"Good morning, Professor Dumbledore, I haven't seen you in eleven years and you are still so spirited."

"Good morning, Charles, didn't expect this You are still so young for many years. Is this the magic of your world?"

Charles took out the dessert he bought on the road and put it on his desk, laughingly replied: "This is a little benefit from my boss. ."

He continued to ask: "How is my bauble now?"

Dumbledore let a teacup fly in front of him, and let the teapot fly over by itself. Pour him tea, and then said: "I decorated it with some decorations and hung it as a chandelier in the library."

Charles picked up the tea cup and said, "That's good, there are students like this It’s hard to run into the library at night to steal banned books."

The repairer given by the God of Space is a crystal the size of an arm, and it has the function of automatically finding the best repair point.

At that time, Charles took a rest in Fuhu Village for two days and ran westward to Hogwarts Castle with his repairer and teleportation. The best place to repair the gap in the world is here.

Fortunately, Dumbledore was so talkative. He discovered the strangeness of Charles showing magic, so everyone talked about it.

Charles expressed his intentions, and said that if the gap in the world is not blocked, it is likely that enemies such as Burning Legion will be summoned, and then Dumbledore agreed to place the restorer in the castle.

It’s just that the energy system of this world is different. The magical elements that were active in the world are as calm as the electrocardiogram of the mummy here, and it’s also difficult to control. Charles has to spend dozens of times more energy to use the original magic.

But in the original world elusive, Law Power is extremely active, just like dancing in a square dance.

From the countdown on the restorer, Charles can wait until he goes to France to watch the 16th World Cup before returning.

So Charles didn’t care about the thing that started to shine. He went to the ancient Spirit Pavilion and exchanged gold for the British Pound and Gallon, and then relied on Dumbledore to find the Minister of Magic at the time and smashed a bunch of Gallon to make him Help prepare a set of legal Muggle status for yourself, and then go to the United States through the formal channels to find Bill Gates and use the future direction of the Internet to bluff him, and take the opportunity to buy a stock, and then go back to the country and wait. Hug father-in-law.

As a result, the father-in-law disappeared, but there were god-daughters and god-sons instead.

Last year, Charles returned to Europe. He first watched the 14th World Cup in Italy, and then spent money to find those leather bag companies and hung up their names and took a business visa to Doha, Qatar. From the end of July 1990 Living in March 1991, I experienced the Gulf War up close.

Next he went to the Caribbean to play a lap, and finally returned to London, England, and began to stay in Diagon Alley.

The hard work paid off, Charles squatted until the robust Harry Potter and his cousin Dali Dursley walked out of the millennium rod shop together with a magic wand talking and laughing. The Dursleys followed behind with their dark faces, and the tall Hagrid carried the bag at the end.

Apart from this, he even squatted until the white Hermione Granger came to Diagon Alley with his parents.

At that time, Charles slipped away. He finally determined that this world is not Diana’s hometown, nor is it the world in the literary works he watched.

So Charles put down his teacup and said, "Your Excellency Principal, I wonder if I can borrow Hogwarts for a few years until the restoration is full of energy."

Old Deng listened to thoughts, and then said: "Hogwarts is missing..."

"Everything except the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor can say!" Charles interrupted him hastily, asking It’s not for Lord Voldemort, who was on the back of the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts this year, so it’s not okay to go to the "little draconian" crew to join in the fun, maybe you can play a supporting role or something.

Moreover, if you teach this course to the students yourself, it will be no different from the linkage with "Rainbow Six".

So old Dengka broke up, he really had this plan.

In the end, Charles became one of the administrators of the library, working under Mrs. Pins, and staring at the restorer by the way.

The professors in Hogwarts said that it didn't matter to this young new employee that everyone was not of the same class, and this person looked like a "dumb gun."

Indeed, Charles doesn't have a magic wand in his hand, and he can't cast spells, so he looks like a dumb gun.

Charles didn’t care about it. The Pepy Ghost who teased him got a Soul Attack and ran after seeing him, mocking his classmate Pony who was sent to the school infirmary by the residents of the lake. .

So his daily job is to knock the heads of loud-speaking students in the library, knock twice on those who scatter dog food, and then urge the students to put the borrowed books back on the shelf.

The rest of the time, he sat there with the book and studied it as carefully as the students.

It stands to reason that someone has wizard bloodline, and in theory they can also use Spirit Master’s magic, but he and Diana have learned it for many years, but there is no effect at all.

For a while, he was considering whether to take this opportunity to swallow a soul fragment of Lord Voldemort. Ravenclaw’s crown, one of the soul artifacts, has long been in his hands. After going up, you can hear a whisper directly to the soul. After absorbing the soul fragments by external means, you should be able to use magic.

when the time comes ……hehehe ……he can think of Diana looking surprised and involuntarily involuntarily...

"The mouth is dripping down!"

Charles wiped his hands and feet hurriedly, and Mrs. Pins could pat him flat on the book and put him on the library door as a carpet.

As a result, there was no saliva, but I found that there was a beautiful little loli sitting next to me at some point.

"Oh, it's Miss Granger." Charles asked, "Do you need me to help find any books?"

He has no interest in Hermione. It is said that he has a boyfriend. Now, forget it.

At this time, a light flashed in someone’s head, this world, father-in-law is gone, so mother-in-law and aunt, as well as the aunt who is now in Ravenclaw, the elder sister who will go to school next year ...

Finally, he shook the head, forget it, if Diana knew about it, he wouldn't know how he died.

Hermione often came to the library, knowing that this guy who did not appear in the original book often wandered, and did not care, so she said to him: "Can you help me find some books about Flying Broomstick and Quidditch Strange book?"

"No problem." Charles closed the book on the desk and got up and went to the bookshelf to find a book.

Hermione looked at the cover of the book after seeing him leave, startled in her heart.

That is a book in the forbidden book zone. Judging from the title of the book, the content is related to the soul.

Charles saw this scene under the cover of the bookshelf, knowing she was looking for an excuse to take her away, but didn't care, took the book and put it in front of Hermione.

"Thank you." Hermione thanked and asked curiously, "Excuse me, what does this book say?"

Charles replied indifferently: "Soul, that is a It’s a miraculous existence. It is the root of everything."

"Different places have different understandings of the soul. Cross-referencing can have a deeper understanding of it."

Although There was a lot of knowledge about the soul in the big gift bag Reimu gave him back then, but the focus was different, and there were a lot of things learned here that made him shine.

For example, when it comes to slicing the soul, the divine technique on Reimu is aimed at destroying the soul. If it is broken, it will die, while Lord Voldemort can slice the soul into several pieces. Let them survive alone.

Charles once scanned classmate Harry with his soul vision, and his double yolk soul really surprised someone.

But Hermione didn't know this, the look in the eyes looking towards you was suddenly a little weird.

Charles ignored her and continued to open the book there to study.

According to someone's plan, he will discuss the soul problem while Lord Voldemort is parasitic on the back of his head this school year.

Lord Voldemort's knowledge did not come out of thin air, he also stood on the shoulders of his predecessors, so someone decided to learn the basics first, so as not to understand when the time comes.

Hermione didn't have much to say when she saw him like this, so she took the borrowed book and her own textbook and notebook and left.



Not long after little loli walked out of the library, he fell a butt in the corridor.

"hahaha...wow! The devil is here!"

The oily Pippy in the hallway didn’t even laugh a few times. He turned around when he saw Charles rushing out. slip.

Charles moved towards He threw a small soul to burn, and Pippi suddenly screamed and rushed towards the big lake.

"Thank you." Hermione stood up, rubbing the painful area with one hand.

Charles asked: "Would you like to go to the school infirmary?"

Hermione shook the head.

Charles helped her pick up the books and stationery bags scattered on the floor when she saw it, but unexpectedly found a photo that fell out of the notebook.

"Is this your boyfriend?" Charles asked with a smile. The picture shows Hermione posing with a young boy in a Manchester United uniform on the edge of the football field. The boy is a bit familiar.

Hermione blushed and nodded.

Charles shook his head and said, "The youngster nowadays, I fell in love at a young age..."

Then asked: "What's the boy's name?"

Hermione still blushes, replied: "David Beckham."

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