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Diana pokes the salted fish-like face with her finger and asks: "How can I have time today? Dreaming, no need to dig a tunnel?"

"I'm pretending to be dead." Charles said quietly, "Maybe I'll explain it today."

"What's the situation?" Diana was taken aback. "Get caught?"

"Have you heard of Myriad Law Scepter?" Charles asked.

Diana froze for a moment, then Patted Charles on the shoulder and said, "Change the map, go to the Gluttony section and eat some good."

Then she pulled Charles out. Get up, "Let's go, I invite you to a French meal."

So Charles was pulled by Diana to change the map, and then came to a splendorous and majestic restaurant.

"It was built with reference to the cultivation base of the Palace of Versailles." Diana stuffed Charles into the seat and sat down, and then she went to the opposite side of the table to sit down.

At this time, the NPC maids started serving wine and dishes. The first thing they brought was the whole piece of foie gras sprinkled with truffle powder and white wine.

Charles mechanically spooned the foie gras into his mouth.

He has never eaten foie gras before, but he has eaten a lot of pork liver and chicken liver. He only knows that what he puts in his mouth is very delicate.

Diana took a sip of white wine and said, "The last time we saw Demon Cleaving Divine Sword, I started to pay attention to those Divine Items. After returning to Wisteria Academy, I began to collect relevant information."

She put down the wine glass, cut off a piece of foie gras, and said: "Any use of Divine Item comes at a price. For example, using Demon Cleaving Divine Sword needs to satisfy Freiya's appetite, while using Myriad Law Scepter needs to endure wearing that extremely shameful clothes."

Charles nodded, it is reasonable to pay a little price to use Divine Item.

At this time, the two had finished the foie gras, and then the NPC maids brought roasted snails, which were roasted with butter and snails.

Diana was eating roasted snails and asked with interest: "Did you disguise yourself this time or disguise others?"

"Hey... …" Charles shook the head, "I originally tested the performance, didn't expect accidentally to make it bigger."

"Then you wait to eat more." Diana comforted, "this world You can’t make authentic French dishes here."

At this time, the NPC maids served burgundy red wine stew, beef with red wine, mushrooms, small onions, and salted fat pork. Stew well, sprinkle a few slices of parsley before serving.

Charles took a few bites, and then said to Diana: "I plan to give you Myriad Law Scepter..."

As a result, Diana's eyes widened and he said to Charles, "You What bad idea are you making?"

Charles shook the head and said, "No, do you think I am like the kind of person who wants to see you in sexy outfits?"

"Who Know you." Diana gave Charles a white look.

"You have to wait ten or eight years..." Charles whispered, "I'm not Lolicon."

"Speak louder, I can't hear you ?" Diana said fiercely to Charles.

"No kidding." Charles saw that the NPC maids served duck legs with crispy skins.

While cutting the meat on the duck leg, he said: "The Artifact Spirit Flica of Myriad Law Scepter has disappeared, or it may be hidden. I think you can research something."


"Research on how to give benefits to people?" Diana had a black line. "According to the book, most of the equipment that sells benefits on the market now comes from the past users of Myriad Law Scepter. I heard from Sister Rhein They said they had been pitted by that kind of equipment."

Charles nodded, when he first saw the three Rhine sisters, one of them was wearing that kind of armor.

Then he said while eating the oil-sealed duck legs: "Now its Artifact Spirit is gone, I think I can work out a way to use it without changing clothes."

" That's it." Diana quickly agreed, "Anyway, I'm still idle. Bring me to help you. If you find a way, you don't need to wear women's clothing."

It seems to be thinking about it. Diana smiled at the appearance of Charles wearing a women's clothing selling welfare.

As a result, Charles shook the head and said: "I said it was given to you. After you research it, it is good for you. You don't want to sell welfare all over the street."


"oh?" Diana looked at Charles in surprise, "Give me such a valuable thing?"

Then she narrowed her eyes, looked at Charles and asked, "Did you treat me Any attempt?"

Charles took the last piece of meat on the oil-sealed duck leg and ate it. He was not afraid to eat it in his dreams. At this time, he had already seen the NPC maid preparing for the next dish.

He said as he ate, "Since you have chosen to take that path, there is something safer to self-protect."

At the beginning, Charles saw "Diana Ⅰ I knew Diana’s thoughts when I created the magic communication device.

This road is full of thorns, and a little carelessness will be consigned to eternal damnation.

"en?" Charles was surprised when he saw the fish soup served by the NPC maid, "Don't you like fish?"

"I miss my mother's craftsmanship Diana asked, "I said, that Myriad Law Scepter is a Divine Item. You said you sent it to me?"

Charles was eating fish soup and felt that it didn’t suit his taste. He replied it. "At the beginning, we didn’t mean to give away the Demon Cleaving Divine Sword. What if I gave you the Myriad Law Scepter this time. Besides, I didn’t plan to give it to you now. That guy will give it to you now. An innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime."

"If you don’t like to eat, don’t brace yourself and eat. There will be others later." Diana said, "But last time I took Demon Cleaving Divine Sword sent it out but got you a goblin daughter-in-law, don’t you plan to take it back for another daughter-in-law this time?"

This time Charles has a black thread, "Don’t keep talking about Cuihua, now She is my discipline. She has been very active after reading the news."

Diana asked the NPC maid to remove the fish soup and served the fried scallops.

She then asked, "Then what are you going to give Linda as an engagement gift next year?"

"Hey?" Charles was startled, "What the hell are you guys doing?" "

"It's nothing." Diana ate the plump and delicious scallop meat. "Your future brother-in-law intends to draw you a red line and create a'Megadon Economic Belt' at the same time. Your grandmother has agreed in principle. "

"What the hell is that?" Charles looked at Diana dumbfounded.

Then Diana introduced him to Auston I’s plan-an economic and trade belt that relies on the Megadon Family around the northern continent. Although the specific details still need to be discussed, all parties are not opposed to the establishment of this trade belt.

"So, you are caught in the vortex of political marriage." Diana said with a drink, "and your future brother-in-law intends to use the benefits of this plan to let the Bischberg parties give up their enemies. , So you don’t have so much worries when you get revenge."

Charles squeezed his brows, and couldn't speak for a long time.

Diana drank there and said, "Isn’t Linda okay, she’s pretty."

Charles spread his hands, "The three views are not in harmony. What's the use? You never think you can make her Three Views the same as ours, do you want her dad to jump out first to clean up you."

Diana put the wine glass on the table And then looked directly at Charles, and asked very seriously: "Are you suggesting something? Everyone is not young anymore, let's have something to say."

She waited for a while and found Charles Keep the movement of spreading hands and stop there motionless quietly, as if it was dropped.

Without one minute, Charles gradually faded away.

Diana curl one's lip, picked up the bottle and drank directly.

In the real world, Charles woke up abruptly and found that his whole body was drowned in a mixture of ice and water.

Then he saw Victoria and Laiv standing on either side of him, and Laiv was holding an empty bucket in his hand.

"Well, it's cleaned." Laiv said to Victoria, "This way I won't eat my stomach."

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