"You don't need to eat the same thing as me, you can also eat other things." Rachel said to Charles who was washing the pot and washing the dishes. Just now Charles just ate like her A bowl of egg porridge.

Charles shook the head with a smile. He felt that if he was too special, it would aggravate Rachel's anxiety.

After dinner, Charles continued to give Rachel further treatment, but the treatment process was uncomfortable for her.

Rachel is still in great anxiety now. When they rest at night, she is shaking all over, only if she hugs Charles to sleep at ease.

Charles sighed, Rachel’s psychological recovery can only be solved by the old priest of the Temple of Life, he is nothing.

After comforting Rachel to fall asleep, Charles landed on the Dreamland platform.

Charles hasn't done it with them since they fetched a copy with Altria and them last time. On the one hand, he does not want others to know that he is almost dead, and on the other hand, he also needs time to weave new dreams to increase the income of Power of Faith.

Tonight, Charles happened to ran into Altria and the others when he landed. After some greetings, he learned that tonight was the first dream that Diana had weaved online. brush.


"Are you not afraid of revealing your identity?" Charles asked the triumphant Diana, and fished The duo has just left the Ravenclaw common room.

"Anyway, I used a pen name. What are you afraid of." Diana said indifferently, "If my world is a book in your world, then we can easily rely on this dream I found out the people from our two worlds."

"It makes sense." Charles nodded.

In the past, Charles told Diana the Harry Potter series written by JK Rowling according to his memory. Later, Diana also told Charles carefully about Hogwarts and the world in her world and what her father had done.

Charles' instinct tells him that Diana's father has a problem. After asking some questions about Diana's father, Charles inferred that 90% of her father was also a transmigrator.

The Umbrella Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. alone made Charles bother to complain.

The style of painting... Charles is too lazy to complain, anyway, looking towards outside the window in the corridor, watching Altria command a bunch of cute new and brandishing localized magic outside Hogwarts Castle The death eater with a rod, a werewolf wearing a leather armor, and an eight-eyed spider with a shell as hard as steel fight with localized enemies. This style of painting has already skewed out of the solar system.

In contrast, the localized Hagrid wearing a full-body plate armor and holding a double-edged giant axe made Charles even have no desire to complain.

Along the way, the tour guide Diana was enthusiastically telling Charles about her happy time at Hogwarts, where Charles was listening quietly with a smile on her face.

I don’t know how long I’ve been shopping, but the fishing duo finally finished visiting the castle, and then walked out from the gate.

In the hall, Charles also saw Professor Mai Miao appearing as an NPC.

At this time, Altria commanded the crowd to push the front line to the edge of the Forbidden Forest, very quiet outside the gate.

At this time, Charles once again determined that his book in the world is very different from the actual situation of Diana World, such as the specimen made of the basilisk skin in front of the gate and the supporting fountain.

When crossing the bridge in the middle of the fountain, Diana pointed to a statue in the pool that had fallen into the water after the battle, and said, "That is the statue of my father."

Finally, the fish-catching duo came to the lake. On a lawn surrounded by trees, Diana took off his shoes, lifted the skirt, and sat on the shore humming with his feet "cracking" and splashing.

"Have you been upset by anything lately?" Diana asked Charles behind him, "I haven't said much all the time."

At this time, Charles was lying on his back on the grass. Watching a white cloud drifting past the blue in the sky.

He sighed and then told Diana what happened to Rachel and the others.

When he finished speaking, Diana had left the water and sat beside Charles, frowned.

"It's so mad!" Diana said angrily, "What do you plan for her?"

Charles sighed, "I haven't thought about it yet, the only thing I can do What is certain is that I don’t want to push them on the battlefield. They are already suffering enough and should stay away from danger."

Diana thought for a while and said, "Why don't I talk to Meliti about this? , This matter has exceeded the moral bottom line of this world."

"Although military prostitutes are common in this world, they are all slaves. It is extremely bad behavior to deceive and then force the good to be a prostitute. "

Then the two of them deeply sighed together, and the topic of slave system was too heavy for them.

It’s not that there were no heroes who wanted to change everything, but they could only save a few people, not the entire world.

"How about..." Diana said, "Let her do some publicity work? The influence of this world's public opinion is also very important."

"Not very good." Charles said.

"So it is." Diana sighed, a girl needs a lot of courage to stand up on such a thing.

Charles didn't have any clues either. He said: "Let the elves think of a way, they should have a way. I will save more children like this next."

" en? ”Diana noticed something wrong with Charles’ words, “What’s your mission lately?”

“Guerrilla.” Charles replied. He didn’t tell Diana that he had been alone in thousands of miles recently.

Diana stood up, then pulled Charles up by the sleeve, "Let’s go, go to a fight, maybe I’ll feel better."

Stand up Charles stretched his waist and said, "Well, let me see how the battle strength of the legendary Death Eater is."

When the fisher duo came to the battlefield, The enemy has pushed the battle line back to the gate of the castle under the leadership of the final boss.

Then Charles took out his weapon with a sound of "ao wu," rushed into the enemy crowd and beat him to death. Finally, he caught a guy with greasy hair and beat him to death.

After finishing the fight, he once again saw the collapse of the painting style across the dimension.

Altria has a set of tricks, and finally stabbed the final boss two-hole socket man into a three-hole socket.

After clearing the level, Altria came to Charles who was complaining with Diana, and then said to Charles: "You better control Diana."

Charles was surprised and turned. Head to Diana and asked, "What did you do about heaven shaking, earth shattering, did you cultivate mosquitoes that are not afraid of snow?"

Then Diana turned her head and looked towards the other side.

Altria looked around and no one noticed them, so she said, "It's not that serious. She just stayed up late every day after the person who stayed in Rick came to her last time. I sleep for no more than five hours a day, and I often sleep through the night. When I come back, I shut myself up in the study and eating is not normal. We said she didn’t listen to her."

Charles looked towards Diana again, "Does it need to be so hard? You will get sick if you do this."

As a result, Diana turned around.

"Take her to the nursing home for a while." Charles said to Altria.

"Why do you care about me!" Diana turned around and said to Charles angrily.

Charles ignored her and continued to say to Altria: "You tell Professor Wolfe about this, and after obtaining his consent, send Diana to the Spirit Tree Sea. I I remember that some elves opened several nursing homes in order to make money, some of them are only for women, and some are for workaholics like her."

"No money!" Diana said fiercely to Charles.

"Then you must ensure that you sleep and eat on time. This time it will be a long lesson for you." Charles said to her, "I am still using you to worry about money. ?"

Diana immediately looked at Charles warily.

"Chart it in the account first, anyway, you will have money in the future, and you will pay it back when the time comes." Charles said nonchalantly.

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