Wake up on second day, Charles uses his left hand to pick up the pocket watch beside his head and look at it. The pointer shows more than seven o’clock. Considering that the watch has not been calibrated recently, the error is a quarter of an hour. Within.

He just thought of getting up, but found that his body is impossible to move even a little bit.

It's not that he is paralyzed, but Rachel on the right is holding him tightly, and at the same time, the lower body that has turned back to the tail fin is pressing on Charles.

This is the first time Rachel has come to land, and she is still more accustomed to her form when she is in the sea.

Last night after dinner, Charles continued to give Rachel further treatment and found that there were a lot of dirt, stones and grass clippings in the wound on the sole of her foot.

The murloc’s feet retain scales, and there is still a little webbed residue between the toes, and the soles of the feet are as fleshy as humans.

The soles of Rachel's feet were tender when they first arrived on land. They were seriously injured when they ran on the mountain before. Charles at first only stopped the bleeding but did not allow the wound to heal.

This world does not have hydrogen peroxide, so Charles can only use the remaining medical alcohol to clean the wounds on the soles of Rachel's feet. The process was like torture to Rachel, and Charles had to press her feet cruelly and forcefully to prevent her from moving in order to clean up the wound.

After healed the wound on the sole of the foot with the healing technique, Charles began to help Rachel check and treat other wounds on his body. After working hard for a long time, Charles debrided all her wounds and then healed them.

Because the wound healing consumes a lot of energy, Rachel is still not awake at this time, and Charles finally woke up from her entanglement.

After a long time, Charles, who was preparing breakfast, heard a panic. When Rachel woke up to find Charles was not by her side, she jumped with fright.

In order to appease Rachel, Charles made another coax.

Today’s breakfast is old-fashioned canned chicken, boiled eggs and rice cereal. In order to restore Rachel’s body as soon as possible, Charles has prepared a rich but light meal from the morning.

Three days have passed, the book will not go into details.

In the past three days, Charles finally restored Rachel to health, and in the evening he supervised the puffing Diana in his dream to have enough sleep.

On the day when he was about to leave the cave, Charles asked Rachel during breakfast, "What kind of magic will you do?"

Who knew Rachel suddenly panicked, okay? After a while she stretched out her right hand, and then a water polo less than the size of a ping-pong ball appeared, and she lowered her head in shame.

This is just below the average level of ordinary person in this world. Rachel's level is not even as good as Aunt Pomegranate.

When Charles used to wrestle in the garden and fell on his face, Aunt Pomegranate could "biu" a big water ball to wash his face.

"It's okay." Charles comforted Rachel, "Even if magic is not possible, there are other ways."

Then he thought about Rachel’s battle method. Next A section of the road of the road is likely to meet the enemy, not to mention the situation of the murloc, in case of encountering the devil, it will be troublesome.

Rachel is not good at magic, and his physical strength is a little bit stronger than peers, and he is only at the level of an ordinary person, far from the warrior.

Since ordinary weapons are not good, we can only use another style of weapon.

Charles searched a lot of weapons before he came out this time. He didn't expect that the latest model of the standard triple-mounted assault rifle "Hornet" can also be found in the warehouse of the logistics department in Osmanthus City, which made him sigh. The war greatly improved production efficiency.

Ju said that these "hornets" were prepared for the militia, and each village sent out a few for use in critical situations.

This type of assault rifle has a caliber of 18 mm and is equipped with a steel-core lead-covered round bullet. The effective range against undefended targets is 140 meters. The accuracy is high within 80 meters, and it can be used at 30 meters. Break down a 9mm iron plate. *Data refer to British Brown Beth 1730 flintlock gun*

The ordinary warrior has no solution when encountering this flintlock at close range. If it is at long range, it will be shot with a normal magic shield. It can be rescued.

The elves mainly use it as a short-range firepower output for a short period of time, so a triple-pack design is adopted.

The 20-pack "hornet's nest Ⅱ" made on the basis of this burst of fire gun is a Divine Item that blocks the breakthrough of the defense line.

Charles, who has a natural fondness for firearms, snatched ten "hornet" and one "hornet's nest II", as well as a large number of supporting ammunition.

He took out a "hornet" musket, and then tried to explain it to Rachel.

ヽ (*^-^)☞ dividing line☜(^-^*)ノ




With the sound of three gunshots with very short intervals, a blood flower burst out from the three rabbits grazing more than fifty meters away.

The scared rabbits ran extremely fast within a short distance, but the surviving rabbits had just run ten meters away. Then there were three more gunshots, and three more rabbits fell in a pool of blood.

Until the third round of three gunshots, one rabbit was killed on the spot, one rabbit was interrupted with its hind legs, and one rabbit was scratched.

When the surviving rabbits hid in the grass and could no longer see them, Charles first looked at the eight rabbits lying on the ground, and then at Rachel, who looked excited, and looked surprised.

Yesterday, he explained to Rachel about the use of muskets and the key points of use. Rachel tried to use the musket.

As a result, after practicing for a long time with slime ten to twenty meters away, Rachel was able to achieve ridiculously high results at the limit of accuracy of the flintlock, and she was still hitting high-speed sports targets. .

"You are such a genius!" Charles patted Rachel's back, because Rachel is quite taller than him, he can't photograph his shoulders.

"Really?" Rachel said nervously, "Isn't it difficult?"

Charles took a deep breath, he can hear this kind of special words for God Too much. Even the elves who are proficient in bows and arrows are not able to achieve good results in gun shooting.

"It's true." Charles said to her seriously, "Although you don't have an innate talent in magic, you don't need to question your innate talent in shooting."

"So..." Rachel hesitated, "Can I join the battle, too?"

Charles was taken aback for a moment, and then relieved. Based on Rachel's previous tragic experience, it seems that if she does not kill a dozen demons, it will be difficult to untie her heart knot.

"You work hard." Charles said, "This is just the beginning, and you still have a lot to learn. I'll see if I can help you find a good teacher."

(≖_≖): "So you gave her to me?"

On the dream platform that night, Diana looked at Charles blankly, the new Rachel was in the distance Talking to Altria.

Charles nodded and said: "In this world, the only person I can find who is the most proficient in fighting with firearms is you. And the past few days you have nothing to do on the boat, just help me. Busy."

After obtaining the consent of Professor Wolfe, who is equivalent to Diana's adoptive father, Altria took Diana to the ship in the Spirit Tree Sea.

Meeriti, who helped Altria catch Diana, went to the school to gild her as a powerful kid. Asking for a long vacation or something like tricking Diana out to let Altria It's easier to grasp.

With the relationship between Altria and Victoria, it is a simple matter to contact a nursing home.

Diana continued to look at Charles with a deadly gaze without expression.

Charles scratched his head and said, "When you escaped from the trafficker’s boat, you behaved like you had served in the army. Your style is very similar to a veteran of our company."

"Oh..." Diana sighed, shrugged and said: "When I was in college, I was fooled by an Old Master that I should go to the army to exercise and experience a different landscape. As a result, I was in the new barracks. After I came out, I went directly to the'Amphibious Overlord Flower', and in the last year I went to participate in an overseas peacekeeping mission."


Charles reached out to Diana Gave a thumbs up.

Diana continued: "I have only played the Ancient One a few times in the British shooting range. Wait for you to give me the musket data of the elf, the model of the demon and the battle method. Let me study it."

As the administrator of the above ten thousand people under the dream platform Yishen, Charles has developed many useful functions.

After passing the relevant information to Diana, she said, "I'm busy." Then she swiped Charles' calf and disappeared in place and entered the dream editor.

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