The Science and Technology Museum at No. 20 Minzu Avenue was built in 1981. It was the first public science exhibition hall in China that opened to the outside world, a few years earlier than the national science and technology museum.

At that time, the leaders of the Autonomous Region Association for Science and Technology actively ran for it, hoping that the Association for Science and Technology could allocate funds so that Bagui Dadi would be the first to build a large-scale science popularization position in the country.

At this moment, Charles Megadon, a descendant of the "Flying Tigers" (professed), a good friend of the children, from Scotland, appeared.

He immediately donated £500,000 to the preparatory office of the Science and Technology Museum, and invited relevant leaders and experts to the London Science Museum, Chicago Museum of Science and Industry, Ontario Science Center, California Science Center and Boston Visit and learn from world-renowned science and technology museums such as the Science Museum.

At the same time, he announced that he would donate three million pounds to purchase advanced science exhibitions from abroad. Let’s talk about the rest when the time comes.

After coming to this world, you can be regarded as a small trench. He took out four golden balls a little larger than football. Taking advantage of the beginning of the Afghanistan War and the sharp increase in crude oil prices in the international market, he bought gold. The trend in exchange for five million pounds, more than one billion US dollars.

In that era, the term "foreign exchange" had a profound magic power.

The country wants to carry out the "four modernizations" and imports a large amount of advanced equipment. It urgently needs sufficient foreign exchange reserves. All localities and departments have the task of "exporting foreign exchange."

Charles’ 3.5 million pounds this time is equivalent to 8.08 million U.S. dollars. In 1979, the country’s foreign exchange reserves were 840 million U.S. dollars, and Guangxi’s total exports in the previous year were 269 million U.S. dollars. Now, some people donate almost 1% of the country’s foreign exchange reserves and 3% of Guangxi’s total imports and exports for science popularization. This has to go to heaven.

Several senior leaders and experts fell down immediately after seeing the check, clutching their chests. If it weren’t for Mr. Mak’s assistant, Zhang Tiandong, an alchemist who can cure spell, he might have finished apprenticeship. Died before Jie Shen.

In the afternoon, you moved to Xiyuan Hotel, which is the place to entertain the top BOSS.

At dinner time, several protagonists in the first ten minutes of the local news hosted a banquet for Mr. Mak.

The restaurant staff carefully prepared a spoon for the foreigner, but he could even pick up the meatballs after he picked up the chopsticks.

The foreign affairs department carefully selected the best translation. As a result, the foreigner did not speak Mandarin with a standard local accent. He could even use strong dialects to talk to the big leaders. When he asked if he could Everyone didn't think it was weird when packing two copies of tonight's chicken soup.

At this time, the translator sent by the Foreign Affairs Office asked: "Sir, is this going to be used for supper?"

The young translator is not only solving dialogue problems. , Is also responsible for docking the daily life of someone.

If Mr. Mai has the habit of eating supper, she will prepare the restaurant.

Charles politely said to the little elder sister who is a little familiar translator: "No, Zhang's lover is now in the district hospital. She gave birth to a Little Princess two days ago. In the past few days, I ran with me and didn’t have time to accompany her. I am here to apologize to the sister-in-law, and I will bring another copy to the older sister in the same ward."

He said "Brother Zhang" It is his assistant Zhang Tiandong.

Charles has heard Diana talk about many things about her hometown. The photo album in her storage bag contains family photos. It was originally intended to go back to the past when chatting with elders, and someone recognizes relatives over there. NS.

So, Charles recognized the great grandfather with white beard with divine poise and sagelike features when he saw the great grandfather with divine poise and sagelike features after climbing up from the water on the first day in this world. .

After Xuan grandfather waved Peach Wood Sword to dry his clothes, he saw grandfather Zhang Feng and grandfather Zhang Tiandong again.

However, when he hurried back to China after rushing to the UK to deal with some things, thinking that he could hold his father-in-law Zhang Xu up high, Zhang Tiandong's love gave birth to a daughter.

At this time, Charles remembered that Diana had said that his grandfather was a soldier, instead of selling herbs at a stall in Water Street.

Without waiting for him to come back to his senses, I heard that the couple in the bed next to the ward decided to name their son "Fang Chang", who was just a few days old.

After seeing the couple clearly, and by teasing the children to see the birthmark behind his ear, Charles went to the Yongjiang River near the hospital and smoked half a pack of cigarettes.

Now, you have a godson named Fang Chang and a goddaughter named Zhang Jingjing.

After understanding the reason, the leaders on the wine table toasted Zhang Tiandong one after another, frightening the honest and timid herbalist.

Many people secretly sighed that he walked the lucky dog ​​excrement and made friends with foreign tyrants. As long as this very rich foreigner oozes a little bit of oil and water from his hands, wouldn’t he be able to eat meat every day? Good day.

After the third round of drinking, everyone was a little drunk. The leader sitting next to Charles asked him: "Do you know what Mr.'s special requirements are?"

In the revolution, the leaders couldn't see through this young foreigner who suddenly great generosity donated to the construction of the science and technology museum.

Be aware that the first foreign businessman to invest in China since the opening is the Thai Chinese Mr. Xie’s Chia Tai Group. Their advance team is selecting a site in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, and their first phase of investment is 8 million US dollars. , 80,000 less than Charles.

The old leader is not a fool, and the "sugar-coated cannonball" still knows it, but he is afraid that the rounding of tens of millions of dollars is from an imperialist conspiracy.

Imperialism will never die, and the chord in the hearts of the leaders is still tight.

Charles is a little drunk. He hasn't drunk Guilin Sanhua Wine for many years. I drank a few more glasses today.

But his mind is not confused yet, knowing that this is because the leader has doubts and is taking the opportunity to test himself.

In fact, there is nothing to conceal his purpose, so he answered truthfully: "There are requirements. If you find it troublesome, then forget it."

The leader said calmly. : "Why don't you talk about it."

Charles said seriously: "I want to go to school, party school."

During his stay here, he reflected on Therefore, I was so tired of working at Dukedom at Yongri University, mainly because I lacked knowledge, so I should take this opportunity to study hard.

According to his plan, he first took the township (town) chief training class, the new section-level leading cadre training class, the young and middle-aged cadre training class, the county-level leading cadre training class, etc. in the city party school. Give the training class again, and then go to the district party school to take similar training classes aside and go to a postgraduate class. If he can go to a higher level 1, he doesn't mind selling some more gold in exchange for foreign exchange to invest in tuition.

The leader was dumbfounded on the spot, not knowing whether he was drunk or the foreigner was drunk.

So Charles said that we will talk about it tomorrow.

Second day, everyone’s talking place is not in a Conference Hall, but on the bank of the Yong River. Everyone has a fishing rod in front of them.

Charles did this because he didn't want to make himself like a great character. That would be very difficult.

For example, the interpreter from Sect of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the little elder sister, looks familiar to herself. It took a long time to think about it yesterday. This is "my" junior high school head teacher and English teacher, she" Later, I did say that when I first started working, I would often go to the foreign affairs office as an interpreter.

Then this scene appeared in someone's mind. More than ten years later, she told Fang Chang of this world, I worked as a translator for your godfather.

In order to keep his godson’s soul from being hit, he decided to live like an ordinary person during these years in China.

"Capitalism eats jujube pills, and Su Xiu finishes faster." Charles's first sentence of the opening made the leaders who were fishing with them very ridiculous.

He went on to say: "Although developed countries in Europe and the United States are prospering on the surface, the living standard of ordinary persons is better than many of our leading cadres, but it is capitalists who lie on the bodies of Asian, African and Latin American countries to suck blood and eat meat. Then a little bit of residue was leaked to the people at the bottom to ease the conflict."

"I believe that the land under my feet will be the ultimate one, so I need to learn."

Online It is often said that if you tell the events of the last few years of the 2010s more than ten years in advance, others will think you are writing science fiction.

That’s why someone said in 1980 that GDP would be second only to the United States before and after 2010, and the leaders around them did not believe it.

However, everyone did not attack the young foreigner's thoughts. They reported the matter in an official manner, and then the "fishing conversation" was quickly reported in layers.

For the next period of time, Charles had nothing to do except for paying the first £500,000 cheque. He was fishing every day. When he caught a fish, he carried the fish to his daughter or The son's house teased them.

When they were full moon, Charles each gave a jade pendant and asked his parents not to leave.

Although this world also has magic, the system is different. It is difficult for him to use magic, and it is even more difficult to use the divine technique. These two jade pendants are attached with a divine technique of strong spirit transformation. It can make the child wearing it smarter.

I was sitting in a rice noodle shop in Charles while eating old friend noodles while thinking about whether to match a godson and goddaughter, so that Fang Chang in this world is not like he is in his 30s and not married yet At that time, the leadership of the leader gave instructions.

The higher the position, the more broad-minded. "If he wants to go to school, let him learn. This is a good thing."

In this way, Charles walked into the campus again in this world.

It’s just that he can’t take his time off. Everyone’s curiosity about this foreigner hasn’t passed yet. He published an article in the same issue of the press release of the Science and Technology Museum’s approval for the construction of First Productivity.

"I want it!" The leader slapped his thigh, "May I invite him to the party school here."

So Charles took advantage of the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq War in September. The opportunity of rising gold prices through the ancient Spirit Pavilion sold a gold nugget the size of a refrigerator, in exchange for a large amount of foreign exchange, so that the Hope Project started nine years ahead of schedule.

In this way, he studied at the municipal party school, district party school and the highest party school for two years, and after 1986 he entered the newly established National Defense University for further study.

In 1990, Charles bid farewell to his godson and goddaughter, leaving behind two copies of "The United States That Troubled the United States" and "The Soviet Union That Troubled the Soviet Union" which later became known as the "Major Prophecy of the Century" The book, and many internal works that were released only 30 years later, Alone boarded a passenger plane to the UK.

Until 2050, when mankind walked out of the Earth-Moon system and built the first ecological cabin combining magic and science on fire star, Charles Megadon, who first advocated the combination of magic and science, came from another universe. The intelligence was decrypted.

However, the people who remembered the name were already old at that time. Youngster only learned that there was such a person many years ago by borrowing a search engine.

Many experts snort disdainfully on another universe. They believe that this person comes from another planet at best.

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