his army, and that dwarf is a relative of LeBron’s family, and has met several times before.

With people we all know, both sides talk more and more vigorously, and soon everyone in the wood house joins the chat.

LeBron also wrote down the names and home addresses of several of them, and promised to write to them to report their safety when the snow melted.

Finally, he simply asked Charles for pens and papers. One wood house and one wood house went to chat with people, and then wrote down the name and address to help write a letter.

Maya noticed that Charles had something on her mind, so she walked outside with him, and gave the bags of hay that had drunk her body to the infirmary.

Charles was really entangled at this time. He originally wanted to enrich the population here with the rescued prisoners, but he saw the man who wanted to go home to find his mother and wanted to go crazy and wanted to go home to reunite with the child. After arriving at people like the elder sister who is mentally ill, I can't say what I left behind.

By the time it got dark, LeBron had collected the names and addresses of more than 300 people.

Charles took them out of here, took off the protective clothing in another room in Wengcheng, and drove back to the office area in Piran Port.

During dinner together, LeBron hesitantly asked Charles if he could save more people back.

After dinner, Charles took him and Maya to the sand table room.

The sand table here has been changed from Yongri dukedom and surrounding areas to a full map of the opposite Demon King country.

On the sand table, a small flag was inserted all over the banks and coastal areas near the mouth of the river.

Charles explained to LeBron stepping on a chair: "We have an advantage on the water. We can rescue the prisoners of war and slaves in the manor near the river and the coast."

"In these manors, besides prisoners of war, more people are descendants of former prisoners of war. They have been slaves since they were young."

"It's just that there are so many places that we can't take care of them, and there is a lot of food and medicine. Big gap."

"Now we can take advantage of the inconvenience of the enemy in winter and the slow transmission of messages to rescue them as much as possible, but in the summer, the demon race will inevitably respond. At that time, our Action is difficult."

"Furthermore, we heard that Demon King ordered to mobilize an army to attack us next year, so that our strength must be reduced for defense, and there will be no more energy to rescue them. "

LeBron grabbed his beard and thought for a few minutes, then patted Charles on the shoulder and said: "No work is perfect in all aspects, just do what you can do."


"In that case, I'll give you a suggestion."

"It is inevitable that the Demon King army will counterattack after the rainy season. Earlier, you seized more than 100,000 of their weapons. This gap It must be filled before the war begins."

"You might as well rescue the people in the weapon workshops and mines first, and at the same time destroy their weapon production and reduce the pressure on the next war."

Although LeBron has never commanded an army, from the perspective of a craftsman, he saw a weakness of the Demon King army on the opposite side.

Charles thought for a while and felt that what LeBron said was very reasonable. When setting goals, he was greedy for everything. He always wanted to feed two tables of Altria with a cook who fries a table. In the end, it was not enough to eat all of them, so it was better to catch one and feed it hard.

Maya also said: "Don’t worry too much about food and medicine ingredient. Danya and I can help some. I will leave tomorrow morning."

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