Quiet summer

Butterfly fluttering among the flowers

There is a little miss in my heart

I miss potato chips


I can pretend not to see

You secretly eat durian there

until I touch your fattened face


A gust of wind hits the air, interrupting the singing, blowing away the butterflies, pulling the skirt and shaking the hair.

Under the shade of the tree, in the reclining chair, Altria continued to read the book.

Next to the flowers, on the stone bench, Meliti pressed her skirt with her hand.

Diana saw the huge blue giant dragon descend from the sky, blinked, and put the banjo in her hand aside.

"Ms. Laiv?" Diana asked the beautiful woman who had turned into a human form in front of her.

"Are you Diana?" Laiv was curious about the girl, "Well, it really is a little beauty."

"Hello, Your Excellency Laiv." Meili on the side. Twi said hello to Laiv.

"Hello, little fellow, I am a lot older than when we last met." Laiv responded.

Altria left the recliner and walked over and said: "Why are you free to come over, are you here for a few days off?"

Laiv put on a bitter face , Complained: "I originally came to Victoria to play for a few days, but they got caught and lost one after another."

Then she looked at Diana and said, "Charles asked me to give you a gift. It's here."

"wa!" Melity's eyes lit up and she was more active than Diana. "Laiv, what gift is Charles giving here?"

"dong ! "

A two-meter-high, half-meter-diameter stone pillar suddenly appeared in front of everyone. The surface of the stone pillar is extremely smooth, without any cracks.

Diana remembered what he had said with Charles last night, frowned, and looked towards Laiv with a puzzled look.

Laiv laughed and said, "We think Charles gave you a good gift, so you can put it away. My task is complete and it's time to go."

At this time, Aalto Liya asked: "How is Charles doing?"

Laiv slightly smiled and said: "It's a bit stuffy." Then she turned into a giant dragon and flew away.

"What do you mean?" A confused Melity looked at Altria who returned to the shade of the tree to continue reading, and looked towards Diana next to her.

"It means literally." Diana answered while putting the stone pillar into the storage ring.

Then she looked at the sky and said: "The time is up, it's time to teach Rachel and the others."

⛑Dividing line⛏

Near the entrance of the tunnel to 303 Heights, the miners who completed the tunnel excavation began to evacuate.

When the miners evacuated, the Spirit Warrior soldiers began to build a defensive fortress on both sides of the tunnel with the excavated gravel. They needed to temporarily guard the tunnel.

The matter of Queen Your Majesty's visit and other matters were given a password. The miners are forbidden to discuss anything about this operation during the five-hundred-year secrecy period.

As for what Queen Your Majesty did in it, all the parties kept silent for the rest of their lives.

Scargill, the old miner, left the tunnel entrance with the cage of the safety bird last, and then other miners began to temporarily seal the tunnel entrance.

Aritosa supervised this final work, but she saw that Scargill came out frowned and asked: "Scargill, where's Charles, he didn't come out?"

"Huh?" Scargill started, "His Royal Highness, he left a long time ago. Didn't you see him?"

"Charles left?" Aretosha was also surprised," Why didn’t I see?"

Scargill saw that she didn’t notice the appearance of Charles leaving, and said to her: "The ball that Queen Your Majesty was holding at the time was him, Queen Your Majesty. He left with him when he left."

At this time Aretosha remembered that when Victoria left, she had a big ball in her hand, and Ms. Laiv was carrying a huge stone pillar. She Originally wanted to go up and talk to Queen Your Majesty, but Queen Your Majesty waved her to keep her busy, and then left with Ms. Laiv.

Scargill saw Aretosha's look a little weird, so he greeted him and left with the safety bird.

Scargill has also heard about Aretosha’s previous things. It seems that Aretosha had a personal relationship back then. Later, she died without knowing what happened. Treating all humans as weak chickens has caused some conflicts, and finally Elizabeth sent her to the south far away from humans.

Aritosha walked aside, and a soldier from the squadron came up and asked her for instructions.


The soldier didn't finish, Aritosha waved her hand and said, "The mission is cancelled. There is no need to send Charles back to Osmanthus City."


When night fell again, Osmanthus City suddenly issued the latest order, the harassment operation was stopped ahead of schedule, and the various ministries returned to the line of defense to strengthen their defense.

So the battle line returned to calm in half a night, and several murlocs in the abandoned murloc stronghold looked at the silhouette of the elves retreating, thanking them for avoided a catastrophe.

At the same time, among the murlocs, from Jenny to the little bosses in the stronghold are all confused about the actions of the elves.

The whole range of attacks by the elves were without warning and purpose. It seemed that the night was good, so I went out to fight, and then I felt that the moon was covered by clouds, so I went back. .

After receiving the news that the elves were retreating across the board, Jenny just spent two or three hours in the office and didn't think of the purpose of the elves in such a big battle this time.

Since he couldn't figure it out, then Jenny chose to strengthen his defense to stay the same.

The previous successive failures in the south of Wutong City made him find that his policy in the past two years seems to have gone the wrong way, and he needs a little time to reflect on it.

At the same time, Charles also set foot on the road to continue going west.

Victoria and Laiv didn't embarrass him, they just punish him a little bit for using Divine Item indiscriminately without clarifying the situation and let him go.

It’s just that Charles feels it’s a pity that he couldn’t see the traps set by Victoria when it was activated. It is said that when the time comes, it will be spectacular.

But the murlocs and demons can’t find them there. Knowing when it happened, he didn't hesitate to wait there any longer.

Although it is a pity that I cannot see the scene where countless vines spawned by the divine force on the stone wall strangling the enemy at the top of the mountain, according to Victoria, at this time he is more worried about the old man in Xueling Village. Has the village chief received a letter from him, and will he agree to his plan?

This year’s floods and droughts in the south and the north are a foregone conclusion. This is a disaster, but also an opportunity.

If the operation is done properly, there is no need to "sheep eating people". Those greedy food merchants and nobles can provide enough labor for the newly built textile industrial base in Linda territory.

At the same time, as long as there is no big mistake, Charles can use this opportunity to make a fortune in all aspects.

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